Georgia: The Numbers Tel lThe Story

  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

0 arrest for voting regularities.
I win.
So did Biden.
Resident Biden will not make it a full year....
Great...the blob is gone and Harris becomes POTUS. #winning.
Are you kidding? way she lasts either...she has more corrupt baggage than The Finger....just waiting to come out....California knows all about her....she also has long standing ties to Chinese spies....just like Swalwell...China has corrupted many norcal Di Fi...and pelosi.... sound like you're short circuiting.....and I love it.

First you said Joe wouldn't get the nomination...then he wouldn't make the debates...then he wouldn't win the election....then he wouldn't survive court challenges. If you want to continue to look like a lunatic...please do.
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

Any cogent thoughts on why there have been zero arrests for all of this "illegal activity" you imagine took place?

Cat got your tongue?
That’s a fking great question!
The fking great answer is that there was no sizable fraud.
You can’t say that without investigating , just a fact. I do know Secretaries of State’s illegally allowed ballots to be counted outside Election Day. It’s illegal, that’s the legislative body to protect.

Are you under the impression that all of the ballots in the past were counted on election day?
Are you aware that the governor acted in several states (red and blue alike) to change election laws without going through the state legislature?
If everyone of all ages, races, sexes and religions robbed banks on the same day....does that make it right?

And a simple question of Logic.......exactly what Governor or SoS, or AG ....or any elected or appointed official would ever admit that they dropped the ball as it pertains to their responsibility of ensuring election integrity?

It bothers me when I hear...."he is a republican governor and he swears he did not oversee corruption"....I mean really? That's when those on the left choose to believe in the honesty of a republican politician?

Not sure what you're asking here either.

Governors across the nation expanded voting time periods and methods in response to a pandemic.

It was, in no way, illegal that they did so.

You guys just do not like the results so you're looking for something that would change it.
Illegal is not the same as unconstitutional.

I thought you knew that.
Popeye brought up the constitution. Not me. I thought you knew that.
Nope didn't know that as that was new to me. It was just stated bt him today.

But I assumed one, like you, who engages in constitutional debate would know that unconstitutional does not mean illegal.

But I guess I was wrong

Sounds like you should be debating him...not me. I don't have a clue what you're talking about. We have that much in common.
Perhaps. I didnt pay attention to the entire string. I take fault in that.

All I know is what is unconstitutional is not necessarily illegal.

Best way to put it...The Supreme court does not decide if the law was broken. It decides if the law was constitutional.
Or if one American was treated differently than another....equal protection under the discounting Trump ballots only...
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

0 arrest for voting regularities.
I win.
So did Biden.
Resident Biden will not make it a full year....
Great...the blob is gone and Harris becomes POTUS. #winning.
Are you kidding? way she lasts either...she has more corrupt baggage than The Finger....just waiting to come out....California knows all about her....she also has long standing ties to Chinese spies....just like Swalwell...China has corrupted many norcal Di Fi...and pelosi.... sound like you're short circuiting.....and I love it.

First you said Joe wouldn't get the nomination...then he wouldn't make the debates...then he wouldn't win the election....then he wouldn't survive court challenges. If you want to continue to look like a lunatic...please do.
joe didn't win...they stole it...
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

Any cogent thoughts on why there have been zero arrests for all of this "illegal activity" you imagine took place?

Cat got your tongue?
That’s a fking great question!
The fking great answer is that there was no sizable fraud.
You can’t say that without investigating , just a fact. I do know Secretaries of State’s illegally allowed ballots to be counted outside Election Day. It’s illegal, that’s the legislative body to protect.

Are you under the impression that all of the ballots in the past were counted on election day?
Are you aware that the governor acted in several states (red and blue alike) to change election laws without going through the state legislature?
If everyone of all ages, races, sexes and religions robbed banks on the same day....does that make it right?

And a simple question of Logic.......exactly what Governor or SoS, or AG ....or any elected or appointed official would ever admit that they dropped the ball as it pertains to their responsibility of ensuring election integrity?

It bothers me when I hear...."he is a republican governor and he swears he did not oversee corruption"....I mean really? That's when those on the left choose to believe in the honesty of a republican politician?

Not sure what you're asking here either.

Governors across the nation expanded voting time periods and methods in response to a pandemic.

It was, in no way, illegal that they did so.

You guys just do not like the results so you're looking for something that would change it.
Illegal is not the same as unconstitutional.

I thought you knew that.
Popeye brought up the constitution. Not me. I thought you knew that.
Nope didn't know that as that was new to me. It was just stated bt him today.

But I assumed one, like you, who engages in constitutional debate would know that unconstitutional does not mean illegal.

But I guess I was wrong

Sounds like you should be debating him...not me. I don't have a clue what you're talking about. We have that much in common.
Perhaps. I didnt pay attention to the entire string. I take fault in that.

