Global warming explained without computer models.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
[ame=]The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC - YouTube[/ame]

This slaughters the deniers theories....I can't wait to see this nina string, aerosol uptick slow down come to the end. These deniers are going to shit themselves.:eek:
Pretty much where I have been coming from. Plenty of solid observational evidence, and has been for a couple of decades now. Those that reject this for poltical reasons will find the political party suffering the consequences when the consequences become as obvious as the warming has become.

Ive been watching the same regurgitated crap on this forum for years now.......hundreds and hundreds of bomb throwing threads. And to read them, you'd think the agenda of the committed warmist OC's would be dominating the issue agenda in the country. To the rest of us though, its like these people getting hyper-giddy over watching paint dry. In other words......nobody else is impressed.......and there is TONS of evidence to support that statement.

From yesterdays REALCLEARENERGY..........

Institute for Energy Research | The Department of Energy Spends $11 Million Per Job

No elaboration needed.......only a climate k00k would get giddy over those numbers!!!:D

Coal on a major comback........especially in Europe where it was disappearing a decade ago.

Institute for Energy Research | Coal and Gas Fight Over Electric Generation Market

Cheap energy > expensive as shit energy:dance:

US energy boom emerging..........( Oooops........not solar or wind:fu: )

Comeback: America?s new economic boom | The Great Debate

Bonn Climate Talks end with a big old wet fart..........:coffee:

Yet Another Round of Climate Talks Ends with a Pffft | Via Meadia

The worm has turned regarding the sceptics amongst regular people ( non-warmist OC's).....complete flip since 2006.

Greens oppose drilling, fracking, Keystone ? and exports

RealClearEnergy - Environmentalists Are Killing the U.S. Economy

Significant US climate legislation in the shitter for many years now......and zero to come!!! Democrats want to be reelected in 2014!! Any bill in 2013 might ot even get out of committee:funnyface::up::funnyface::up:

In U.S. Senate, Climate Change Bill Dies With a Whimper | Popular Science

So.......sceptics shitting their pants???

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Listen.......perpetually banging your head against the wall can really get to the psyche.........this helps. Trust me......Im in the field.

There is alot of new evidence that protracted periods of depression can lead to actual psychotic episodes, some that become chronic. For the bozo's of the world, OCD comes under the umbrella of depression........dollar to a 1,000 stale donuts that every single one of the warmist nutters on here have some kind of familial tie to depression and/or depressive syndromes. In other words, its a parent, grandparent on one side or the many people in this country are in the situation and dont even realize it.

Obsessive?compulsive disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SSRO/SSRI medications produce miracles......they facilitate the thinking process. When there is not enough or too much seretonin at the critical synapses, you get what psychiatrists refer to as ruminating thoughts on either general or specific information ( sound familiar). Its the exact same dynamic one sees with a gambling adict.

Clearly.......people sitting home and shitting in their pants about climate catastrophy or melting down when they see any regular wild weather event.......well, the setting screws arent just right. Pharmachological aids like Zoloft, Effexor, Lexopro et. al. open up a whole new world to these people because the hamster wheel thinking is effectively disabled.

Look at your family histories s0ns.........and dont ignore them!!!:bye1:
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The green subsidy industry is not even close to having any impact on still rising global carbon emissions. It further hampers struggling national economies with no discernible benefit. And it threatens national electricity generation and thus future prosperity. It does, however, make bundles of cash for central government, some of which ends up recycled as yet more job-busting green subsidies.

- See more at: The Green Subsidy Job Loss Nexus - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune

= fucked up

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