Germany Plunges into Political Crisis

Ms. Merkel, an icon of Western democracy and values? Is this the same Merkel that had her head buried up Obama rear for years and was turning her country over to the refugees?

Germany Plunged Into Political Crisis After Coalition Talks Fail

Merkel has only two bosses: Deep State and Soros, she serves them, not German people.
She already invited 2m + IQ60 illiterate 'refugees' to Germany, almost 20m family members are waiting in Africa for visas.

She is a destroyer and killer, traitor and commie psycho, her name will be cursed 1000 years in Germany.

Millions of these guys were invited by Merkel to Germany.

The only condition:

IQ60 or lower, illiterate, criminal, good knowelage of Quran, sexual perverse ( sorry, what Muslim is not sexual perverse ) and has no problem to receive welfare and other benefits.


Germany would not survive 20m african muzz. It would turn the country into Zimbabwe. Or, nurture the rise of a new Hitler.
They’re a good example of why most Americans are supporting President Trump.
Ms. Merkel, an icon of Western democracy and values? Is this the same Merkel that had her head buried up Obama rear for years and was turning her country over to the refugees?

Germany Plunged Into Political Crisis After Coalition Talks Fail

Merkel has only two bosses: Deep State and Soros, she serves them, not German people.
She already invited 2m + IQ60 illiterate 'refugees' to Germany, almost 20m family members are waiting in Africa for visas.

She is a destroyer and killer, traitor and commie psycho, her name will be cursed 1000 years in Germany.

Millions of these guys were invited by Merkel to Germany.

The only condition:

IQ60 or lower, illiterate, criminal, good knowelage of Quran, sexual perverse ( sorry, what Muslim is not sexual perverse ) and has no problem to receive welfare and other benefits.


Germany would not survive 20m african muzz. It would turn the country into Zimbabwe. Or, nurture the rise of a new Hitler.
Well, they are leaning Right.
Ms. Merkel, an icon of Western democracy and values? Is this the same Merkel that had her head buried up Obama rear for years and was turning her country over to the refugees?

Germany Plunged Into Political Crisis After Coalition Talks Fail

One of the reasons she's having this crisis is that other parties don't want to be involved with a party that has a relaxed immigration policy.

This is why the German system works so well, different views get a say and no one party can lord it over the others.

PR for the US is a must.
Don’t panic. Political crisis in Germany have never caused any significant problems.

Cons hate our allies.
No, twit, Merkel isn't our ally. She is the ally of George Soros, or, in Yiddish, "puppet".

I feel for the German people.
The muslim invasion of Europe and the south american invasion of the U.S. is no coincidence.
South America is invading? You know Mexico is North America, right?

I'm just bundling in all the shithole third world countries south of the border.
And since they're all south of the border that matters......
Cons hate our allies.
No, twit, Merkel isn't our ally. She is the ally of George Soros, or, in Yiddish, "puppet".

I feel for the German people.
The muslim invasion of Europe and the south american invasion of the U.S. is no coincidence.
South America is invading? You know Mexico is North America, right?

Yes Political Flunky, we know Mexico is in North America. It doesn’t prevent South Americans from invading the US, and culturally Mexicans are the same as South Americans.
Cons hate our allies.

Nice mental midget response, how liberal of you. One may not like the leader but respect the country and it’s people.

Cons admire Germany and the German people but don’t like it’s leader.

I guarantee you don’t like the Philipino President, but I don’t you hate the Philippines or the Philipino people.

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This is why the German system works so well, different views get a say and no one party can lord it over the others.
Thereby leaving the field open for the Soros billions.

But Germany doesn't have this, does it?

The reality is that the Koch brothers, Soros and the rest can pump money in because they've bought the political system which then lets them do this. In Germany the system prevents this from happening.

Each party knows if it does well it can soar, if it does badly it can lose all its seats.

The reality is the US political system is the most expensive system for getting seats in the world, for a reason. It doesn't work for most except the rich.
Ms. Merkel, an icon of Western democracy and values? Is this the same Merkel that had her head buried up Obama rear for years and was turning her country over to the refugees?

Germany Plunged Into Political Crisis After Coalition Talks Fail

Merkel has only two bosses: Deep State and Soros, she serves them, not German people.
She already invited 2m + IQ60 illiterate 'refugees' to Germany, almost 20m family members are waiting in Africa for visas.

She is a destroyer and killer, traitor and commie psycho, her name will be cursed 1000 years in Germany.

Millions of these guys were invited by Merkel to Germany.

The only condition:

IQ60 or lower, illiterate, criminal, good knowelage of Quran, sexual perverse ( sorry, what Muslim is not sexual perverse ) and has no problem to receive welfare and other benefits.


Germany would not survive 20m african muzz. It would turn the country into Zimbabwe. Or, nurture the rise of a new Hitler.

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