Germany accuses W H O of cover up !

German intelligence are saying that the WHO of lying and covering up for china claiming there was no human to human transmission with covid 19 !China asked WHO to cover up coronavirus pandemic, deny human-to-human transmission: German intelligence
Maybe the EU have woken up, we certainly need more and more agencies doing this and stop bowing to the communists when they are obviously not interested in International norms. If there aren't any serious consequences to the Communist Party for this, they can expect MUCH worse going forward. they can literally drop a nuke as I said and make excuses, with U.N and others backing them. THAT'S their goal of controlling the world, and it seems to be working for them.

It's only a matter of time before leaders and their families are impacted. Boris Johnson was hospitalized with this and could have died, 10's of thousands of his citizens have. If he can't find his voice, he's no leader in my books.
This is exactly what we've all seen. The WHO is as dirty as a bowl of moldy bat wing soup.
Most China apologists have just stopped defending their actions. They know the media has their
WHO CDC IRS FBI et..... we keep telling you they lie and fix things that fit their narrative " take down america" and they are right before their dumb ass faces wait until you wake up. LMFAO.
and the weak have no idea why this is being banned.


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