Glen Beck - Cut defense spending


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
[ame=]YouTube - GBTV_041510-1[/ame]

I'm curious to see what actual responses to this episode are. I know the typical response from the left is to just ignore Glenn and find something to make fun of about him. But then the left has routinely stated we need to cut the defense budget. So do you actually support him when he suggests this? or do you make fun of him?
Well, I watched Beck tonight - because of Avatar's clip. He made some good points on defense. Had a couple of dudes from the Cato Institute on to discuss.

I think I may have to look more at what he said.... I like to know stuff before I comment on it. If more people actually investigated an issue instead of bouncing up and down like kool aid drinkers without looking at the whole picture, we'd have a better class of discussion.
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Clearly the entire clip episode isnt posted, which is odd because i took the link from the entire episode... oh well.
Beck lost any attention I would pay him long ago.
I conisder him insignificant and irrelevant.

I avoid emo punks.
Beck lost any attention I would pay him long ago.
I conisder him insignificant and irrelevant.

I avoid emo punks.

That explains why you seem quite ill-informed often.... because you dismiss information because of the source. While I cannot particularly comment on Beck per se, I do find that the clips of him about defense were actually pretty intelligent.
Glen Beck is free to express his opinions all he wants. Why he would think he has any influence in the matter is beyond me but he has a right to say it.

He has become a caracature of himself with all his crazy talk. The teapartiers might like for him to be one of their spokespeople but anyone else would hardly give him a glance.

No, I don't respect his opinions especially when he pretends to know something about spending our money.
Glen Beck is free to express his opinions all he wants. Why he would think he has any influence in the matter is beyond me but he has a right to say it.

He has become a caracature of himself with all his crazy talk. The teapartiers might like for him to be one of their spokespeople but anyone else would hardly give him a glance.

No, I don't respect his opinions especially when he pretends to know something about spending our money.

Having seen a few of his clips, and having read a few of your posts. I'd say he knows a damned sight more than you do.
I'd go a step further. Return the whole budget to year 2000 levels. Yes, I know that means all the government expansion since Clinton would be unfunded, and I consider that a GOOD thing.

Given my druthers all cabinet level departments and agencies created post 1951 (the Dept of Transporation) would be shut down too.
I'd go a step further. Return the whole budget to year 2000 levels. Yes, I know that means all the government expansion since Clinton would be unfunded, and I consider that a GOOD thing.

Given my druthers all cabinet level departments and agencies created post 1951 (the Dept of Transporation) would be shut down too.

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