Global Warming is happening...on Mars

And there we have it, taxation is the cure. This would be on a global scale, a redistribution of wealth that the UN wants. The use of manipulated science to obtain a desired outcome.
THIS IS the issue at hand. A tip of the hat to you, Trakar.
He'll be along later to claim that's not what he meant, and you need to provide valid peer-reviewed research that proves you're not stu-pid. :laugh:

Yeah, he is a condenscending twit. :lol:

There goes that mirror thing again! "projection," used to be the psych term but I believe that "transference" is all the vogue currently.
What exactly is your understanding of climate change and the science indicating and supporting such?

I'm far, far from an expert (or even mildly educated). I am a chemical engineer, so at least I understand some of the words. :)

As a chemical engineer, you should have more than enough tools to engage this topic more directly,...of course, time and motivation are significant factors in the pursuit of that goal.

please feel free to ask if you ever have any questions or would like some good basic information concerning climate science, it makes up a large section of my personal database collection regarding climate science. If I can't help you directly, I would be glad to help point you in the right direction. I'll be on the boards as I have a bit of free time for the next week, but I'll probably be dropping back to once a week (or so) for the rest of the summer after that.

...Finally, my friends who live in Alaska (and/or have visited Alaska) are totally convinced about GW, without exception. Admittedly, it's hearsay, but these are by no means dyed-in-the-wool, liberal, tree-hugging idiots. In fact, most of them are ardent republicans!

Sorry, none of this is hard data, but it's the best I've got... :)

Again, my position is to act as though Global Warming might be true.

Thank you very much for asking!


I lived up in SE Alaska for about 5 years, in the mid 80s, and still visit family and friends up there every year or two. Beautiful country, but yes its a lot easier to deny the tremendous changes that are taking place if you happen to live in a place that hasn't seen much change in the last couple of decades,...or don't really pay much attention to the natural world to begin with. I was raised hunting and fishing and spending lots of my free time out in and amongst the natural world. This also explains why so many hunting and fishing organizations are such natural advocates for taking action on climate change issues.

Ducks Unlimited - Climate Change and Waterfowl

Trout Unlimited - Climate Change | Trout Unlimited - Conserving coldwater fisheries

Pheasants Forever - Pheasants Forever Press Release

American Sportsfishing Association/B.A.S.S. masters -

and most national and international hunting and fishing organizations.
I agree that there is global warming, also. But, I think that's it's been happening all along since the peak of the last iceage. Global warming isn't an inherent issue with just our planet, like some on the left would want us to believe.

Got verifiable, empiric evidences that support the belief (that global warming is a sustained, global trend in extension of the process that instigated the current interglacial epoch) or the assertion (that other planets are undergoing similar and concurrent climate change)?
The problem is apparent and well evidenced to the professional community and the quasi-scientific/political international investigative body that President Reagan instituted to survey the professional community and study the science of climate change and regularly report upon their current findings and understandings. That you seem to dislike the current political implications of these findings and understandings, does nothing to impact their veracity. I care little about your personal misperceptions or unsupported denialisms.
i'm sure you don't. And your "findings" have proven nothing except the climate is changing -- something it's always done.

Reagan's IPCC and the science they are mandated to review, says differently.

daveman said:
Once again, you advocate threat of government force to modify behavior.

That's all you've got.

Twist as you like, its all in the wind and without any apparent support.
What's to twist? You want to use government to force people to modify their behavior. You admitted it yourself.

AGW is a scam designed to bring about greater government control over individual lives.

Screw that.

This is the unsupported conspiracy theory you keep promoting.
And there we have it, taxation is the cure. This would be on a global scale, a redistribution of wealth that the UN wants. The use of manipulated science to obtain a desired outcome.
THIS IS the issue at hand. A tip of the hat to you, Trakar.
He'll be along later to claim that's not what he meant, and you need to provide valid peer-reviewed research that proves you're not stu-pid. :laugh:

No wonder you think so little of projections made from scientific understandings, as your own projections are so often so badly wrong!
Yes, my projection is wrong. I never thought you'd freely admit you support government control over individual lives, the utter destruction of the American energy industry, and global socialism.

I mean, you rarely see someone come out and admit they're stupid. I stand corrected.
Reagan's IPCC and the science they are mandated to review, says differently.
And the IPCC has no credibility.
A London newspaper reports today that the unsubstantiated Himalayan-glacier melt figures contained in a supposedly authoritative 2007 report on climate warming were used intentionally, despite the report’s lead author knowing there were no data to back them up.

Until now, the organization that published the report – the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – had argued the exaggerated figures in that report were an accident: due to insufficient fact checking of the source material.

Uh, no. It now appears the incident wasn’t quite that innocent.

