Girl Viciously Beaten by Four Inside Brooklyn McDonalds


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Again, this is at the deepest depths of society, a real cesspool. Tough video to watch.


Girl Viciously Beaten by Four Teens Inside Brooklyn McDonald s Crowd Just Watches and Cheers Video

A 15-year-old girl was viciously punched, kicked and stomped by four other teenagers inside a Brooklyn McDonald’s on Monday. Dozens of bystanders were present, but not one person tried to stop the beating.

Some cheered the mayhem, while at least one person video recorded the fight on a cell phone.

The outnumbered teen was beaten to the ground and repeatedly stomped as some in the crowd cheered. The victim ended up taking cover under a table, but the beating continued.
Why aren't these girls getting kicked out of school. I guess saying the n word in private is worse than almost killing someone.
I saw the video today it was awful. I also heard the girls are in a gang.
Why aren't these girls getting kicked out of school. I guess saying the n word in private is worse than almost killing someone.

These kids have no home training.

May be they do, and they're demonstrating it.
I'm sorry but if you've ever lived and went to school and dated and hung out in Detroit you know black society can get very violent very fast.

Heres my problem with it. Its always multiple guys or a guy with a gun or someone strong praying on someone weaker. Its cowardiss and evil. Who kicks someone in the face after they are already down and out?
Again, this is at the deepest depths of society, a real cesspool. Tough video to watch.


Girl Viciously Beaten by Four Teens Inside Brooklyn McDonald s Crowd Just Watches and Cheers Video

A 15-year-old girl was viciously punched, kicked and stomped by four other teenagers inside a Brooklyn McDonald’s on Monday. Dozens of bystanders were present, but not one person tried to stop the beating.

Some cheered the mayhem, while at least one person video recorded the fight on a cell phone.

The outnumbered teen was beaten to the ground and repeatedly stomped as some in the crowd cheered. The victim ended up taking cover under a table, but the beating continued.
Why no protests or riots? This should warrant the same reaction as what we're seeing elsewhere. I feel bad times coming all across this nation. I think we're seeing the start of nationwide unrest. I can see this getting out of hand in a hurry. We may see the National Guard on every street in America.
Again, this is at the deepest depths of society, a real cesspool. Tough video to watch.


Girl Viciously Beaten by Four Teens Inside Brooklyn McDonald s Crowd Just Watches and Cheers Video

A 15-year-old girl was viciously punched, kicked and stomped by four other teenagers inside a Brooklyn McDonald’s on Monday. Dozens of bystanders were present, but not one person tried to stop the beating.

Some cheered the mayhem, while at least one person video recorded the fight on a cell phone.

The outnumbered teen was beaten to the ground and repeatedly stomped as some in the crowd cheered. The victim ended up taking cover under a table, but the beating continued.
Why no protests or riots? This should warrant the same reaction as what we're seeing elsewhere. I feel bad times coming all across this nation. I think we're seeing the start of nationwide unrest. I can see this getting out of hand in a hurry. We may see the National Guard on every street in America.

That isnt such a bad idea. If Detroit even took 1 section at a time and put a heavy police presence in the crime would move. Eventually section off the high crime so instead of it being 75% of Detroit is "seedy" make it so only 25% of the city is dangerous. I saw this in Boston. They had a "bad" section but it was small. Detroit is huge. For 75% of it to be bad is horrible.

But black people cry when police try to police.

We need black cops in black neighborhoods. Or 75% should be black.
Stupid fights are bad enough, but in a McDonalds, seriously? When do these people grow up? Guess never.
They grow up and have kids who like them dont have good parents.
If I had tried what those kids did, my parents would have smacked me hard, not allowed me to watch tv, and treated me like shit for months.
My parents were great at guilt. It didn't hurt they were hitting me I didn't want to upset them. People should take parenting classes but try telling shaniqua or Deashonase that.
These young people are bottom feeders. Sad that they find this entertaining. Welcome to our future. I hope they are found and discover the benefit of incarceration.
Troubling, disgusting. Is this what we are coming to? We are turning into savages.

If I was involved in this, my parents would have done ME in?
Why aren't these girls getting kicked out of school. I guess saying the n word in private is worse than almost killing someone.
Why haven't they been arrested and charged under hate crimes statutes?.....I am going to guess that Mc Donalds store will not be open for business much longer. The owner may as well hire a very good attorney. Don't ask...You figure it out.
Stupid fights are bad enough, but in a McDonalds, seriously? When do these people grow up? Guess never.
Growing up has nothing to do with it. They are thugs. Savages. And when caught, should be treated such.
Those girls would be wise to turn themselves in before the pay back is applied. Because payback is going to happen.
Why aren't these girls getting kicked out of school. I guess saying the n word in private is worse than almost killing someone.

These kids have no home training.

May be they do, and they're demonstrating it.
I'm sorry but if you've ever lived and went to school and dated and hung out in Detroit you know black society can get very violent very fast.

Heres my problem with it. Its always multiple guys or a guy with a gun or someone strong praying on someone weaker. Its cowardiss and evil. Who kicks someone in the face after they are already down and out?
People with a sense of entitlement and zero respect for anyone including themselves.

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