Get Tough, Democrats!!!


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Beto's plea for Dems to get tougher with Trump and Repubs has often been said by other frustrated Dems in the past. They seem to think angry, bitter, empty bluster such as that emanating from House Dems these days is a viable option to adult reasoning and makes them appear less mushy. I suppose if one is incapable of adult reasoning and one's constituents demand incivility and hysteria, it makes perfect sense to give 'em what they want.

2020 is gonna be a blast. :D
I'm enjoying watching the dems beat up on Nancy!!
She is the self-described political genius, and her "strategery" is not appreciated by the young Turks who want impeachment ASAP. Trump is kicking sand in their faces by ignoring their subpoenas and not allowing their 3-ring circus of investigations to get any air time.

Yes 2020 will be a blast, but 2019 will be one too, just wait until Barr gets going on the deep state and Obama's admin gets caught in the biggest scandal in US history.

Yes 2020 will be a blast, but 2019 will be one too, just wait until Barr gets going on the deep state and Obama's admin gets caught in the biggest scandal in US history.

I do hope you are not holding your breath waiting for that to happen
I'm enjoying watching the dems beat up on Nancy!!
She is the self-described political genius, and her "strategery" is not appreciated by the young Turks who want impeachment ASAP. Trump is kicking sand in their faces by ignoring their subpoenas and not allowing their 3-ring circus of investigations to get any air time.

Yes 2020 will be a blast, but 2019 will be one too, just wait until Barr gets going on the deep state and Obama's admin gets caught in the biggest scandal in US history.
I'm much enjoying the Democrat Socialist Party's scorched earth primary (leave none standing).

2020 may be the year the Party nominates no one to oppose Trump in the general elections.

Yes 2020 will be a blast, but 2019 will be one too, just wait until Barr gets going on the deep state and Obama's admin gets caught in the biggest scandal in US history.

I do hope you are not holding your breath waiting for that to happen

So you think that Barr, Huber, Duram, and Horowitz won't find anything illegal from their investigation into the origin of the "Russia Collusion Hoax"? Investigating Russian meddling is one thing, but illegally spying on the opposition party's campaign, and then investigating the hoax for 2-years calling the President a "Russian asset" is an outrage that will tar the Obama admin.
How about the Dems get tough with crime in their neighborhoods? Then cops won't shoot anybody, there won't be Amber alerts, or drug overdoses. Before ANY of us complain, we should see what direct action on our part can do.

Yes 2020 will be a blast, but 2019 will be one too, just wait until Barr gets going on the deep state and Obama's admin gets caught in the biggest scandal in US history.

I do hope you are not holding your breath waiting for that to happen

So you think that Barr, Huber, Duram, and Horowitz won't find anything illegal from their investigation into the origin of the "Russia Collusion Hoax"? Investigating Russian meddling is one thing, but illegally spying on the opposition party's campaign, and then investigating the hoax for 2-years calling the President a "Russian asset" is an outrage that will tar the Obama admin.

I think the results will the the same as the Trump investigation, the Benghazi investigation, the White Water investigation, and every other investigation we have seen over the last few decades.

Nobody of any consequence will go down, they never do. Barr is an establishment guy, has been for decades, he will play the game as he always has. This is all nothing but kabuki theater

Yes 2020 will be a blast, but 2019 will be one too, just wait until Barr gets going on the deep state and Obama's admin gets caught in the biggest scandal in US history.

I do hope you are not holding your breath waiting for that to happen

So you think that Barr, Huber, Duram, and Horowitz won't find anything illegal from their investigation into the origin of the "Russia Collusion Hoax"? Investigating Russian meddling is one thing, but illegally spying on the opposition party's campaign, and then investigating the hoax for 2-years calling the President a "Russian asset" is an outrage that will tar the Obama admin.

I think the results will the the same as the Trump investigation, the Benghazi investigation, the White Water investigation, and every other investigation we have seen over the last few decades.

Nobody of any consequence will go down, they never do. Barr is an establishment guy, has been for decades, he will play the game as he always has. This is all nothing but kabuki theater
As tempting as it is, I will not crawl down any rabbit holes - as our leftarded friends have done so consistently - unless and until I see hard evidence and names named. The "unnamed source" media BS of the last 2.5 years and the continuing House Dem hysteria has hardened my heart to anything that comes from WashDC.

Yeah … there may well have been a conspiracy of what I'm slowly coming to believe is something more than just swamp survival - perhaps even a seditious Deep State - but proving it or even having the will to do so may be much tougher than we know or will ever know. However should any DOJ guy get whacked I will be convinced.
Democrats are in desperation mode. They all know that Trump is going to eat their lunch in the 2020 election. So they are planning to throw a hail mary Impeachment pass to try an kick Trump out of the White House. ... :cool:

Yes 2020 will be a blast, but 2019 will be one too, just wait until Barr gets going on the deep state and Obama's admin gets caught in the biggest scandal in US history.

I do hope you are not holding your breath waiting for that to happen

So you think that Barr, Huber, Duram, and Horowitz won't find anything illegal from their investigation into the origin of the "Russia Collusion Hoax"? Investigating Russian meddling is one thing, but illegally spying on the opposition party's campaign, and then investigating the hoax for 2-years calling the President a "Russian asset" is an outrage that will tar the Obama admin.

