Gingrich’s Health Care Group Supports a Mandate


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By David Corn

The GOP candidate attacks Romneycare, but his for-profit policy shop backs its most controversial provision.

Here's a screenshot of the website, with the relevant section highlighted:


That's a mandate. That's the current position of Gingrich's Center for Health Transformation. There's no ambiguity. (The Gingrich campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)

Much More: Gingrich’s Health Care Group Supports a Mandate
By David Corn

The GOP candidate attacks Romneycare, but his for-profit policy shop backs its most controversial provision.

Here's a screenshot of the website, with the relevant section highlighted:


That's a mandate. That's the current position of Gingrich's Center for Health Transformation. There's no ambiguity. (The Gingrich campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)

Much More: Gingrich’s Health Care Group Supports a Mandate
It appears what you post is a goes to ROMNEYCARE...and in your source? The Links didn't work...I did a simple search with the keywords that you highlighted (to be found NOWHERE in your link), but Found it courtesy of the Free Republic back to 2006, and tied to a Washington Post article...

You wanna try again with your disinformation>?
By David Corn

The GOP candidate attacks Romneycare, but his for-profit policy shop backs its most controversial provision.

Here's a screenshot of the website, with the relevant section highlighted:


That's a mandate. That's the current position of Gingrich's Center for Health Transformation. There's no ambiguity. (The Gingrich campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)

Much More: Gingrich’s Health Care Group Supports a Mandate
It appears what you post is a goes to ROMNEYCARE...and in your source? The Links didn't work...I did a simple search with the keywords that you highlighted (to be found NOWHERE in your link), but Found it courtesy of the Free Republic back to 2006, and tied to a Washington Post article...

You wanna try again with your disinformation>?

The links work fine for me. David Corn at Mother Jones is no amateur.
100% coverage of all Americans. How is that to be accomplished without being either tax bases, or mandated?

21st Century Intelligent Health System | Center for Health Transformation

This 21st century intelligent health system is based on the following overarching principles:

Values Driven
100% Coverage
Transparent Price and Quality Information
Knowledge Intense
Innovation Rich
Prevention and Health-Focused
Centered on Informed Patient Choice and Accountability
Increased Choices
21st Century System of Health Justice and Patient Safety
Focused on Quality of Care and Quality of Life
Metrics-Led and Outcomes-Focused
Collaborative Leadership
Higher Quality at Overall Lower Cost
It appears what you post is a goes to ROMNEYCARE...and in your source? The Links didn't work...I did a simple search with the keywords that you highlighted (to be found NOWHERE in your link), but Found it courtesy of the Free Republic back to 2006, and tied to a Washington Post article...

You wanna try again with your disinformation>?

The links work fine for me. David Corn at Mother Jones is no amateur.
Your link has links that don't work...comes up with this:

Guess which one?


Try again...​
The fact that Gingrich is where he is today is clear evidence that Republicans do not have good viable candidates. His mouth and his actions are simply not in gear. He condemns Obamacare but is willing to condom a mandate. He condemns Fannie Mae but was paid over a 1.6 million bucks to act as their historian. 1.6 million bucks to act as a historian? I don't know what he did for that money, but I seriously doubt he wrote any history books.
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As long as it doesn't destroy our medical system and force the doctors to quit their jobs....As long as government gives us the people the choice within our medical care...I can live with it...

We need a system that the avg joe can pay for and one that cares for the people in need. This system must not hurt the people that provide it either. A fair system.
By David Corn

The GOP candidate attacks Romneycare, but his for-profit policy shop backs its most controversial provision.

Here's a screenshot of the website, with the relevant section highlighted:


That's a mandate. That's the current position of Gingrich's Center for Health Transformation. There's no ambiguity. (The Gingrich campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)

Much More: Gingrich’s Health Care Group Supports a Mandate
It appears what you post is a goes to ROMNEYCARE...and in your source? The Links didn't work...I did a simple search with the keywords that you highlighted (to be found NOWHERE in your link), but Found it courtesy of the Free Republic back to 2006, and tied to a Washington Post article...

You wanna try again with your disinformation>?
T back in the 90's he was for a healthcare mandate.
I think the answer is letting fat people die, being that is the main cause for death.... Why should we all pay for the problem when we all know all it will do is what it has been doing, allowing more people to feed themselves to death.
It's very hypocritical of the left to go after Gingrich who has supported a healthcare mandate back in the 90's when they support the same thing now. Fuck all yall
I think both sides have their weaknesses
Right-Wants to go back to the 19th century and cares mostly about the doctor and the profit. They maybe right, but we're no longer that society.
Left-Wants to give free care to everyone no matter....FUCK the doctor as they consider them as no better then anyone else. Their mind set doesn't work in the real world, but helping people in need is the right thing to do. They're emotionally driven and I can't blame them for falling into this feeling.

Right some times acts without a heart
left some times acts without a brain

we need our medical system to be reformed into something that has A BRAIN and has a heart. That's what's important. We're a society in the 21st century, NOT the 19th century as the right believes or the mid 20th century as the left believes within the USSR.
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As long as it doesn't destroy our medical system and force the doctors to quit their jobs....As long as government gives us the people the choice within our medical care...I can live with it...

We need a system that the avg joe can pay for and one that cares for the people in need. This system must not hurt the people that provide it either. A fair system.

Well, that is the point. If you want a cheaper system, you may not get doctors.

And so what ?

Wal-Mart is now thinking about getting into this business. They will do the same thing Walgreens currently does. You go see a NURSE who will treat your sniffles. If it is something worse...they send you on.

It will keep costs low.

Just what does the American Public think it is "entitled" to in terms of medical care ? All of it..with no pay. They should go somewhere else.

Would this be the same 50% that pays no federal income tax ?

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