German girl raped for 2.5 hours

Germany has brought in millions and has destroyed their cities
Germany used to be very safe
This girl will never recover
She can recover, with professional assistance. At 15 her life cannot be allowed to be finished.
The German govt must pay for anything she needs.
Germans were warned, but they knew better, They kept electing madame whatshername.
Very sad that this girl was one to pay the price.
Britons were warned too, but they wouldn't listen either. Kept electing leftist govts. Much the same things happen there also.

Germany has brought in millions and has destroyed their cities
Germany used to be very safe
This girl will never recover

The former free country Germany is run through the last 15 years by a bunch of united satanists of CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts.
There is practically no difference between 'parties' because all of them serve NWO, Gates, Schwab & Co
There is nothing wrong which aforementioned criminals didn't applied against the sad country.
Since 2015 more as 10m illiterate, mostly criminal and fanatic youth Muslims entered the country to enjoy all benefits of German welfare state.
They are save of any criminal persecution because the criminal gang of corrupted 'parties' want to completely replace Germans by IQ-20 Muslims.
If you are against you can be murdered by Antifa, lost your job or imprisoned.

Germany is done
That this poor girl was raped for 2.5 hours by 12 different men as bad as it is, isn't the worst part. The authorities aren't sure they will bring charges. To the German authorities this isn't a crime. It is a social faux pas.

Germany became a country of idiots run by criminal liars and satanist.
Almost any MS politician is a corrupted sexual deviant Freemason secret satanist never worked in the free industry scum
Modern Germany is the Satan's Kingdom pure.

The biggest crimes are Tax dodging, Corona and Holocaust denials, Islam bashing, anything else is allowed if you are a Muslim, queer or commie

Germany has brought in millions and has destroyed their cities
Germany used to be very safe
This girl will never recover
Sylvia Marie Likens was an American teenager who was tortured and murdered by her caregiver, Gertrude Baniszewski. This abuse incrementally lasted for three months before Likens died from her extensive injuries and malnourishment. This happened in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Sylvia Marie Likens was an American teenager who was tortured and murdered by her caregiver, Gertrude Baniszewski. This abuse incrementally lasted for three months before Likens died from her extensive injuries and malnourishment. This happened in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
The guy in Indianapolis got his punishment, I suppose. Those ones in Germany, after more than a year has passed, have got nothing. That is the point.
"Almost any MS politician is a corrupted sexual deviant Freemason secret satanist ........Germany is the Satan's Kingdom pure."

Is this place fun, or what?
It's like the movie ward in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.
It's like the Mos Eisley cafe of StarWars.

We have, on display, a whole array of nutters, fringies, and, well, 'out there' specimens who come on here and do a little whirl & twirl of their issues for the rest of us.

And that then, allows the rest of us to smugly say...."There-but-for-the-grace-of-God........"

I love this bar.
The former free country Germany is run through the last 15 years by a bunch of united satanists of CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts.
There is practically no difference between 'parties' because all of them serve NWO, Gates, Schwab & Co
There is nothing wrong which aforementioned criminals didn't applied against the sad country.
Since 2015 more as 10m illiterate, mostly criminal and fanatic youth Muslims entered the country to enjoy all benefits of German welfare state.
They are save of any criminal persecution because the criminal gang of corrupted 'parties' want to completely replace Germans by IQ-20 Muslims.
If you are against you can be murdered by Antifa, lost your job or imprisoned.

Germany is done
Seems to be.
France is not far behind it, so too Sweden and other countries in Europe.

Is this place fun, or what?
It's like the movie ward in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.
It's like the Mos Eisley cafe of StarWars.

We have, on display, a whole array of nutters, fringies, and, well, 'out there' specimens who come on here and do a little whirl & twirl of their issues for the rest of us.

And that then, allows the rest of us to smugly say...."There-but-for-the-grace-of-God........"

I love this bar.

Merkel's Germany today

He's not evil, and he isn't Muslim,

Who? Your son?

so no sense of entitlement and superiority over infidels, so sorry, no sale.


He pays his own way, even for my 2 grandkids schooling,


which is private and in France and Switzerland, both doing well.


My daughter in law is also employed full time.

So what?

Neither are stupid enough to support flooding Germany with Islamists, which makes them welcome in many of the locals' homes.

And what is her problem, the problem of your son or your problem? A happy life? Too much money? How to make rules for others?
Seems to be.
France is not far behind it, so too Sweden and other countries in Europe.

The entirely EU gradually becomes a ship of fools.

Who? Your son?




So what?

And what is her problem, the problem of your son or your problem? A happy life? Too much money? How to make rules for others?

The guy in Indianapolis got his punishment, I suppose. Those ones in Germany, after more than a year has passed, have got nothing. That is the point.

In Merkel's Germany no Mulsim go behind bars because it would be called as racism.

The country is completely open to anyone who is:

1. Fundamentalist Muslim
2. Without working skill
3. Criminal
4. IQ-20 and lower
5 Pedophile
6. Lazy
7 Supporter of leftist parties

Well educated Muslims go to USA, Canada and another commonwealth western countries, the trash of the Muslim world goes to Germany, the Muslim Paradise

The new Germans

The entirely EU gradually becomes a ship of fools.


They want an army now.


The entirely EU gradually becomes a ship of fools.


Says king Superfool 1st?

This song "Das Narrenschiff" (a very old motif) was published around 1998 - when Kohl (conservative) and Schröder (progressive) had been chancellors of Germany - and it will always be a popular song under all governments because it speaks about the archaic fear when criminals overtake all leading positions in a country. This fear is the arechetypical prototype of the fear to sink with the own titanic.
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I am not a supporter of rape. But you broke here now a German law with your "üble Nachrede".

Why do you think exists the commandement "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour"?

Your insane 'government' broke all possible laws and transformed the country to a satanist Corona prison.
Your 'laws' are applicable to dissents and critical citizens only, your failed 'state' is a joke and warning for all normal nations.

Your corrupted satanic male 'politicians' will enjoy this ass-bandit song.


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