Giuliani: Only Republicans can protect you


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
I came across this article at and found it laughable. The idea that anyone elected president in a post 9/11 America would neglect the issue of terrorism is ludicrous. As a registered Republican, I can only say that this might very well a new low in fear politics. Giuliani never had my vote, but if he had, he would have lost it with these statements.

Giuliani warns of 'new 9/11' if Dems win
By: Roger Simon
April 24, 2007 08:29 PM EST
Updated: April 25, 2007 10:00 AM EST

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Rudy Giuliani said if a Democrat is elected president in 2008, America will be at risk for another terrorist attack on the scale of Sept. 11, 2001.

But if a Republican is elected, he said, especially if it is him, terrorist attacks can be anticipated and stopped.

“If any Republican is elected president —- and I think obviously I would be the best at this —- we will remain on offense and will anticipate what [the terrorists] will do and try to stop them before they do it,” Giuliani said.

The former New York City mayor, currently leading in all national polls for the Republican nomination for president, said Tuesday night that America would ultimately defeat terrorism no matter which party gains the White House.

“But the question is how long will it take and how many casualties will we have?” Giuliani said. “If we are on defense [with a Democratic president], we will have more losses and it will go on longer.”

“I listen a little to the Democrats and if one of them gets elected, we are going on defense,” Giuliani continued. “We will wave the white flag on Iraq. We will cut back on the Patriot Act, electronic surveillance, interrogation and we will be back to our pre-Sept. 11 attitude of defense.”

He added: “The Democrats do not understand the full nature and scope of the terrorist war against us.”

After his speech to the Rockingham County Lincoln Day Dinner, I asked him about his statements and Giuliani said flatly: “America will be safer with a Republican president.”

Giuliani, whose past positions on abortion, gun control and gay rights have made him anathema to some in his party, believes his tough stance on national defense and his post-Sept. 11 reputation as a fighter of terrorism will be his trump card with doubting Republicans.

“This war ends when they stop coming here to kill us!” Giuliani said in his speech. “Never, ever again will this country ever be on defense waiting for [terrorists] to attack us if I have anything to say about it. And make no mistake, the Democrats want to put us back on defense!”

Giuliani said terrorists “hate us and not because of anything bad we have done; it has nothing to do with Israel and Palestine. They hate us for the freedoms we have and the freedoms we want to share with the world.”

Giuliani continued: “The freedoms we have are in conflict with the perverted, maniacal interpretation of their religion.” He said Americans would fight for “freedom for women, the freedom of elections, freedom of religion and the freedom of our economy.”

Addressing the terrorists directly, Giuliani said: “We are not giving that up, and you are not going to take it from us!”

The crowd thundered its approval.

Giuliani also said that America had been naive about terrorism in the past and had missed obvious signals.

“They were at war with us before we realized it, going back to ’90s with all the Americans killed by the PLO and Hezbollah and Hamas,” he said. “They came here and killed us in 1993 [with the first attack on New York’s World Trade Center, in which six people died], and we didn’t get it. We didn’t get it that this was a war. Then Sept. 11, 2001, happened, and we got it.”


Please Fred Thompson, rescue us.
I came across this article at and found it laughable. The idea that anyone elected president in a post 9/11 America would neglect the issue of terrorism is ludicrous. As a registered Republican, I can only say that this might very well a new low in fear politics. Giuliani never had my vote, but if he had, he would have lost it with these statements.

Please Fred Thompson, rescue us.

very well said! Thank you!
Not to mention the fact that, in my opinion, we will be hit again regardless of which party occupies the White House. Especially if we don't start taking serious measures at our borders and our ports.

With our borders being as porous as they are (both north and south), the lack of personel patroling the borders, the number of people who continue to pour across with impunity, couple with the lax inspections at our ports, it a damn miracle we haven't been hit again already.

If anyone has dropped the ball at home, it is the current administration. They have failed to properly secure this nation and its borders.
Yeah you've nailed that one. But was it just this administrations lack of ability or power that has prevented our borders to be more secure? If the answer is wait 'til we get hit again then we are all screwed big time!
Yeah you've nailed that one. But was it just this administrations lack of ability or power that has prevented our borders to be more secure? If the answer is wait 'til we get hit again then we are all screwed big time!

I think it is a combination of the squabling between parties and the Bush administration's ability to squander it's political capitol like a twelve year old with $5.00 in a candy store. The time to fix the issues with our borders and the shipping ports was September 12, 2001. Bush could have had anything he wanted on that day. Anything. He stopped short in my opinion.