The Sunday Mail’s David Rose reached Murari Lal, the coordinating lead author of the 2007 IPCC report’s chapter on Asia. Lal told Rose that he knew there were no solid data to support the report’s claim that Himalayan glaciers – the source of drinking and irrigation water for downstream areas throughout Asia – could dry up by 2035. Said Lal: “We thought that if we can highlight it, it will impact policy makers and politicians and encourage them to take some concrete action.” In other words, Rose says, Lal “last night admitted [the scary figure] was included purely to put political pressure on world leaders.”​
Do you call that science? Because it's not. It's agenda-driven politics. That you agree with the agenda does not make it real science.
This is the unsupported conspiracy theory you keep promoting.
Your blind unwillingness to see it does not make it unsupported -- because I have indeed supported it.

AGW is simply bad science.

And your continued invocation of Reagan, as if I'd suddenly support the IPCC's actions because he started it, reveals far more about you than it does about me.
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Trakar;3701343 A cure? not even close! But a carbon tax is one of the most appropriate means of recompensing the public commons for the true societal costs of open cycle fossil fuel combustion. Truth be told I would prefer an outright ban on the open-cycle combustion of fuels made from previously sequestered carbon products. Perhaps incrementally engaged said:
Scratch a leftist, find a totalitarian.

Okay, so you want an outright ban on the open-cycle combustion of fuels. Do you use electricity? Drive a car? Fly somewhere on vacation? Mow your lawn? Grill a steak?

Then you need to give all that up. Right now.

But you won't, because you're a flaming hypocrite.

My electricity is produced with a combination of solar, wind and a bio-diesel fuelled back-up generator. Both my car and my plane run on biodiesel mixes (with both, there is some cold weather conditioning necessary to keep the diesel from waxing up), the riding mower is lithium battery powered, and I use chunk charcoal and personally cut hardwood chips to do my outdoor grilling.

Again, probably best not to assume that everyone else does as you do, advocating one thing, while using different rules for yourself.
And there we have it, taxation is the cure. This would be on a global scale, a redistribution of wealth that the UN wants. The use of manipulated science to obtain a desired outcome.
THIS IS the issue at hand. A tip of the hat to you, Trakar.

A cure? not even close!

But a carbon tax is one of the most appropriate means of recompensing the public commons for the true societal costs of open cycle fossil fuel combustion. Truth be told I would prefer an outright ban on the open-cycle combustion of fuels made from previously sequestered carbon products. Perhaps incrementally engaged, but firm bans with strictly enforced penalties would be my preference. As it is direct and directly attacks the source of the problem. "Taxes" are a concession to those who prefer to push for market pressure solutions.

Of course it is, this is the desired outcome from the global left, Trakar.
Just the end, it will be the consumer that pays those taxes....not the polluter. The poor will be the least able to afford, but I'm sure they will be thought of as collateral damage.

That is your mantra, thus far you have not offered any compelling evidences to support your delusions.
He'll be along later to claim that's not what he meant, and you need to provide valid peer-reviewed research that proves you're not stu-pid. :laugh:

No wonder you think so little of projections made from scientific understandings, as your own projections are so often so badly wrong!
Yes, my projection is wrong. I never thought you'd freely admit you support government control over individual lives, the utter destruction of the American energy industry, and global socialism.

I mean, you rarely see someone come out and admit they're stupid. I stand corrected.

Funny, I've watched you proudly declare your ignorance and idiocy repeatedly and consistently over the last 6 months.

You can continue to twist and lie as you are wont to do, it doesn't change my actual words or the realities around us and accurately reflected in the science.
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My electricity is produced with a combination of solar, wind and a bio-diesel fuelled back-up generator. Both my car and my plane run on biodiesel mixes (with both, there is some cold weather conditioning necessary to keep the diesel from waxing up), the riding mower is lithium battery powered, and I use chunk charcoal and personally cut hardwood chips to do my outdoor grilling.

Again, probably best not to assume that everyone else does as you do, advocating one thing, while using different rules for yourself.

I'm impressed, bearing in mind that anyone can say anything on the internet.

Yet I can't help but notice you're connected to the internet. Do you know how much carbon that adds to the atmosphere?

Or are there some things you're not willing to give up for principle?
And there is still not a single experiment showing how a 60 or 100PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature or does any of the other things its supposed to (Melt ice caps, kill polar bears, killer tornadoes, Cat 5 hurricanes)
Funny, I've watched you proudly declare your ignorance and idiocy repeatedly over the last 6 months.
What is it with you leftists and your refusal to use dictionary meanings of words?

One more time: Ignorance and idiocy DON'T mean "something a leftist disagrees with".
You can continue to twist and lie as you are wont to do, it doesn't change my actual words or the realities around us and accurately reflected in the science.

There you go again. I haven't twisted or lied about anything. I've used your words, and the words of so-called climate "scientists". That you call it twisting and lying merely shows how dishonest you are.
Reagan's IPCC and the science they are mandated to review, says differently.
And the IPCC has no credibility.

