German Foreign Minister Admits Anti-Semitism on Rise Again in Germany

Again, we should pay very close attention to Germany. Their hate and violence is on the Germans are attacking Jews and minorities on a daily basis.

Hatred of Jews on Rise as Mideast Tensions Spike

Germany’s foreign minister said at an international conference on anti-semitism on Thursday that “hatred of Jews” was on the rise once more in his country and across Europe, fueled by spiraling violence in the Middle East.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Germany’s Jews were subjected to threats and attacks at pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and the conflict between Israel in Gaza must not be used as justification for an anti-semitic behavior.
As well as slogans like “Gas the Jews!” during some marches, in July at the height of the 50-day Gaza war petrol bombs were thrown at a synagogue in Wuppertal which had been burnt down on Kristallnacht - a Nazi attack on the Jews in 1938 - and rebuilt.

Read more: Hatred of Jews on Rise as Mideast Tensions Spike

I wonder from what quarters the hate and violence arises. ---
and --also WHY. Germany has a very good welfare system---which has attracted lots of people of middle eastern
background. Muslims have an interesting custom ----
"extra wives"-------kinda unofficial------who are "single
mothers" in places like Germany, Austria, and Scandanavian countries. (sorry----another story----I know
of such cases----it's true) Germany has JUMPED on
the problem (sorry----I know of at least one case very well----it "broke up" the family when she lost benefits)
That is, most Jews are white.

Jews would like us to believe that, but its not true.

Penelope is right----jews are not "white". islamo Nazi pigs are "white" For the record-----never tell an arab that he is
"not white" From the standpoint of anthropologists-----
arabs are "Caucasian"-------but genetically----the people called arabs----in Saudi Arabia, and Egypt and the
Bedouins of the various deserts of the middle east are
very much mixed with subsaharans -----
since they have interbred over the many thousands of years those groups were involved in sub-Saharan slavery.
Jews are Caucasian mostly----far less mixed with subsaharans------EXCEPT for some admixture with Ethiopians-----especially the jews of Yemen and, of course
Ethiopian jews are considered "negroid"----(not a popular term anymore---I am supposed to say "black"). The hindus of India are Caucasian----even the black as coal --dravidians. I was a conscious person during the 1960s---the civil rights era-----back then jews like me denied being
"white" Islamo Nazis were all "white" ----WHITE AND PROUD OF BEING "WHITE" and a member of the group that, historically, committed even more genocides than have
muslims Since arabs got their negroid (sub-Saharan) DNA from slaves they owned and traded------they like to imagine that they are purebred Caucasian-------Iranians really are Caucasian--------and among the most racist persons in
the world-------they look down on everyone-----especially arabs
That is, most Jews are white.

Jews would like us to believe that, but its not true.

And yes, ****, you are just as stupid as Mr. Salty Nutz. Now, go lick his nutz or something. And fuck off.

Thank you so much and have a wonderful day, ****.

You sound like a Jew, arrogant as can be. You have a lot of black relatives, like it or not.
Oh shut must be German or of German ancestry

My Dad had a bit of German, but mainly French. The Germans got a bad rap from WWII,like they were the slop of the earth and boy Israel has sure loved their blood money. If one is to really read WWII history you'll find the Stalin, Churchill , and the US were as bad and the Jewish Russians as well as the Jews who fought with Hitler.
Like I say, Judea declared war on Germany first. Hitler was not about to let the Jews take over Germany like they did Russia.
That is, most Jews are white.

Jews would like us to believe that, but its not true.

And yes, ****, you are just as stupid as Mr. Salty Nutz. Now, go lick his nutz or something. And fuck off.

Thank you so much and have a wonderful day, ****.

You sound like a Jew, arrogant as can be. You have a lot of black relatives, like it or not.
Oh shut must be German or of German ancestry

My Dad had a bit of German, but mainly French. The Germans got a bad rap from WWII,like they were the slop of the earth and boy Israel has sure loved their blood money. If one is to really read WWII history you'll find the Stalin, Churchill , and the US were as bad and the Jewish Russians as well as the Jews who fought with Hitler.
Like I say, Judea declared war on Germany first. Hitler was not about to let the Jews take over Germany like they did Russia.

I enjoyed your post this time-----Penelope. I really like it when you provide your miserable background. For a person of your background------I would expect a bit more
in language skills. Both German people and French people seem to do well in the English language. I do have a sister-in-law of part German and part French background---who is
very intelligent even though her fairly recent background is
the hillls of Appalachia. Her mom was the only literate person in town so she had the one room school house.

In ---I believe 1933 ----when the islamo Nazi hero ADOLF HITLER became chancellor of Germany-----jewish leaders
in the world stated that they would economically boycott Germany. Islamo Nazis pigs call that move "a declaration of war" because they so love genocide and piles of dead babies. Adolf Hitler was born a roman catholic.
Stalin was so eastern orthodox that he was a DIVINITY
student being groomed for the church in his youth. I know lots of Russian jews-----none of them were either army officers----or politicians------in fact I treated a few for lingering
effects of frost bite that they got in Siberia ------my sister-in-law------is from a Presbyterian family----but SHE CAN READ AND WRITE -----It is not clear to me why they came up as
Presbyterian-----but that is what they are or were. Most of
the French people I have encountered have been Roman Catholic. BTW---your hero ADOLF HITLER----published your bible MEIN KAMPF----I believe in 1928-----when was the first time you read it? It was the only book translated into Arabic in the entire decade of the 1930s----your hero
al Husseini of the slit infant throat-----probably sponsored
that translation from german to the holy language ---Arabic

Germans do get a bad rap-----left over from world war II------
they are not islamo Nazi pigs anymore-----my impression is that we have more islamo Nazi pigs in the USA than Germany has if one excludes the arab migrants to Germany
On the rise in the US and elsewhere too.

We are far from perfect.
Hell, all you have to do is visit USMB to see racism alive in the US. BUt it is nowhere near as bad as in Europe, especially GERMANY. AND, the big difference...Germans attempted to exterminate the Jews and is responsible for the deaths of 100's of millions of people throughout the 20th Century.

Yes and according to you. all Germans are just like Hitler.

You are no better than the other racists on this board.

Give it frikken rest already.
All Germans and people of German ancestry are susceptible to hate and violence as proven throughout history. Most hate crimes throughout the world (excluding killer Muslims) come from people who have German ancestry. Whether it is genetic or spiritual, I don't know. All I know is that Germans have to be watched closely to avoid more violence and another holocaust.

All humans are susceptible to hate and violence, you idiotic bigot.
[JEWS declared war on Germany first in March of 1933.



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