Giuliani subject of search warrant

People who get too close to Trump so often seem to get mixed up in things they shouldn’t.
Federal Investigators Execute Search Warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment
We are done, so far this administration sank as low as Castro and Saddam, and Meduro....this is worse then just Biden and his coherts obstructing justice.
My plee to the UN doesn't seem so funny now does it?
View attachment 484877
Oh,,,My! Mr. Over-melodramatic.
Note; Kerry and his stepson are involved in Ukraine, this abuse of power occured right after the Kerry Issue was raised in order to squelch Opening up Kerry's other can of worms=corruption $.

It's time to start impeachment of Babbling Biden and arrest of Kerry for obstruction of justice which Biden swore he'd never do.

Putin Authorized Russian Interference in 2020 Election, Report Says - The New York Times (
do you have a reputable source?? NYT has been discredited to much,,
"Of every person who has ever held a government position, there is only one in my lifetime who changed my life for the better. And that is Rudy Giuliani. For what he did to New York. He is a hero. There should be statues to him!" - Ann Coulter
No matter what anybody thinks of trump (and I don't think much of him) at least we did not get The Hill, sitting in the oval office. If the repubicans could have convinced her to run again, even I might have vote for him. As bad as trump was in his thinking, actions, hiring, firing, insulting, picking winners and friend in foreign policy and all the rest, I still am thankful, The Hill lost in 2016. It is a damned shame, they both couldn't have lost. Lesson to the Democrats, if you run somebody as easily and deservedly vilified as she out of a sense of owing them their turn, the republicans can run any piece of sh#t populace who has never won a race or held an office, of known low character and have a shot at winning, getting them one term, until the country actually sees what they've got. Always thought she had potential to be even worse in the long run and figured him for a one term aberration, the night he was elected.

I think it's likely that only Hillary could have been the candidate that allowed Trump to win the presidency.
But it also needs to be mentioned that Americans were desperate and fully understanding the bad government needed to be defeated. There is a lot of hesitancy with Americans to accept that but the Jan 6th. revolution/insurrections/riot/whatever it's called, proved the point. It was an attack against bad government!

Working Americans have been cheated out of a piece of the American pie. They are the victims of the American way of greedy US style capitalism that has handed the country's wealth into the hands of the very few.

Biden is hitting on the right answer even though it will be strongly maintained that he's going to bandkrupt the country if he gets what he's aiming for. That's a question for which I have an answer, but understand it's best to not mention it.

If you've followed along so far then there's a chance of having a useful discussion.
Jan 6 was not about bad government, but just democratically elected representative government. They didn't want it. They would overthrown the election and our form of government for Donny if they could.
What about John kerry ? Free pass democrat?
People who get too close to Trump so often seem to get mixed up in things they shouldn’t.
Federal Investigators Execute Search Warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment
They also get cleared. But it takes years and selling the homestead to prove innocence. In the meantime the Democrats charge all their court fees to the United States Treasury for the calumnies they use against conservatives to sate another power grab they do not deserve since they are using their political hatred for profit and strangling the Constitution first and then throwing conservatives' freedoms under the bus.
No matter what anybody thinks of trump (and I don't think much of him) at least we did not get The Hill, sitting in the oval office. If the repubicans could have convinced her to run again, even I might have vote for him. As bad as trump was in his thinking, actions, hiring, firing, insulting, picking winners and friend in foreign policy and all the rest, I still am thankful, The Hill lost in 2016. It is a damned shame, they both couldn't have lost. Lesson to the Democrats, if you run somebody as easily and deservedly vilified as she out of a sense of owing them their turn, the republicans can run any piece of sh#t populace who has never won a race or held an office, of known low character and have a shot at winning, getting them one term, until the country actually sees what they've got. Always thought she had potential to be even worse in the long run and figured him for a one term aberration, the night he was elected.

I think it's likely that only Hillary could have been the candidate that allowed Trump to win the presidency.
But it also needs to be mentioned that Americans were desperate and fully understanding the bad government needed to be defeated. There is a lot of hesitancy with Americans to accept that but the Jan 6th. revolution/insurrections/riot/whatever it's called, proved the point. It was an attack against bad government!

