Giving The Finger To Labor on Labor Day

The Walmart family is worth $144 Billion dollars. This year the government is giving them back $6 Billion in tax breaks that's 6,000 million dollars to one family. A reasonable American would wonder why they don't do something for the middle class instead.

This may come as a bit of a surprise, as you can browse through Forbes’ extensive rich list and not find a single mention of the name ‘Rothschild’ in their list of the 500 wealthiest people on Earth. This is because the Rothschild’s wealth has been distributed amongst hundreds of heirs throughout the years, and has therefore diluted each individual’s personal fortune. With this being said, it is estimated that the Rothschild Family as a whole still possess in the region of $350 billion USD in assets throughout the world. Bear in mind that this is a low estimation. Due to their great secrecy, the sheer amount of assets they hold, and the scale of their operations, it is difficult to estimate exactly how much the Rothschild Family are worth. Higher estimates have placed it in the region of $1 trillion USD, making them by far the wealthiest family on Earth.

Of course since the Rothschilds, and nazi collaborators and sociopaths like George Soros fund the leftwing globalist agenda, their wealth shouldn't be scrutinized right?

Have you ever had a independent thought of your own?

Yea, the Democrats are a real friend of working class Americans.

Opening the borders to unskilled illegals who drive wages and working conditions into the ground.
Also let us not forget helping drive our industrial base overseas with their ridiculous environmental regulations.

There is plenty of blame for the Republicans as well, but anyone who thinks the Democrats are friends of the working man is a fucking stooge.

You couldn't be more wrong about that. Just who do you think pays all those illegals? and the people of Bhopal India want to know when Union Carbide is going to bring back their dead children.
My mother worked under a union for over 30 years.

My father worked under a union.

Tho I once worked under a union, I will NEVER back those backstabbing bastards in anything.

Nor anyone they support

I won't even buy products made in union shops if I can help it.

Unions are a detriment to real labor.

The question on this Labor Day is Why do Republicans hate the middle class?

How can Republicans hate the middle class when a great deal of them ARE the middle class?

What is it with you liberals and the word "hate?"

What is it with you Republicans giving jobs to China, Mexico, Malaysia, and everywhere else you can use child labor to produce your products?
Bud that was both parties that jumped on that bandwagon.

The advent of container shipping and advances in cell and radio communication made for a boomtown of foreign business to America. Nobody was prepared for that except technology which went crazy because of it in the 90's. America wasn't ready for those advances and if they had time to think about it fewer mistakes would have been made that impacted the middle class so badly.
I'm sorry that does not cut it for me when our country;
Bailed out car makers in order to save factories that the personal jet set crowd started in other countries.
Did nothing to prevent billionaires who made their money off of the people in this country to lines their own pockets in other countries and now complain and have paid whiners throughout to trash talk normal everyday folk.
Allows known frauds to strip the wealth from privates in order to start businesses in Mexico, etc. etc. etc. We could go on all day with the list of why and what is causing the break down right now today and still lawmakers, judges and the so called elitist will say its all labors fault. The biggest fault labor has had is they believed and drank the cool aide handed to them.

By the way I was born rich per GDP in this country and now a child is born into poverty GDP in it.
Public sector unions shouldn't be allowed. The one thing I respected about Mike Bloomberg is that he stood up to the parasitic teacher unions, who are not only failing our kids but bleeding our country dry at the same time.
The question on this Labor Day is Why do Republicans hate the middle class?

How can Republicans hate the middle class when a great deal of them ARE the middle class?

What is it with you liberals and the word "hate?"

What is it with you Republicans giving jobs to China, Mexico, Malaysia, and everywhere else you can use child labor to produce your products?

Ah, that would be Clinton, predicted and happened. Now the question is what happened to your memory?
Conservatives can't have it both ways.

They can't on the one hand advocate that working Americans be denied safe working conditions, job security, and a living wage while refusing them on the other the right to join together to bargain with employers from a position of strength in response to abusive treatment.

It isn't the 18th Century anymore, and the doctrine of 'liberty to contract' is an anachronism thankfully long gone, never to return.
I believe that the labor backlash began when labor had assumed too much power and that began a concerted effort to rollback advances they had made. That said, it has gone too far and we will see a labor rebirth in the future. To correct your piece, the personal jet was born in this country with the Lear jet and the Lockheed Jetstar in the early 60's.
The contempt and outright hate the right has for labor has walked a long road. This advertisement from 1956 shows just how far it has come.

Today, modern Republicans have traveled the full gamut. Scott Walker not long ago compared the defeat of labor unions to the defeat of ISIS.

"....6. Scott Walker vows to seek a federal “right to work” law.

During an April interview with Radio Iowa, the 2016 candidate most synomous with the union crushing so-called right-to-work laws vowed to bring his “courage…and capacity” to the White House to oversee a “legitimate” effort to make every state a “right-to-work.”

“I think in Washington we need that even more,” Walker argued in favor of federal intervention.

“As much as I think the federal government should get out of most of what it’s in right now, I think establishing fundamental freedoms for the American people is a legitimate thing and that would be something that would provide that opportunity in the other half of America to people who don’t have those opportunities today.”

7. Ditto for Rand Paul

The Kentucky senator has actually introduced federal legislation to this effect.

8. Chris Christie wants to punch the national teachers union in the face.

In a recent interview, CNN’s Jake Tapper noted Christie’s fondness for advising to punch bullies in the face, asking, “At the national level, who deserves a punch in the face?”