And Congress followed suit, if Bush didn't ask for the border issue to be addressed, they should have. Instead, we have 80 year old Swedish grandmothers being strip searched at airports.
Yeah but the minutemen brought the ideas up on real border security. The one issue that torques me about the Bush Family is NAFTA, who got rich on that deal.....? Human trafficking, unsafe motor vehicles and inability to search cargo coming across both borders.

But yes having the new/old TSA folk at work it should be taken serious that security is no joke. I was a customs agent for my squadron while in the Navy and the things people smuggle into our country would blow your mind. You've heard of racial profiling right? Well itis kind of the same thing with customs. And most usually it is correct on the profile. I mean our guys would laden the cargo ares with rum from Puerto Rico and we'd looked the other way, it wasn'tt going to become black market it was going to be drunk.
But when you mention security in our country it is a very hard deal to do. All parties should have to be required to live in the field for about a week and have to make arrests and detain illegals and I bet with in 90 day we'd have a very effective border plan set for vote and would be passed quickly.
But hey I'm just a unknown in this world here.
of course you are deluded. Having America in Iraq is what makes AQ's life so much better. We are NOT actively trying to destroy their organization. We are wasting men money and material in a civil war in Iraq which only serves to make us more hated by the islamic world which plays directly into AQ's hands. OBL attacked us on 9/11 in hopes that he could taunt us into invading an oil rich arab country - which is exactly what he predicted we would do.... we invaded Afghanistan instead and damn near had him at Tora Bora....but Bush decided to outsource the job to the warlords who went into Tora Bora...and then came out again all sorry and empty handed - "oops, we just missed him" - empty, except for the bribes that OBL paid them to let his escape, of course..... and THEN, Bush did exactly what OBL hoped he would do...he invaded that oil rich arab country and occupied it with a christian army: an AQ recruiter's dream come true..and every day we stay there, we further radicalize the arab street and make the arab and islamic world hate us even more.

Now...see if you can actually answer the above paragraph with more than a two sentence soundbite or a ten page cut and paste oped piece for a change.
Bush does nothing, liberals called him ineffective.

Bush secretly wiretapped suspected Al Qaeda or terrorists, liberals and the ACLU cried foul.

Damn that George Bush.
Now...see if you can actually answer the above paragraph with more than a two sentence soundbite or a ten page cut and paste oped piece for a change.

and RSR has shown once again that such an intelligent interchange with him is, of course, impossible.
Now...see if you can actually answer the above paragraph with more than a two sentence soundbite or a ten page cut and paste oped piece for a change.

and RSR has shown once again that such an intelligent interchange with him is, of course, impossible.

MM has shown once again he cannot handle facts

when you start putting out facts instead of someone else's opinions, pigs will fly.:badgrin:
try again:

of course you are deluded. Having America in Iraq is what makes AQ's life so much better. We are NOT actively trying to destroy their organization. We are wasting men money and material in a civil war in Iraq which only serves to make us more hated by the islamic world which plays directly into AQ's hands. OBL attacked us on 9/11 in hopes that he could taunt us into invading an oil rich arab country - which is exactly what he predicted we would do.... we invaded Afghanistan instead and damn near had him at Tora Bora....but Bush decided to outsource the job to the warlords who went into Tora Bora...and then came out again all sorry and empty handed - "oops, we just missed him" - empty, except for the bribes that OBL paid them to let his escape, of course..... and THEN, Bush did exactly what OBL hoped he would do...he invaded that oil rich arab country and occupied it with a christian army: an AQ recruiter's dream come true..and every day we stay there, we further radicalize the arab street and make the arab and islamic world hate us even more.

Now...see if you can actually answer the above paragraph with more than a two sentence soundbite or a ten page cut and paste oped piece for a change. the bolded sentence and try to actually DO what it suggests:


of course you are deluded. Having America in Iraq is what makes AQ's life so much better. We are NOT actively trying to destroy their organization. We are wasting men money and material in a civil war in Iraq which only serves to make us more hated by the islamic world which plays directly into AQ's hands. OBL attacked us on 9/11 in hopes that he could taunt us into invading an oil rich arab country - which is exactly what he predicted we would do.... we invaded Afghanistan instead and damn near had him at Tora Bora....but Bush decided to outsource the job to the warlords who went into Tora Bora...and then came out again all sorry and empty handed - "oops, we just missed him" - empty, except for the bribes that OBL paid them to let his escape, of course..... and THEN, Bush did exactly what OBL hoped he would do...he invaded that oil rich arab country and occupied it with a christian army: an AQ recruiter's dream come true..and every day we stay there, we further radicalize the arab street and make the arab and islamic world hate us even more.

Now...see if you can actually answer the above paragraph with more than a two sentence soundbite or a ten page cut and paste oped piece for a change.

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