Working Americans have been cheated out of a piece of the American pie. They are the victims of the American way of greedy US style capitalism that has handed the country's wealth into the hands of the very few.

Biden is hitting on the right answer even though it will be strongly maintained that he's going to bandkrupt the country if he gets what he's aiming for. That's a question for which I have an answer, but understand it's best to not mention it.

If you've followed along so far then there's a chance of having a useful discussion.
Jan 6 was not about bad government, but just democratically elected representative government. They didn't want it. They would overthrown the election and our form of government for Donny if they could.
What about John kerry ? Free pass democrat?
What about him?
People who get too close to Trump so often seem to get mixed up in things they shouldn’t.
Federal Investigators Execute Search Warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment
They also get cleared. But it takes years and selling the homestead to prove innocence. In the meantime the Democrats charge all their court fees to the United States Treasury for the calumnies they use against conservatives to sate another power grab they do not deserve since they are using their political hatred for profit and strangling the Constitution first and then throwing conservatives' freedoms under the bus.

Please do not worry about your RW heroes & heroines B.
They’ll grift off their legal predicaments untiil the cows return.
Trial by combat baybee! ;)
All ABOOOOARD!! :lol:

People who get too close to Trump so often seem to get mixed up in things they shouldn’t.
Federal Investigators Execute Search Warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment

What took them so long to come down on Rudy?

BLM is laughing like mad. After all, Mayor Rudy came down hard on their people in order to clean up the Big Apple.

I guess the feds will be raiding a certain compound in Florida next.
No matter what anybody thinks of trump (and I don't think much of him) at least we did not get The Hill, sitting in the oval office. If the repubicans could have convinced her to run again, even I might have vote for him. As bad as trump was in his thinking, actions, hiring, firing, insulting, picking winners and friend in foreign policy and all the rest, I still am thankful, The Hill lost in 2016. It is a damned shame, they both couldn't have lost. Lesson to the Democrats, if you run somebody as easily and deservedly vilified as she out of a sense of owing them their turn, the republicans can run any piece of sh#t populace who has never won a race or held an office, of known low character and have a shot at winning, getting them one term, until the country actually sees what they've got. Always thought she had potential to be even worse in the long run and figured him for a one term aberration, the night he was elected.

I think it's likely that only Hillary could have been the candidate that allowed Trump to win the presidency.
But it also needs to be mentioned that Americans were desperate and fully understanding the bad government needed to be defeated. There is a lot of hesitancy with Americans to accept that but the Jan 6th. revolution/insurrections/riot/whatever it's called, proved the point. It was an attack against bad government!

Working Americans have been cheated out of a piece of the American pie. They are the victims of the American way of greedy US style capitalism that has handed the country's wealth into the hands of the very few.

Biden is hitting on the right answer even though it will be strongly maintained that he's going to bandkrupt the country if he gets what he's aiming for. That's a question for which I have an answer, but understand it's best to not mention it.

If you've followed along so far then there's a chance of having a useful discussion.
Jan 6 was not about bad government, but just democratically elected representative government. They didn't want it. They would overthrown the election and our form of government for Donny if they could.
What about John kerry ? Free pass democrat?

People who get too close to Trump so often seem to get mixed up in things they shouldn’t.
Federal Investigators Execute Search Warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment
They also get cleared. But it takes years and selling the homestead to prove innocence. In the meantime the Democrats charge all their court fees to the United States Treasury for the calumnies they use against conservatives to sate another power grab they do not deserve since they are using their political hatred for profit and strangling the Constitution first and then throwing conservatives' freedoms under the bus.
No. They got pardoned, not cleared.
I really hope the contents of Rudy’s laptop are leaked

Serve him right
It may contain evidence of widespread election fraud Democrats want left unknown. I recall a few months back Giuliani mentioned he had evidence of massive voting manipulations that put loser Biden's democrat precinct chairmen doing massive voter fraud electioneering to end Donald Trump's successful second term.

The criminal elements in the Democrat party believe all that lying calumny put out by the MSM approximately 10,000 times on all MSM major television reports per day when you consider several hundred local news sites that they think is true when in fact it is nothing but calumnious lies repeated over and over all over the nation. TV news has lost its reputation on account of dredged up false scenarios connected to the DNC war rooms in Democrat ambition areas.

