Global Warming Cult Death Threats.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2010
North Coast, USA

Anyone have any doubt that these global warming criminals are not criminals?

Is threatening to murder little school children on public TV a crime?

Stalinists like Muhdammed and SSDD have no business projecting their own bloodlust on to decent and honest people.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn Lamar Smith's current witch hunt.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn the attempts of the Republican party to imprison Dr. Mann and other climate scientists.

Every denier on this board is a very proud Stalinist. None of them will stand up to their party and say "this is wrong!". They're all either enthusiastic backers of the Stalinism, or they're scared that their Party will turn on them if they dare dissent from ThePartyLine.

Muhammed also lied his ass off about the video, which threatened nobody, but lying is standard for Stalinists. When TheParty commands them to lie, then they lie.
Stalinists like Muhdammed and SSDD have no business projecting their own bloodlust on to decent and honest people.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn Lamar Smith's current witch hunt.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn the attempts of the Republican party to imprison Dr. Mann and other climate scientists.

Every denier on this board is a very proud Stalinist. None of them will stand up to their party and say "this is wrong!". They're all either enthusiastic backers of the Stalinism, or they're scared that their Party will turn on them if they dare dissent from ThePartyLine.

Muhammed also lied his ass off about the video, which threatened nobody, but lying is standard for Stalinists. When TheParty commands them to lie, then they lie.

Anyone have any doubt that these global warming criminals are not criminals?

Is threatening to murder little school children on public TV a crime?

Now fellow, you are really a lying piece of fecal material.

And I think you are extraordinarily ignorant of science and lack logical reasoning skills.
Stalinists like Muhdammed and SSDD have no business projecting their own bloodlust on to decent and honest people.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn Lamar Smith's current witch hunt.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn the attempts of the Republican party to imprison Dr. Mann and other climate scientists.

Every denier on this board is a very proud Stalinist. None of them will stand up to their party and say "this is wrong!". They're all either enthusiastic backers of the Stalinism, or they're scared that their Party will turn on them if they dare dissent from ThePartyLine.

Muhammed also lied his ass off about the video, which threatened nobody, but lying is standard for Stalinists. When TheParty commands them to lie, then they lie.
all of the true climate deniers won't post up any evidence that human CO2 is dangerous to global warming. Come on man!!!!!!
Stalinists like Muhdammed and SSDD have no business projecting their own bloodlust on to decent and honest people.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn Lamar Smith's current witch hunt.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn the attempts of the Republican party to imprison Dr. Mann and other climate scientists.

Every denier on this board is a very proud Stalinist. None of them will stand up to their party and say "this is wrong!". They're all either enthusiastic backers of the Stalinism, or they're scared that their Party will turn on them if they dare dissent from ThePartyLine.

Muhammed also lied his ass off about the video, which threatened nobody, but lying is standard for Stalinists. When TheParty commands them to lie, then they lie.



Stalinists like Muhdammed and SSDD have no business projecting their own bloodlust on to decent and honest people.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn Lamar Smith's current witch hunt.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn the attempts of the Republican party to imprison Dr. Mann and other climate scientists.

Every denier on this board is a very proud Stalinist. None of them will stand up to their party and say "this is wrong!". They're all either enthusiastic backers of the Stalinism, or they're scared that their Party will turn on them if they dare dissent from ThePartyLine.

Muhammed also lied his ass off about the video, which threatened nobody, but lying is standard for Stalinists. When TheParty commands them to lie, then they lie.


If only the world worked that way.
Crick made a long list of deniers wishing death on their opponents. Here's one version of it. I don't think it's the full version.

Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass... | Page 11 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Needless to say, there are no examples of any death wishes coming from the rational people. All the violence comes from the denier side. And not a single denier has ever condemned any of the chronic violence coming from their side, which would indicate they all support it. Deniers are just a very bloodthirsty crowd.
Stalinists like Muhdammed and SSDD have no business projecting their own bloodlust on to decent and honest people.

You have to be one of the most ignorant people I have ever encountered? Do you have the first clue as to what a stalinist is? Here....for a start....the political, economic, and social principles and policies associated with Stalin; especially : the theory and practice of communism developed by Stalin from Marxism-Leninism and marked especially by rigid authoritarianism, widespread use of terror, and often emphasis on Russian nationalism

You think for a second that I am communist? What is the first requirement for communism? Hint.....big government. Sorry hairball...I am by no stretch of the imagination a big government are far closer to stalinist than me....I favor government so small that it could not be authoritarian...or terrorize the citizenry...that all falls in your territory...we know that you and yours love big government and the power over individuals that comes with it...

Like I said, you much closer to being a stalinist than myself...and you are incredibly ignorant of political philosophy among other things.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn Lamar Smith's current witch hunt.

