Giving my pet spider a ride...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
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For the last few days (five, I think) I've had a spider web and spider riding in the bed of my cowboy Cadillac. The web is attached to the tip of a radio antenna, the top of the bed box and the bottom of the rear window.

The spider has been 80 mph on the freeway, been through several drive-thru lines, sat in the sun one day and the shade the next...hasn't complained a bit.

The web has survived (except when it is eaten by the spider) rain and 80 mph winds without any apparent damage.

How much should I charge the spider for transportation? Should I let it ride for free or just thump its ass off in the middle of a big parking lot?



I wonder if it will live there through Halloween? It has already freaked out two people at the QT.
Get someone to drive next to you on the freeway and take some video. Do a mini-documentary, put it on Youtube, and before you know it the two of you will be doing the Letterman show (if it's a female spider be sure to keep an eye on that horny Dave). You should be paying that spider for all the noteriety it'll get ya.
Get someone to drive next to you on the freeway and take some video. Do a mini-documentary, put it on Youtube, and before you know it the two of you will be doing the Letterman show (if it's a female spider be sure to keep an eye on that horny Dave). You should be paying that spider for all the noteriety it'll get ya.
That might work if I could get the little nipper to stay center web when the truck moves. I get over ten miles an hour and it crawls down to the base of the antenna where the wind is calm. The web flaps like a boat flag at 30 knots, but the spider is crouched in a ball near the window.

One small shot of Raid should take care of the "freeloader"... Don't believe I've ever seen anything quite like this before.
burning your truck is the only option I see. :)
and where do you live because I never want to go there if they have spiders that look like that.
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