The Democrat Party will not recuperate if Giuilani's papers are made public showing the shows and where of the DNC's gerrymandering millions of votes duplicated a thousand times over to fraudulently install Extortion King Joe Biden into the presidency he no way won. A few dozen reporters and Secret service men show up at Joe Biden's tiny little gatherings in comparison to the tens of thousands who rallied around President Trump?

Biden did not win the American presidency. But the Democrats fooled several states into making it stealing-from-a-baby easy to steal Trump's win at the polls. Those creeps pigeonholed a few thousand votes and ran them through as many times as necessary to steal Election2020 from the Republicans and President Trump whose goodness of governance shone through instead of the maniacal impeachment show of naked jealousy and hate put on by the "truth-is-an-option-you-know Demonrat Party.

May the Democrats receive an equal amount of hell they put America through on Election night in which Operation Add-on made Joe Biden temporarily the POTUS.

And may God himself bring down the house of cheating cards built by the Democrat propaganda machines in America's newsrooms and university left leaning political history machines.

Trump won. It's just that simple.

Joe Biden and his unelected staff and congressional pushers needs to resign in behalf of the nutcase Democrats who have a zero goose egg in the integrity department. And Nancy Pelosi organized propaganda and malicious false charges against President along with Schiff, Waters, Nadler and others went to bat beating up President Trump's reputation with waves of calumnious lies thrown in for all four years of his stellar job as President.

Biden is wrong on border policy, flip flopping around to decimate police trying hard to keep the peace, and he's wrong to destroy free enterprise by letting deadly, greedy, and lascivious rapists and serial thieves out of jail some of whom have already been put in again due to recidivism.

The wrongest of all was not only deposing an elected president by stuffing the ballots with phony printouts and computers from hell, but by taking down conservatives who won house and senate seats so the Democrats could establish Marksist communism as the rule of law which they will manipulate again year election by election with rules to cheat their brains out in all future elections.

I hope good men and women will hold Democrat feet to the fires they started until they're squelched.

I hope that is done forthwith.
I recall a few months back Giuliani mentioned he had evidence of massive voting manipulations that put loser Biden's democrat precinct chairmen doing massive voter fraud electioneering to end Donald Trump's successful second term.
He was lying.
People who get too close to Trump so often seem to get mixed up in things they shouldn’t.
Federal Investigators Execute Search Warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment
They also get cleared. But it takes years and selling the homestead to prove innocence. In the meantime the Democrats charge all their court fees to the United States Treasury for the calumnies they use against conservatives to sate another power grab they do not deserve since they are using their political hatred for profit and strangling the Constitution first and then throwing conservatives' freedoms under the bus.
No. They got pardoned, not cleared.
They were abused by the Demonrat machine using trumped up calumny that hadn't an ounce of truth but a hell of a lot of Stalker Maxine Waters filthy fingerprints all over the place. She wants people she hates punished by stalking and not by a trial in a court of law.
They were abused by the Demonrat machine using trumped up calumny that hadn't an ounce of truth but a hell of a lot of Stalker Maxine Waters filthy fingerprints all over the place. She wants people she hates punished by stalking and not by a trial in a court of law.
Whatever dude.

They weren’t cleared. They were pardoned.
People who get too close to Trump so often seem to get mixed up in things they shouldn’t.
Federal Investigators Execute Search Warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment
We are done, so far this administration sank as low as Castro and Saddam, and Meduro....this is worse then just Biden and his coherts obstructing justice.
My plee to the UN doesn't seem so funny now does it?
View attachment 484877
Oh,,,My! Mr. Over-melodramatic.
Note; Kerry and his stepson are involved in Ukraine, this abuse of power occured right after the Kerry Issue was raised in order to squelch Opening up Kerry's other can of worms=corruption $.

It's time to start impeachment of Babbling Biden and arrest of Kerry for obstruction of justice which Biden swore he'd never do.

Putin Authorized Russian Interference in 2020 Election, Report Says - The New York Times (
Do better v than the New York Times. Not CNN either.

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