Give 'em Everything They Want...


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
This is some advice to my "right wing" buds and Tea Partiers. From a libertarian that understands both sides.. And also a warning to my leftist buds as well..

Here's a new plan. Give Pelosi/Obama/Reid EVERYTHING they want. Tax the literal crap out the rich. Destroy Soc Sec by making it unrecognizable as FDR's program. Go ahead and penalize corporations and businesses with the biggest govt clubs you can grab. Please PASS an onerous energy policy that saps more of our economy.. Defend that nebulous health care monstrosity that nobody can figure out. Stimulate the economy into a gigantic orgasmic orgy of success.

They've got a year and half left. WHY OPPOSE the agenda? If WE (including me) believe that their policies would be a disaster -- let it play out. That's the scientific method. Give the American people a demonstration of the results. After all -- they DID have a mandate to govern.. And the American people legally mandated that choice.

You KNOW what the result would be. Complete and utter destruction of Progressive/Socialist agenda in the United States for decades -- maybe ever.

You would probably find out that the DEM party itself would put the brakes on. Like they did on the wars and Gitmo and any number of different fakey hissy-fits that have been thrown. It would end the postering and see if they REALLY TRUELY believe in what they constantly whine about.

About 18 months of hell til a change can occur.. But man -- it's a century of progress for this nation if you did it....
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he right fights what the American people vote for because they know it will work.

it has before.

That is why they fight it
What’s sad and telling about this thread is that it is indicative of the great partisan divide, of the unwillingness to compromise and work to find viable solutions to our Nation’s problems, and of the dogmatic zealotry predicated on a scorched earth philosophy.

To advocate the ‘destruction’ of the United States as a means to destroy one’s enemies is inane.

Give neither party ‘what it wants’ if it’s determined to be detrimental to the country; compel lawmakers to take a pragmatic approach to serve the needs of the American people, not partisan interests alone.
No, rolling over and taking it further up the ass doesn't sound like a good plan at all.

Appreciate the optics on that. But I'm sure Sun Tzu would approve of this plan.

Because by opposing them, you are giving the enemy cover to claim that their plans WOULD have worked -- if the mean evil opposition didn't block them. Thus propagating another generation of useless typing on USMB..

Want to DESTROY the far left wingers in charge? Let them charge fully into the field of battle, cut off the exits, and watch the flames.. No more stupid threads on TParty racism or 'the rich'.. For the rest of your blissful lives..

And the actual damage CAN'T be done in just 1.5 years... Only the certainty that it was the entirely wrong actions and directions..
What’s sad and telling about this thread is that it is indicative of the great partisan divide, of the unwillingness to compromise and work to find viable solutions to our Nation’s problems, and of the dogmatic zealotry predicated on a scorched earth philosophy.

To advocate the ‘destruction’ of the United States as a means to destroy one’s enemies is inane.

Give neither party ‘what it wants’ if it’s determined to be detrimental to the country; compel lawmakers to take a pragmatic approach to serve the needs of the American people, not partisan interests alone.

Whoa Whoa. Are you saying that an unfettered OBAMA/Pelosi agenda would be to "advocate the destruction of the United States"???

Before you call the FBI --- just watch the reactions from "your left" on this thread to see WHERE the partisian divide really comes from...... :lol:
No, rolling over and taking it further up the ass doesn't sound like a good plan at all.

Appreciate the optics on that. But I'm sure Sun Tzu would approve of this plan.

Because by opposing them, you are giving the enemy cover to claim that their plans WOULD have worked -- if the mean evil opposition didn't block them. Thus propagating another generation of useless typing on USMB..

Want to DESTROY the far left wingers in charge? Let them charge fully into the field of battle, cut off the exits, and watch the flames.. No more stupid threads on TParty racism or 'the rich'.. For the rest of your blissful lives..

And the actual damage CAN'T be done in just 1.5 years... Only the certainty that it was the entirely wrong actions and directions..

That's one way to spin it...however, keeping in mind that the right or left wingers do not decide elections any more, the middle could be swayed to oppose those who sat by and did "nothing". Politics aside, it's really not the American nature to tape our mouths shut and sit on our can be a curse and a blessing.
When has unfettered markets worked in human history?

When in human history have we had unfettered markets?

Who is asking for unfettered markets now?

Got a link?

the right.

they want to cut regulations at every turn and no matter how much mess it causes they ask for more

I saw your silly claim, now I'd like to see some proof.

Where's your link?

Where do you imagine regulations were cut?
You feel these cuts caused a mess?
Prove it.
When in human history have we had unfettered markets?

Who is asking for unfettered markets now?

Got a link?

the right.

they want to cut regulations at every turn and no matter how much mess it causes they ask for more

I saw your silly claim, now I'd like to see some proof.

Where's your link?

Where do you imagine regulations were cut?
You feel these cuts caused a mess?
Prove it.

All she has to do Todd -- is look at the footer banner in my post. It would show her how much damage is being done to "unfettered" markets right now..
No, rolling over and taking it further up the ass doesn't sound like a good plan at all.

Appreciate the optics on that. But I'm sure Sun Tzu would approve of this plan.

Because by opposing them, you are giving the enemy cover to claim that their plans WOULD have worked -- if the mean evil opposition didn't block them. Thus propagating another generation of useless typing on USMB..

Want to DESTROY the far left wingers in charge? Let them charge fully into the field of battle, cut off the exits, and watch the flames.. No more stupid threads on TParty racism or 'the rich'.. For the rest of your blissful lives..

And the actual damage CAN'T be done in just 1.5 years... Only the certainty that it was the entirely wrong actions and directions..

That's one way to spin it...however, keeping in mind that the right or left wingers do not decide elections any more, the middle could be swayed to oppose those who sat by and did "nothing". Politics aside, it's really not the American nature to tape our mouths shut and sit on our can be a curse and a blessing.

Ahh the great muddy middle.. Well -- weren't they the deciding factor in ALLOWING the left wing to dominate the DEM party? All those "open primaries" that were also the great invention of the progressive left. Allowing the "undeclared middle" to participate in their party's nomination process?

Sometimes, NOT opposing is more effective than an Alamo situation.. Basic principle of jujitsu as well.. Not to get all spiritual on your "realities" -- of course..
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