Germany will provide Ukraine with the largest military aid package since the beginning of the war, worth about €2.7 billion.

$500 million in ammo, bombs, and other things to boom just went up in smoke in Ukraine:

I’m sure Litwin will tell us this is really a sign of Putin dying of cancer or something though.

Actually it's another depot for expired rocket fuel. Ukraine used to manufacture all of Russia's rockets. From RPGs to every type of rocket imaginable. The old expired rocket fuel becomes unstable and doesn't burn correctly so it was sent back to be disposed of properly. These huge booms are actually an ecological disaster with toxins being spread everywhere....sure it looks pretty but it's not munitions being blown up.

Munitions don't have this type of fireball.
Instead it's another example of chemical warfare and "scorched earth" that Russia is perpetrating on Ukraine.
Why are you such an moron? Is it hereditary or did you do it yourself?

You have absolutelly not any idea about Germans, isn't it? Granite is butter compared with us when we will really grow angry. If you like to survive then your first will should it be not to try to make angry Germans. So leave the Ukraine and go home. Knit baby socks or something like this.
You have absolutelly not any idea about Germans, isn't it? Granite is butter compared with us when we will really grow angry. If you like to survive then your first will should it be not to try to make angry Germans.
We remember that

Do you remember this?
We remember that ...

You remember nothing what has to do with world war 2. You are much too young to do so. And most things what you know about this time are just simple wrong.

I see in the moment that the Ukrainian people get the Charlesmagne Prize (="Internationaler Karlspreis der Stadt Aachen"). President Wolodymyr Selenskyi receives the price. Now - in this moment of history. I will always remember this moment. And I "remember" in this context a moment about 20,000 years ago when the first wolf became our friend.

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I see in the moment that the Ukrainian people get the Charlesmagne Prize (="Internationaler Karlspreis der Stadt Aachen"). President Wolodymyr Selenskyi receives the price. Now - in this moment of history.
Oh yeah, it's not enough that the bloody monkey collected a billion dollars, he should also be given a banana for services to his masters.
There have been many such moments in german history, Mussolini for example, came several times to Berlin and some other leaders of Reich-controlled satellites.
The difference is that now Germany itself is a controlled satellite.
You remember nothing what has to do with world war 2. You are much too young to do so. And most things what you know about this time are just simple wrong.

I see in the moment that the Ukrainian people get the Charlesmagne Prize (="Internationaler Karlspreis der Stadt Aachen"). President Wolodymyr Selenskyi receives the price. Now - in this moment of history. I will always remember this moment. And I "remember" in this context a moment about 20,000 years ago when the first wolf became our friend.

Oh yeah, it's not enough that the bloody monkey


collected a billion dollars,


he should also be given a banana for services to his masters.


There have been many such moments in german history,

To be honest I don't remember in the moment which bloody monkey got as billion dollar because he services his masters. FC Barcelona bought for 105 million Euro (~114 million US$) Ousmane Dembele from Borussia Dortmund. But what he thinks about bananas I have not any idea about. He "serves" a ball. Bo-Russia Dortmund is by the way not a Russian football club.

Mussolini for example, came several times to Berlin

Did he?

and some other leaders of Reich-controlled satellites.

You use a Russian form to think. Hitler never controlled Mussolini nor had been Italy anywhen in history been something what someone could call "satellite" of Germany. That's absurde.

The difference is that now Germany itself is a controlled satellite.

The German Democratic Republic (even the name was a lie) was a controlled satellite state of the Soviets - but this is past. When history offered us a windows of some months so we had been able to reunite Germany we used this chance and reunited Germany. That was one of the most moving moments of German history. One of the most moving moments of the Ukrainian history will it be when the last Russian soldier will leave the Ukraine.

DW and others should also report on what they were saying about Ukraine before the war.
See we have our two resident Nazis battling to convince us that the Russians are not giving the US led Ukey Nazi forces a good daily hiding.

Scruffpot druggy Z scrabbling about looking for ordnance of any age and in any condition is the behaviour of big time losers .

How is the counter offensive going , Nazi Boys ? You are losing over 40 tanks a day now ( was15 max )
How soon before you run out of everything ?

BTW Russians due to launch their new pink plastic tanks which allow Russian women to jump out at close range , yell" boo" very loudly , forcing the cowardly enemy to prostrate themseles whilst beggging for mercy .
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