Do you call that science?

No I call that "Ginning the Controversy" by a popsci rag uncritically reprinting a UK Tabloid article that I might expect to find accompanying a full page feature on the latest escapades by BatBoy in an American publication of equivilant standing.

What you don't seem to understand, is that even if politicians or one stripe or another manage to slip a couple of tidbits of false or misleading information into a voluminous overall analysis, it doesn't discredit anything other than that information itself. AGW did not critically depend upon whether some few glaciers in the one particular valley of the Himilayans were melting slightly slower than portrayed by some reckless Indian politicos who had input into the nation's contributions to the last IPCC report, and neither does this impact the overall veracity of the IPCC's findings with regards to Climate Change any more than your forgetting to apply special sauce to a single Big Mac is likely to be a significant factor in McDonald's corporate quarterly profits.

If anything this argues for pulling the political component completely out of IPCC process and turning it over entirely to the global scientific community.

And your continued invocation of Reagan, as if I'd suddenly support the IPCC's actions because he started it, reveals far more about you than it does about me.

seriously?! I was simply using Reagan to date reference the timing of the IPCC establishment. Your protestations and huffiness over the Reagan administration's role in supporting and mandating the methodology and procedures of operation for the IPCC are interesting, however, in a mildly meh manner.
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I agree that there is global warming, also. But, I think that's it's been happening all along since the peak of the last iceage. Global warming isn't an inherent issue with just our planet, like some on the left would want us to believe.

Got verifiable, empiric evidences that support the belief (that global warming is a sustained, global trend in extension of the process that instigated the current interglacial epoch) or the assertion (that other planets are undergoing similar and concurrent climate change)?

Are you a you need proof that the sun rises everyday?
What's happened to the glaciers since the last iceage? :cuckoo:

Did YOU even bother to look at the original OP? (Global Warming is happening...on Mars) :razz:
Like I said you need to bone up. Try doing some of your own thinking instead of having others do it for you.
A cure? not even close!

But a carbon tax is one of the most appropriate means of recompensing the public commons for the true societal costs of open cycle fossil fuel combustion. Truth be told I would prefer an outright ban on the open-cycle combustion of fuels made from previously sequestered carbon products. Perhaps incrementally engaged, but firm bans with strictly enforced penalties would be my preference. As it is direct and directly attacks the source of the problem. "Taxes" are a concession to those who prefer to push for market pressure solutions.

Of course it is, this is the desired outcome from the global left, Trakar.
Just the end, it will be the consumer that pays those taxes....not the polluter. The poor will be the least able to afford, but I'm sure they will be thought of as collateral damage.

That is your mantra, thus far you have not offered any compelling evidences to support your delusions.

Like I said....I'm not going to jump through your hoops....There are threads where this has already been exploited. If you really want to see the evidence....try doing your own damn research IN THIS FORUM. You have an agenda trakar, it has already shown to be your own words. YOU are the one who is delusional.
My electricity is produced with a combination of solar, wind and a bio-diesel fuelled back-up generator. Both my car and my plane run on biodiesel mixes (with both, there is some cold weather conditioning necessary to keep the diesel from waxing up), the riding mower is lithium battery powered, and I use chunk charcoal and personally cut hardwood chips to do my outdoor grilling.

Again, probably best not to assume that everyone else does as you do, advocating one thing, while using different rules for yourself.

I'm impressed, bearing in mind that anyone can say anything on the internet.

Is denial a habit you use for every aspect of life you find inconvenient?

Yet I can't help but notice you're connected to the internet. Do you know how much carbon that adds to the atmosphere?

Who's internet? The section I'm linked to is sustainably powered, if yours isn't that's a problem you should be concerned about, all I can do is advocate for people to pay more attention to their planet and their pocketbook and choose sustainable practices to advantage both.
My electricity is produced with a combination of solar, wind and a bio-diesel fuelled back-up generator. Both my car and my plane run on biodiesel mixes (with both, there is some cold weather conditioning necessary to keep the diesel from waxing up), the riding mower is lithium battery powered, and I use chunk charcoal and personally cut hardwood chips to do my outdoor grilling.

Again, probably best not to assume that everyone else does as you do, advocating one thing, while using different rules for yourself.

I'm impressed, bearing in mind that anyone can say anything on the internet.

Is denial a habit you use for every aspect of life you find inconvenient?

Yet I can't help but notice you're connected to the internet. Do you know how much carbon that adds to the atmosphere?

Who's internet? The section I'm linked to is sustainably powered, if yours isn't that's a problem you should be concerned about, all I can do is advocate for people to pay more attention to their planet and their pocketbook and choose sustainable practices to advantage both.

Excuse me while I get my boots on....the bullshit is getting deep. :rolleyes:

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