All I know is what is unconstitutional is not necessarily illegal.

Best way to put it...The Supreme court does not decide if the law was broken. It decides if the law was constitutional.

Great. No kidding. Claudette thought that the blob's lawyers would be calling witnesses at the supreme court. There is an endless list of moronic blob supporters. Popeye brings up the "constitution" for some reason as if it was going to scare me or something....and I ask shit brains to quote it to back up his plank and he, of course, can't.
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

0 arrest for voting regularities.
I win.
So did Biden.
Resident Biden will not make it a full year....
Great...the blob is gone and Harris becomes POTUS. #winning.
Are you kidding? way she lasts either...she has more corrupt baggage than The Finger....just waiting to come out....California knows all about her....she also has long standing ties to Chinese spies....just like Swalwell...China has corrupted many norcal Di Fi...and pelosi.... sound like you're short circuiting.....and I love it.

First you said Joe wouldn't get the nomination...then he wouldn't make the debates...then he wouldn't win the election....then he wouldn't survive court challenges. If you want to continue to look like a lunatic...please do.
joe didn't win...they stole it...

  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

Any cogent thoughts on why there have been zero arrests for all of this "illegal activity" you imagine took place?

Cat got your tongue?
That’s a fking great question!
The fking great answer is that there was no sizable fraud.
You can’t say that without investigating , just a fact. I do know Secretaries of State’s illegally allowed ballots to be counted outside Election Day. It’s illegal, that’s the legislative body to protect.

Are you under the impression that all of the ballots in the past were counted on election day?
Are you aware that the governor acted in several states (red and blue alike) to change election laws without going through the state legislature?
If everyone of all ages, races, sexes and religions robbed banks on the same day....does that make it right?

And a simple question of Logic.......exactly what Governor or SoS, or AG ....or any elected or appointed official would ever admit that they dropped the ball as it pertains to their responsibility of ensuring election integrity?

It bothers me when I hear...."he is a republican governor and he swears he did not oversee corruption"....I mean really? That's when those on the left choose to believe in the honesty of a republican politician?

Not sure what you're asking here either.

Governors across the nation expanded voting time periods and methods in response to a pandemic.

It was, in no way, illegal that they did so.

You guys just do not like the results so you're looking for something that would change it.
Illegal is not the same as unconstitutional.

I thought you knew that.
Popeye brought up the constitution. Not me. I thought you knew that.
Nope didn't know that as that was new to me. It was just stated bt him today.

But I assumed one, like you, who engages in constitutional debate would know that unconstitutional does not mean illegal.

But I guess I was wrong

Sounds like you should be debating him...not me. I don't have a clue what you're talking about. We have that much in common.
Perhaps. I didnt pay attention to the entire string. I take fault in that.

All I know is what is unconstitutional is not necessarily illegal.

Best way to put it...The Supreme court does not decide if the law was broken. It decides if the law was constitutional.

Great. No kidding. Claudette thought that the blob's lawyers would be calling witnesses at the supreme court. There is an endless list of moronic blob supporters. Popeye brings up the "constitution" for some reason as if it was going to scare me or something....and I ask shit brains to quote it to back up his plank and he, of course, can't.
I was interested in your response until I saw "shit brains". Then your entire post lost credibility.

Grow up. Please. You have good ideas. But enough with the childish crap.
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

Any cogent thoughts on why there have been zero arrests for all of this "illegal activity" you imagine took place?

Cat got your tongue?
That’s a fking great question!
The fking great answer is that there was no sizable fraud.
You can’t say that without investigating , just a fact. I do know Secretaries of State’s illegally allowed ballots to be counted outside Election Day. It’s illegal, that’s the legislative body to protect.

Are you under the impression that all of the ballots in the past were counted on election day?
Are you aware that the governor acted in several states (red and blue alike) to change election laws without going through the state legislature?
If everyone of all ages, races, sexes and religions robbed banks on the same day....does that make it right?

And a simple question of Logic.......exactly what Governor or SoS, or AG ....or any elected or appointed official would ever admit that they dropped the ball as it pertains to their responsibility of ensuring election integrity?

It bothers me when I hear...."he is a republican governor and he swears he did not oversee corruption"....I mean really? That's when those on the left choose to believe in the honesty of a republican politician?

Not sure what you're asking here either.

Governors across the nation expanded voting time periods and methods in response to a pandemic.

It was, in no way, illegal that they did so.

You guys just do not like the results so you're looking for something that would change it.
Illegal is not the same as unconstitutional.

I thought you knew that.
Popeye brought up the constitution. Not me. I thought you knew that.
Nope didn't know that as that was new to me. It was just stated bt him today.

But I assumed one, like you, who engages in constitutional debate would know that unconstitutional does not mean illegal.

But I guess I was wrong

Sounds like you should be debating him...not me. I don't have a clue what you're talking about. We have that much in common.
Perhaps. I didnt pay attention to the entire string. I take fault in that.

