German voters' crushing verdict on open-door migration: Angela Merkel is punished


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Democrats will suffer the same fate in November:

German voters' crushing verdict on open-door migration: Angela Merkel is punished in crucial state elections as far-Right party wins big vote with call to stop flow of refugees

German voters turned to the far right in droves yesterday in a damning verdict on Angela Merkel’s open door border policy.

In regional elections she was humiliated by the anti-immigrant AfD – Alternative for Germany – party.

Formed just three years ago, it has surged in popularity following Mrs Merkel’s decision to roll out the red carpet for more than a million migrants.

Frauke Petry, who leads the Eurosceptic party, has suggested German border guards should open fire on illegal immigrants.

Analysts said the regional poll – in which Mrs Merkel’s ruling Christian Democrats lost two out of three states – was a ‘worst case scenario’ for the embattled chancellor ahead of a general election next year.

The timing made it a virtual referendum on Germany’s refugee policy. It will also be seen as an indictment of the failure of Europe’s ruling classes to acknowledge the public’s fears about migration.

Mrs Merkel’s welcome for arrivals from Syria, other parts of the Middle East and North Africa, has caused chaos across the continent.
Of course, as I predicted several months ago, only the gullible and Propagandists were attempting to tell people this wasn't about to happen, those who actually know what they're talking about said it was happening and now as we predicted it has happened.
I've spent much time last night on the phone with a variety of friends phoning me telling me the most amazing things about the most EXTRAORDINARY celebrations in the streets across especially Sachsen-Anhalt.

The most amazing result is from Sachsen-Anhalt, SPD totally crushed and the CDU vote is pathetic. From previous election, the swing away from the CDU is - 2.8%, the swing away from the SPD is - 15%, Der Linke are the Far Left full of former East German Commies, the swing away from them is - 7.3% and the swing to AfD is an ASTONISHING + 24.2%, giving them seats for the first time, seats = 24 - ONLY 6 LESS seats than the CDU in Sachsen-Anhalt now.


This Baden-Württemberg, THIS is a complete humilation for Traitor Bitch Merkel, Die Grünen pushes CDU down that far, in THIS State. The CDU owned this region for nearly 60 years, until a weird election in 2011 put in an Grüne/SDP coalition, the CDU pumped tremendous amount of money into this one race, they thought they MIGHT be able to regain control and have failed miserably. From previous election the swing to Die Grünen is + 6.1%, the swing away from the CDU is - 12%, the swing from the SDP is - 10% and the swing to the AfD is an astonishing + 15.1%, again seats for the FIRST time for AfD = 23 seats.


This Rheinland-Pfalz is another humilation for CDU, as they were running the VERY popular and local - Bad Kreuznach - Julia Klöckner and she failed. From previous election swing to SPD is + 0.5%, the swing away from CDU is - 3.4% and the swing to AfD is + 12.6%, so AfD for FIRST time gets seats = 14 seats.

Doh Die Linke even, yes I make crazy spelling errors now in several languages.
Unless you're familiar with German politics on the ground so to speak, then people won't understand how incredible these results are for AfD and how completely humiliating they are for Traitor Bitch Merkel and the fat slob and Traitor Sigmar Gabriel.
The Middle Classes have made a statement here and we knew what it was going to be post-Christmas 2015 and THIS is it. I now fully expect anytime between first week of April and beginning of June Traitor Bitch Merkel to be thrown off the perch and replaced with a new German leader.
The Middle Classes have made a statement here and we knew what it was going to be post-Christmas 2015 and THIS is it. .
Yes, this portends the end of Multi-culturalism, Open Borders and letting corporations set up crony networks.
For the ignorant, and we know there are very ignorant people, so for those who say "AfD are Nazi's".
The mathematics of the Sachsen-Anhalt result: From previous election, the swing away from the CDU is - 2.8%, the swing away from the SPD is - 15%, Der Linke are the Far Left full of former East German Commies, the swing away from them is - 7.3% and the swing to AfD is an ASTONISHING + 24.2%.
So the - 2.8% from the CDU + the - 15% from the SPD + the - 7.3% from Die Linke = 25.1%
The SWING TO AfD + ALL the votes the Conservatives, the Socialists and the Far Left bled in Sachsen-Anhalt pretty much ALL went STRAIGHT to the AfD.