“The national teachers union,” Christie replied, citing the American Federation of Teachers’ endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

And at a recent campaign stop in New Hampshire, Christie blamed teachers unions for U.S. students falling behind their global peers. “The teachers union likes to be off work four or five months a year. They like to get a full-time salary for a part-time job. They don’t want to work longer hours.”

9. Jeb! says Americans need to “work longer hours.”

Although he’d later attempt to clarify the statement (for the umpteenth time), in July Bush told the New Hampshire Union Leader that in order to achieve his “aspirations for the country” of “4 percent growth as far as the eye can see,” American workers would have to “work longer hours.”

Never mind that the U.S. hasn’t seen a sustained period of 4 percent annual growth in potential GDP in a half-century.

10. And let’s not forget Carly Fiorinia’s layoffs at HP.

The 30,000 sad emojis that greet visitors of are a lighthearted reminder of the former Hewlett-Packard CEO’s disastrous record running the Silicon Valley giant, but Fiorina, who oversaw the layoff of 30,000 workers as CEO, was seriously unfunny when she simultaneously defended corporations’ right to outsource jobs, lobbying against government efforts to protect U.S. workers.

“There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore,” Fiorina declared.
Read more at the link: 10 times GOP candidates gave labor a giant middle finger -

The question on this Labor Day is Why do Republicans hate the middle class?

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."

--- Abraham Lincoln, 1861​
The question on this Labor Day is Why do Republicans hate the middle class?

How can Republicans hate the middle class when a great deal of them ARE the middle class?

What is it with you liberals and the word "hate?"

What is it with you Republicans giving jobs to China, Mexico, Malaysia, and everywhere else you can use child labor to produce your products?

Ah, that would be Clinton, predicted and happened. Now the question is what happened to your memory?

Business started moving offshore in the early 80's and it was because of the development of containerized shipping. Without that advance Walmart would have never been born.
Conservatives can't have it both ways.

They can't on the one hand advocate that working Americans be denied safe working conditions, job security, and a living wage while refusing them on the other the right to join together to bargain with employers from a position of strength in response to abusive treatment.

It isn't the 18th Century anymore, and the doctrine of 'liberty to contract' is an anachronism thankfully long gone, never to return.

What utter bullshit.

Safe working conditions are part of our culture, job security depends on the individual and the business need for the job, a "living wage " is a bullshit concept and collective bargaining should not obligate an individual to surrender their own interests. Making people be productive in exchange for their labor is not abusive you sniveling putz.

This isn't soviet russia either, people should be free to achieve more than douchebags like you who do as little as possible, and even thwart the efforts of motivated people. Douchebags like you are parasites, and I've run into a lot of them.

Conservatives can't have it both ways.

They can't on the one hand advocate that working Americans be denied safe working conditions, job security, and a living wage while refusing them on the other the right to join together to bargain with employers from a position of strength in response to abusive treatment.

It isn't the 18th Century anymore, and the doctrine of 'liberty to contract' is an anachronism thankfully long gone, never to return.

What utter bullshit.

Safe working conditions are part of our culture, job security depends on the individual and the business need for the job, a "living wage " is a bullshit concept and collective bargaining should not obligate an individual to surrender their own interests. Making people be productive in exchange for their labor is not abusive you sniveling putz.

This isn't soviet russia either, people should be free to achieve more than douchebags like you who do as little as possible, and even thwart the efforts of motivated people. Douchebags like you are parasites, and I've run into a lot of them.

You gotta love that the true agenda is shown at times.
What is it with you Republicans giving jobs to China, Mexico, Malaysia, and everywhere else you can use child labor to produce your products

Well then, why doesn't Obama do more to get them back? Oh wait, he hasn't. He's been helping. That's what happens when we have some of the highest excise taxes in the world.
Conservatives can't have it both ways.

They can't on the one hand advocate that working Americans be denied safe working conditions, job security, and a living wage while refusing them on the other the right to join together to bargain with employers from a position of strength in response to abusive treatment.

It isn't the 18th Century anymore, and the doctrine of 'liberty to contract' is an anachronism thankfully long gone, never to return.

What utter bullshit.

Safe working conditions are part of our culture, job security depends on the individual and the business need for the job, a "living wage " is a bullshit concept and collective bargaining should not obligate an individual to surrender their own interests. Making people be productive in exchange for their labor is not abusive you sniveling putz.

This isn't soviet russia either, people should be free to achieve more than douchebags like you who do as little as possible, and even thwart the efforts of motivated people. Douchebags like you are parasites, and I've run into a lot of them.

Tell that to the guy who got left in the oven at Bumblebee Seafoods in California. Tell that to the woman who George Bush congratulated because she had to have three minimum wage jobs to survive. 66% of the income growth went to the top 1% between 2000 and 2001, the rest of us know where the money is going why don't you?
What is it with you Republicans giving jobs to China, Mexico, Malaysia, and everywhere else you can use child labor to produce your products

Well then, why doesn't Obama do more to get them back? Oh wait, he hasn't. He's been helping. That's what happens when we have some of the highest excise taxes in the world.

I won't disagree with that I think corporate taxes should be nil. Capital gains should be taxed accordingly to make up for the lost income.
You couldn't be more wrong about that. Just who do you think pays all those illegals? and the people of Bhopal India want to know when Union Carbide is going to bring back their dead children.

Only Republicans hire illegals?

As I said: There is plenty of blame for the Republicans as well, but anyone who thinks the Democrats are friends of the working man is a fucking stooge.

Get over the hatred you seem to have for those who don't share your adoration for liberal politicians and get your head out of the sand.

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