Getting rid of minority voters

With the realization that 28% of the voters are minorities and they vote Democrat 70% of the time, the Grand Ole Party has to do something. Obviously, keeping them out of the voting booth is the simplest way to handle the problem. However with minorities becoming the new majority, that's not going to be a long term fix.

Proving you are who you say you are is preventing someone from voting? How? Noone is putting up a blockade, so how are they not being allowed to vote?
Photo id requirements do not prevent anyone from voting; they just makes it a little harder for some legitimate voters. The primary purpose of Photo id requirements, literacy tests, poll taxes, and rigged registration procedures are too keep people from voting. The target is always the same, minorities and the poor.
literacy tests?.....where?......and like i said Flopper....i cant speak for any other State....but in California you dont have to go anywhere to vote and they make Registering pretty easy as far as i am concerned,anyone out here who says they are being kept from voting are full of shit....
its the same least out here it is.....what you get is the same setup....ballets look exactly alike....
In Washington, I get a ballot through the mail for ever election. In Florida and Texas, I called the registrar's office and they mailed me one. No photo id needed.
here you get an Envelope to mail back with your own personal voter ID number with a bar code stamped on it and when you first apply to get it, you have to fill out a form with your Drivers license # or State ID #....and your signature....under penalty of death if you falsify anything.....
All states don't allow postal voting and many states that do restrict who can vote by mail.

The federal penalty for voter id fraud is a $10,000 fine and 5 years in jail for each incident plus state penalties. The idea that anyone would knowing take that risk to cast a single vote is ridiculous and is probably why voter id fraud is so rare.
Voter Purge, Minority Voting Rights Flashpoints Of New Showdown In Florida

So, uh, rw's ... even though the only cases of real voter fraud have been when silly Jimmy O'Keefe got caught, I s'pose you're all in favor of the r's using corruption and lies to get their puppet into office.

That is, if buying the presidency doesn't work.

Since buying the presidency worked for the bush regime, why do you think these scum have resorted to blatant voter suppression? Could it be for the same reason they threw out the Constitution and changed the rules of filibuster?

I mean, we can't just leave these things to the voters, right?

Laugh if you want but it pisses me off to watch the (%^%^$ GObP pounding nails in the coffin of the USofA while the idiot rw's applaud.

Charlie White, Indiana GOP Secretary Of State, Sentenced After Felony Convictions

White said the charges he was convicted of Feb. 4, including perjury and theft, ignored a complicated personal life in which he was trying to raise his 10-year-old son, plan a new marriage and campaign for statewide office in 2010. He said he stayed at his ex-wife's house when he wasn't on the road campaigning and did not live in the condo until after he remarried.

Prosecutors said White listed his ex-wife's address instead of the condo on his voter registration form because he didn't want to give up his Fishers Town Council salary after moving out of the district he was elected to represent.
With the realization that 28% of the voters are minorities and they vote Democrat 70% of the time, the Grand Ole Party has to do something. Obviously, keeping them out of the voting booth is the simplest way to handle the problem. However with minorities becoming the new majority, that's not going to be a long term fix.

Proving you are who you say you are is preventing someone from voting? How? Noone is putting up a blockade, so how are they not being allowed to vote?
Photo id requirements do not prevent anyone from voting; they just makes it a little harder for some legitimate voters. The primary purpose of Photo id requirements, literacy tests, poll taxes, and rigged registration procedures are too keep people from voting. The target is always the same, minorities and the poor.

What a load of crap. Show me one poor AMERICAN who collects ANY Public assistance who does not have an ID already. The only reason for opposing ID's for voters IS that your endgame IS voter fraud. If there is anybody the voter ID requirement is targeting it's ILLEGAL Votes from ILLEGAL ALIENS, plain and simple.
There is no "voter suppression". What the left is witnessing is the inability of Government to do even the most BASIC of their tasks. And that is to provide fair, efficient and honest elections.. So when they send out 30 day notices to prove eligibility, it's because their record-keeping, standard operating procedures, and personnel motivation ALL SUCK...

It's INCOMPETENCE stupid. Not a conspiracy u whiners.... Maybe, they should drop 46 things they SHOULDN'T be doing and concentrate on the BASICS...
There is no "voter suppression". What the left is witnessing is the inability of Government to do even the most BASIC of their tasks. And that is to provide fair, efficient and honest elections.. So when they send out 30 day notices to prove eligibility, it's because their record-keeping, standard operating procedures, and personnel motivation ALL SUCK...

It's INCOMPETENCE stupid. Not a conspiracy u whiners.... Maybe, they should drop 46 things they SHOULDN'T be doing and concentrate on the BASICS...