I think the results will the the same as the Trump investigation, the Benghazi investigation, the White Water investigation, and every other investigation we have seen over the last few decades.

Nobody of any consequence will go down, they never do. Barr is an establishment guy, has been for decades, he will play the game as he always has. This is all nothing but kabuki theater
As tempting as it is, I will not crawl down any rabbit holes - as our leftarded friends have done so consistently - unless and until I see hard evidence and names named. The "unnamed source" media BS of the last 2.5 years and the continuing House Dem hysteria has hardened my heart to anything that comes from WashDC.

Yeah … there may well have been a conspiracy of what I'm slowly coming to believe is something more than just swamp survival - perhaps even a seditious Deep State - but proving it or even having the will to do so may be much tougher than we know or will ever know. However should any DOJ guy get whacked I will be convinced.
I wouldn’t get hung up on Deep State rhetoric to begin with. It’s easily framed by the DNC/media cabal as more Trump nuts’ craziness, blah, blah, blah.

There’s plenty of criminal activity by actors high up in various DC organizations to be investigated and indicted if warranted and punished if convicted. In the end, no pun intended, enough characters will have proctoscopes up their asses that ‘Deep State’ will be the understood part by the public of what’s going on and flushing it away forever.

Yes 2020 will be a blast, but 2019 will be one too, just wait until Barr gets going on the deep state and Obama's admin gets caught in the biggest scandal in US history.

I do hope you are not holding your breath waiting for that to happen

So you think that Barr, Huber, Duram, and Horowitz won't find anything illegal from their investigation into the origin of the "Russia Collusion Hoax"? Investigating Russian meddling is one thing, but illegally spying on the opposition party's campaign, and then investigating the hoax for 2-years calling the President a "Russian asset" is an outrage that will tar the Obama admin.

I think the results will the the same as the Trump investigation, the Benghazi investigation, the White Water investigation, and every other investigation we have seen over the last few decades.

Nobody of any consequence will go down, they never do. Barr is an establishment guy, has been for decades, he will play the game as he always has. This is all nothing but kabuki theater
As tempting as it is, I will not crawl down any rabbit holes - as our leftarded friends have done so consistently - unless and until I see hard evidence and names named. The "unnamed source" media BS of the last 2.5 years and the continuing House Dem hysteria has hardened my heart to anything that comes from WashDC.

Yeah … there may well have been a conspiracy of what I'm slowly coming to believe is something more than just swamp survival - perhaps even a seditious Deep State - but proving it or even having the will to do so may be much tougher than we know or will ever know. However should any DOJ guy get whacked I will be convinced.
I wouldn’t get hung up on Deep State rhetoric to begin with. It’s easily framed by the DNC/media cabal as more Trump nuts’ craziness, blah, blah, blah.

There’s plenty of criminal activity by actors high up in various DC organizations to be investigated and indicted if warranted and punished if convicted. In the end, no pun intended, enough characters will have proctoscopes up their asses that ‘Deep State’ will be the understood part by the public of what’s going on and flushing it away forever.

Nothing is going to change, it never does. I have been waiting for something to change since Reagan and his cronies got away with selling weapons to our enemies...since then nobody of any consequence ever gets in trouble...nothing ever changes and Barr sure as hell is not going to upset the apple cart.
I do hope you are not holding your breath waiting for that to happen

So you think that Barr, Huber, Duram, and Horowitz won't find anything illegal from their investigation into the origin of the "Russia Collusion Hoax"? Investigating Russian meddling is one thing, but illegally spying on the opposition party's campaign, and then investigating the hoax for 2-years calling the President a "Russian asset" is an outrage that will tar the Obama admin.

I think the results will the the same as the Trump investigation, the Benghazi investigation, the White Water investigation, and every other investigation we have seen over the last few decades.

Nobody of any consequence will go down, they never do. Barr is an establishment guy, has been for decades, he will play the game as he always has. This is all nothing but kabuki theater
As tempting as it is, I will not crawl down any rabbit holes - as our leftarded friends have done so consistently - unless and until I see hard evidence and names named. The "unnamed source" media BS of the last 2.5 years and the continuing House Dem hysteria has hardened my heart to anything that comes from WashDC.

Yeah … there may well have been a conspiracy of what I'm slowly coming to believe is something more than just swamp survival - perhaps even a seditious Deep State - but proving it or even having the will to do so may be much tougher than we know or will ever know. However should any DOJ guy get whacked I will be convinced.
I wouldn’t get hung up on Deep State rhetoric to begin with. It’s easily framed by the DNC/media cabal as more Trump nuts’ craziness, blah, blah, blah.

There’s plenty of criminal activity by actors high up in various DC organizations to be investigated and indicted if warranted and punished if convicted. In the end, no pun intended, enough characters will have proctoscopes up their asses that ‘Deep State’ will be the understood part by the public of what’s going on and flushing it away forever.

Nothing is going to change, it never does. I have been waiting for something to change since Reagan and his cronies got away with selling weapons to our enemies...since then nobody of any consequence ever gets in trouble...nothing ever changes and Barr sure as hell is not going to upset the apple cart.
It's probably good that change is gradual and requires the acquiescence of all three branches but if you are correct that big gov't has become just another scam then the seemingly over-the-top actions of some Americans may not have been so over-the-top. We certainly wandered off track for a while but it at least appears Trump is righting the ship.

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