Get Your Boosters!


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
I mean if the first three don't work....try for four and five!



If you cannot walk across town to see the whites of their eyes--or at least get them a short drive away--the default should be "do not trust them".

Americans used to understand that and were better off for it.
With malice I might add

By those in "elite" positions, yes. A lot of people took the first couple of shots not really knowing, and to be fair, not really researching either....just trusting. Most people should have been able to look around after the first couple of shots and said, huh, this appears to be a failure. Many did. Then you have the folks like some here who got all their boosters and STILL defend this crap. It boggles the mind.

Easy peasy.

If the "patient" is still standing after the 254th "booster", well it's time for 255!

PS -- ANYTHING that the government gives away for free is NOT a good thing.

That was done in ignorance, this was done in greed with full knowledge it wasnt safe
They didn’t know giving smallpox infested blankets to children would kill them?
They didn’t know that burning women and children alive would kill them?
They didn’t know forcing tribes to relocate would end up with the deaths of thousands?
They must have been mighty ignorant.
By those in "elite" positions, yes. A lot of people took the first couple of shots not really knowing, and to be fair, not really researching either....just trusting. Most people should have been able to look around after the first couple of shots and said, huh, this appears to be a failure. Many did. Then you have the folks like some here who got all their boosters and STILL defend this crap. It boggles the mind.
Appreciate the initial point you make and agree that the the silly clowns were only getting news from the MSM and never researching anything. That inclines me to not be over sympathetic . After that the Stupids were lucky that the Killer Shots were not in every vial( placebos were used) and also poison concentration differences were being tested .As if the Deniers would even believe that now

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