Yep denying 5 million people the abiltiy to vote is not voter supression
but mandating votger ID laws that prevent 0 events of voter fraud is totaly protecting democracy
its sad that you are are retard
Proving you are who you say you are is preventing someone from voting? How? Noone is putting up a blockade, so how are they not being allowed to vote?
Photo id requirements do not prevent anyone from voting; they just makes it a little harder for some legitimate voters. The primary purpose of Photo id requirements, literacy tests, poll taxes, and rigged registration procedures are too keep people from voting. The target is always the same, minorities and the poor.

What a load of crap. Show me one poor AMERICAN who collects ANY Public assistance who does not have an ID already. The only reason for opposing ID's for voters IS that your endgame IS voter fraud. If there is anybody the voter ID requirement is targeting it's ILLEGAL Votes from ILLEGAL ALIENS, plain and simple.

Hey dumbass 5 million people i 2008 allone did not have the proper ID that is comared to 70 instences of voet fraud int he past 5 years
swo basically you ar e a retard who has no clue because you are a fucking loser with no friends
There is no "voter suppression". What the left is witnessing is the inability of Government to do even the most BASIC of their tasks. And that is to provide fair, efficient and honest elections.. So when they send out 30 day notices to prove eligibility, it's because their record-keeping, standard operating procedures, and personnel motivation ALL SUCK...

It's INCOMPETENCE stupid. Not a conspiracy u whiners.... Maybe, they should drop 46 things they SHOULDN'T be doing and concentrate on the BASICS...

Yep denying 5 million people the abiltiy to vote is not voter supression
but mandating votger ID laws that prevent 0 events of voter fraud is totaly protecting democracy
its sad that you are are retard

5 MILLION PEOPLE huh? ACTUALLY want to vote but are being turned away.. Well IF that was happening -- I'd be depressed. But it exists ONLY in the minds of a few retarded soles who call other people retards..
There is no "voter suppression". What the left is witnessing is the inability of Government to do even the most BASIC of their tasks. And that is to provide fair, efficient and honest elections.. So when they send out 30 day notices to prove eligibility, it's because their record-keeping, standard operating procedures, and personnel motivation ALL SUCK...

It's INCOMPETENCE stupid. Not a conspiracy u whiners.... Maybe, they should drop 46 things they SHOULDN'T be doing and concentrate on the BASICS...

Yep denying 5 million people the abiltiy to vote is not voter supression
but mandating votger ID laws that prevent 0 events of voter fraud is totaly protecting democracy
its sad that you are are retard

No 5 million people have been denied the right to vote.
My God, you believe every leftist lie ever sent down the shit hole.
The Dem's are being so deceitful about this issue.
Dem's in congress are trying to pass laws for illegals to get Driver Licenses.
They say 5 million can't vote, with absolutely no proof what so ever. Just a handful of people on video which has not been proven and one older lady who was on Al Sharpton's show. ONE !!
Then there is the hypocrisy turn around argument, that those who commit fraud are so low. Really? Much more has been arrested and charged with fraud than what ? many be 6 or 7 people who are having some trouble getting a I.D. to vote?
All the laws has been upheld in court,so far and Dem's hate this.
The so called purging list, are voters who have not voted in the last 10 years. All they are doing is keeping their records in order.
They send out notices and you have plenty of time to respond.
They are masters at the turn it around blame game. It's despicable.
its the same least out here it is.....what you get is the same setup....ballets look exactly alike....
In Washington, I get a ballot through the mail for ever election. In Florida and Texas, I called the registrar's office and they mailed me one. No photo id needed.
here you get an Envelope to mail back with your own personal voter ID number with a bar code stamped on it and when you first apply to get it, you have to fill out a form with your Drivers license # or State ID #....and your signature....under penalty of death if you falsify anything.....
Voter fraud with mail in ballots is incredibly easy and photo ids do nothing to prevent it. In 1998 over 4,700 absentee ballots were stolen and cast leading to an arrest and conviction.

Of all the types of voter fraud, voter id fraud is one of the least common. Most electoral fraud takes place during or immediately after election campaigns, by interfering with the voting process or the counting of votes.
In Florida Valdemort impersonator, Rick Scott, purged a 91 year old veteran from the voter rolls.

The Justice Department is putting a stop to it.
Voter Purge, Minority Voting Rights Flashpoints Of New Showdown In Florida

So, uh, rw's ... even though the only cases of real voter fraud have been when silly Jimmy O'Keefe got caught, I s'pose you're all in favor of the r's using corruption and lies to get their puppet into office.

That is, if buying the presidency doesn't work.