It's his job to assure that public money are being properly used...and the weatherman can not rationally claim national security issues with regard to emails between weathermen....such a claim stinks of fraud.

Not a single denier here is willing to condemn the attempts of the Republican party to imprison Dr. Mann and other climate scientists.

After all are still defending that criminal...see, you are acting just like uncle joe...good old stalin would be proud of people like you....protect the government at all costs...government is infallible...government is your god.

Every denier on this board is a very proud Stalinist. None of them will stand up to their party and say "this is wrong!". They're all either enthusiastic backers of the Stalinism, or they're scared that their Party will turn on them if they dare dissent from ThePartyLine.

As has been shown.. you are far closer to those you call deniers. By the way...did you know that denier is historically a term used to accuse people of not accepting a religion...interesting choice...I certainly don't believe in your state run, state financed, green religion.

Muhammed also lied his ass off about the video, which threatened nobody, but lying is standard for Stalinists. When TheParty commands them to lie, then they lie.

You think showing images of people being blown up for not accepting your religion is non threatening? Even you aren't that stupid....clearly you will tell any lie necessary to support your high priests and whatever propaganda they produce.
Crick made a long list of deniers wishing death on their opponents. Here's one version of it. I don't think it's the full version.

The best crick could come up with was people suggesting that you warmers have the courage of your convictions...that you make a choice...Crick is the one who actually suggested killing people outright who don't agree with you as evidenced by his quote in my sig...suggestions that you off yourself are a far cry from suggestions that the government kill those you call deniers...

Clearly you can't help but is your nature...

Needless to say, there are no examples of any death wishes coming from the rational people. All the violence comes from the denier side. And not a single denier has ever condemned any of the chronic violence coming from their side, which would indicate they all support it. Deniers are just a very bloodthirsty crowd.

You are perfectly aware of crick's quote in my is, as far as I can tell, the only suggestion on the board that those you call deniers be killed.
Crick made a long list of deniers wishing death on their opponents. Here's one version of it. I don't think it's the full version.

Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass... | Page 11 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Needless to say, there are no examples of any death wishes coming from the rational people. All the violence comes from the denier side. And not a single denier has ever condemned any of the chronic violence coming from their side, which would indicate they all support it. Deniers are just a very bloodthirsty crowd.
Funny. Frank had criksters death statement as his signature funny eh?
Not one of the comments in my collection use the word "hypothetical" , a common English word which you apparently still fail to understand.
Not one of the comments in my collection use the word "hypothetical" , a common English word which you apparently still fail to understand.

And not one of the comments in your collection suggested did.

I don't fail to understand at fact, I see all to clearly. I am sure that somewhere in the past, stalin, lenin, hitler, pol pot, mao...etc., all thought in terms of the hypothetical...The very fact that you are thinking that it would be expedient to kill skeptics puts you over on the "Group W" bench under the sign marked abnormal psychology.

You said what you said getting around revealed, intentionally or not, what is going on in your mind...and what you think of people, and what you think should be done with people that don't agree with you on this topic.. Everything we wish to do begins as a germ of a thought...a hypothetical...from eating a second donut to buying a car or killing people who have opposing views but just won't go away...
If you urge someone to commit suicide and based in any part on that suggestion, they do so, you bear some responsibility for that death. Many of the suggestions I have in my collection are specific "Why don't YOU kill yourself" they say. I made no such recommendation. I did not suggest killing anyone. I made an observation about the effect of a hypothetical action against an unidentified class of individuals in response to Stephanie's direct suggestion to me that I commit suicide. And, as I have noted repeatedly before, neither you nor anyone else on your side of this argument has ever said one word in response to Stephanie or to anyone else suggesting suicide. And, since science tells us quite clearly that animal respiration does not affect CO2 levels in the atmosphere, the suggestion is not that we "have the courage of our convictions". It is a death wish, plain and simple. And we get them from you because you're fully aware that you have no valid arguments and you hate us because we reveal your failings.

If you want to continue to flail on about this bullshit, enjoy yourself. The only thing revealed by it is your hypocrisy.

Anyone have any doubt that these global warming criminals are not criminals?

Is threatening to murder little school children on public TV a crime?

All those Liberal Arts grads on the left have an advantage at drama, and fiction. They've always relied on agitating with fables and tall tales..

Lucky for us -- it only really works on other logic impaired leftists..

Anyone have any doubt that these global warming criminals are not criminals?

Is threatening to murder little school children on public TV a crime?

All those Liberal Arts grads on the left have an advantage at drama, and fiction.
I don't think so.

When's the last time you saw a dramatic political production from the right? They can't even make decent protest signs.. :biggrin:

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