Sorry, WHAT was that about AfD = Nazi's again? Oh yes, horsecrap as we always knew it was. What this means is what we've said since December 2015, from on the ground reporting, that the AfD is appealing and now getting the votes from across the political spectrum from Conservative to even the Far Left now, and they're getting a huge portion of Middle Class Germans who are rightfully very angry at what they correct see as Traitor Bitch Merkel and fat slob Traitor Sigmar Gabriel attempting to take THEIR nation and THEIR future off THEM and hand the keys and the money of THEIR nation to Muslim savages posing as "poor refugees"....whoever thought the majority of people would allow this can only be Leftist fool with head in clouds or in sand.
These results are the beginning, only the beginning, as we've always said.
Stupid copy and paste of the percentages, produces dumb spelling error again, Die Linke, WTF....take me out and just shoot me already.
Unless you're familiar with German politics on the ground so to speak, then people won't understand how incredible these results are for AfD and how completely humiliating they are for Traitor Bitch Merkel and the fat slob and Traitor Sigmar Gabriel.
The Middle Classes have made a statement here and we knew what it was going to be post-Christmas 2015 and THIS is it. I now fully expect anytime between first week of April and beginning of June Traitor Bitch Merkel to be thrown off the perch and replaced with a new German leader.

This is a good day Lucy
Unless you're familiar with German politics on the ground so to speak, then people won't understand how incredible these results are for AfD and how completely humiliating they are for Traitor Bitch Merkel and the fat slob and Traitor Sigmar Gabriel.
The Middle Classes have made a statement here and we knew what it was going to be post-Christmas 2015 and THIS is it. I now fully expect anytime between first week of April and beginning of June Traitor Bitch Merkel to be thrown off the perch and replaced with a new German leader.

This is a good day Lucy

Indeed it is and lets hope the rest of Europe follow suite before the refugees kill more.

Lets hope the citizens of those countries kick the Govt. in power who are allowing those refugees in right the hell to the curb. Hope they kick all the Muslims out as well. Back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

Sure hope our new POTUS does the same damned thing.
Democrats will suffer the same fate in November:

German voters' crushing verdict on open-door migration: Angela Merkel is punished in crucial state elections as far-Right party wins big vote with call to stop flow of refugees

German voters turned to the far right in droves yesterday in a damning verdict on Angela Merkel’s open door border policy.

In regional elections she was humiliated by the anti-immigrant AfD – Alternative for Germany – party.

Formed just three years ago, it has surged in popularity following Mrs Merkel’s decision to roll out the red carpet for more than a million migrants.

Frauke Petry, who leads the Eurosceptic party, has suggested German border guards should open fire on illegal immigrants.

Analysts said the regional poll – in which Mrs Merkel’s ruling Christian Democrats lost two out of three states – was a ‘worst case scenario’ for the embattled chancellor ahead of a general election next year.

The timing made it a virtual referendum on Germany’s refugee policy. It will also be seen as an indictment of the failure of Europe’s ruling classes to acknowledge the public’s fears about migration.

Mrs Merkel’s welcome for arrivals from Syria, other parts of the Middle East and North Africa, has caused chaos across the continent.

Government always wants more subjects, of course they want immigration legal and not. The people have to say stop when it becomes too much
Lets see...

Trump about to mathematically clinch the nomination and thus the election, Germans citizens shaking off the guilt of the Shoah to reassert control of their country, the UK about to vote to leave the EU....over all it is looking like a good summer for the forces of liberty, humanity and the beginning of the fall of the Masters of the Universe.
Four relatives from Baden-Württemberg and Bayern have called us since the voting to give us the news. They're all excited about the results.
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