Since buying the presidency worked for the bush regime, why do you think these scum have resorted to blatant voter suppression? Could it be for the same reason they threw out the Constitution and changed the rules of filibuster?

I mean, we can't just leave these things to the voters, right?

Laugh if you want but it pisses me off to watch the (%^%^$ GObP pounding nails in the coffin of the USofA while the idiot rw's applaud.


In Florida, its that time again! Time to get the ******* off the voting rolls!!!

They don't give a fuck, by the time any govenrment body is able to reprimand them for it the election will be over.
Since the 2010 election, Republicans have waged an unprecedented war on voting, with the unspoken but unmistakable goal of preventing millions of mostly Democratic voters, including students, minorities, immigrants, and the elderly, from casting ballots in 2012. More than a dozen states, from Texas to Wisconsin and Florida, have passed laws designed to impede voters at every step of the electoral process, whether by requiring birth certificates to register to vote, restricting voter registration drives, curtailing early voting, or requiring government-issued IDs to cast a ballot.

Within days, the crucial battlegrounds of Pennsylvania and Virginia will become the latest GOP states to pass legislation erecting new barriers to voting. If, as expected, the new laws lead to fewer Democrats casting ballots in November, both states could favor Republicans, possibly shifting the balance of power in Congress and denying Barack Obama a second term.
Pennsylvania will be the ninth GOP state since 2010 to require a photo ID in order to vote; the state's law mandates a government-issued ID or one from a college or nursing home. According to a study by the Brennan Center for Justice, 11 percent of U.S. citizens lack a government-issued ID, but the numbers are significantly higher among young voters (18 percent), voters 65 or older (18 percent) and African-Americans (25 percent). Based on these figures, as many as 700,000 Pennsylvanians may not be able to vote in the next election.

GOP War on Voting Targets Swing States | Ari Berman | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Since the 2010 election, Republicans have waged an unprecedented war on voting, with the unspoken but unmistakable goal of preventing millions of mostly Democratic voters, including students, minorities, immigrants, and the elderly, from casting ballots in 2012. More than a dozen states, from Texas to Wisconsin and Florida, have passed laws designed to impede voters at every step of the electoral process, whether by requiring birth certificates to register to vote, restricting voter registration drives, curtailing early voting, or requiring government-issued IDs to cast a ballot.

Within days, the crucial battlegrounds of Pennsylvania and Virginia will become the latest GOP states to pass legislation erecting new barriers to voting. If, as expected, the new laws lead to fewer Democrats casting ballots in November, both states could favor Republicans, possibly shifting the balance of power in Congress and denying Barack Obama a second term.
Pennsylvania will be the ninth GOP state since 2010 to require a photo ID in order to vote; the state's law mandates a government-issued ID or one from a college or nursing home. According to a study by the Brennan Center for Justice, 11 percent of U.S. citizens lack a government-issued ID, but the numbers are significantly higher among young voters (18 percent), voters 65 or older (18 percent) and African-Americans (25 percent). Based on these figures, as many as 700,000 Pennsylvanians may not be able to vote in the next election.

GOP War on Voting Targets Swing States | Ari Berman | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone....thats a real un- biased source....
Since the 2010 election, Republicans have waged an unprecedented war on voting, with the unspoken but unmistakable goal of preventing millions of mostly Democratic voters, including students, minorities, immigrants, and the elderly, from casting ballots in 2012. More than a dozen states, from Texas to Wisconsin and Florida, have passed laws designed to impede voters at every step of the electoral process, whether by requiring birth certificates to register to vote, restricting voter registration drives, curtailing early voting, or requiring government-issued IDs to cast a ballot.

Within days, the crucial battlegrounds of Pennsylvania and Virginia will become the latest GOP states to pass legislation erecting new barriers to voting. If, as expected, the new laws lead to fewer Democrats casting ballots in November, both states could favor Republicans, possibly shifting the balance of power in Congress and denying Barack Obama a second term.
Pennsylvania will be the ninth GOP state since 2010 to require a photo ID in order to vote; the state's law mandates a government-issued ID or one from a college or nursing home. According to a study by the Brennan Center for Justice, 11 percent of U.S. citizens lack a government-issued ID, but the numbers are significantly higher among young voters (18 percent), voters 65 or older (18 percent) and African-Americans (25 percent). Based on these figures, as many as 700,000 Pennsylvanians may not be able to vote in the next election.

GOP War on Voting Targets Swing States | Ari Berman | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone....thats a real un- biased source....

The truth is where you find it.

Republicans are terrified of people voting.

In every state they are trying to make it as hard as possible to vote.

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