All I know is what is unconstitutional is not necessarily illegal.

Best way to put it...The Supreme court does not decide if the law was broken. It decides if the law was constitutional.

Great. No kidding. Claudette thought that the blob's lawyers would be calling witnesses at the supreme court. There is an endless list of moronic blob supporters. Popeye brings up the "constitution" for some reason as if it was going to scare me or something....and I ask shit brains to quote it to back up his plank and he, of course, can't.
I was interested in your response until I saw "shit brains". Then your entire post lost credibility.

Grow up. Please. You have good ideas. But enough with the childish crap.
LOL...okay. Just out of curiosity....who here has credibility in your book?
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

Any cogent thoughts on why there have been zero arrests for all of this "illegal activity" you imagine took place?

Cat got your tongue?
That’s a fking great question!
The fking great answer is that there was no sizable fraud.
You can’t say that without investigating , just a fact. I do know Secretaries of State’s illegally allowed ballots to be counted outside Election Day. It’s illegal, that’s the legislative body to protect.

Are you under the impression that all of the ballots in the past were counted on election day?
Are you aware that the governor acted in several states (red and blue alike) to change election laws without going through the state legislature?
If everyone of all ages, races, sexes and religions robbed banks on the same day....does that make it right?

And a simple question of Logic.......exactly what Governor or SoS, or AG ....or any elected or appointed official would ever admit that they dropped the ball as it pertains to their responsibility of ensuring election integrity?

It bothers me when I hear...."he is a republican governor and he swears he did not oversee corruption"....I mean really? That's when those on the left choose to believe in the honesty of a republican politician?

Not sure what you're asking here either.

Governors across the nation expanded voting time periods and methods in response to a pandemic.

It was, in no way, illegal that they did so.

You guys just do not like the results so you're looking for something that would change it.
Illegal is not the same as unconstitutional.

I thought you knew that.
Popeye brought up the constitution. Not me. I thought you knew that.
Nope didn't know that as that was new to me. It was just stated bt him today.

But I assumed one, like you, who engages in constitutional debate would know that unconstitutional does not mean illegal.

But I guess I was wrong

Sounds like you should be debating him...not me. I don't have a clue what you're talking about. We have that much in common.
Perhaps. I didnt pay attention to the entire string. I take fault in that.

All I know is what is unconstitutional is not necessarily illegal.

Best way to put it...The Supreme court does not decide if the law was broken. It decides if the law was constitutional.

Great. No kidding. Claudette thought that the blob's lawyers would be calling witnesses at the supreme court. There is an endless list of moronic blob supporters. Popeye brings up the "constitution" for some reason as if it was going to scare me or something....and I ask shit brains to quote it to back up his plank and he, of course, can't.
I was interested in your response until I saw "shit brains". Then your entire post lost credibility.

Grow up. Please. You have good ideas. But enough with the childish crap.
LOL...okay. Just out of curiosity....who here has credibility in your book?
Not sure what I said that compromised my credibility. I simply stated fact. But if you feel I have no credibility in your eyes then I take responsibility for that. I likely did not articulate my position properly.
Not sure what I said that compromised my credibility. I simply stated fact. But if you feel I have no credibility in your eyes then I take responsibility for that. I likely did not articulate my position properly.

It's ok. No one can remember the last time Candy had any credibility...

  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

Any cogent thoughts on why there have been zero arrests for all of this "illegal activity" you imagine took place?

Cat got your tongue?
That’s a fking great question!
The fking great answer is that there was no sizable fraud.
You can’t say that without investigating , just a fact. I do know Secretaries of State’s illegally allowed ballots to be counted outside Election Day. It’s illegal, that’s the legislative body to protect.

Are you under the impression that all of the ballots in the past were counted on election day?
Are you aware that the governor acted in several states (red and blue alike) to change election laws without going through the state legislature?
If everyone of all ages, races, sexes and religions robbed banks on the same day....does that make it right?

And a simple question of Logic.......exactly what Governor or SoS, or AG ....or any elected or appointed official would ever admit that they dropped the ball as it pertains to their responsibility of ensuring election integrity?

It bothers me when I hear...."he is a republican governor and he swears he did not oversee corruption"....I mean really? That's when those on the left choose to believe in the honesty of a republican politician?

Not sure what you're asking here either.

Governors across the nation expanded voting time periods and methods in response to a pandemic.

It was, in no way, illegal that they did so.

You guys just do not like the results so you're looking for something that would change it.
Illegal is not the same as unconstitutional.

I thought you knew that.
Popeye brought up the constitution. Not me. I thought you knew that.
Nope didn't know that as that was new to me. It was just stated bt him today.

But I assumed one, like you, who engages in constitutional debate would know that unconstitutional does not mean illegal.

But I guess I was wrong

Sounds like you should be debating him...not me. I don't have a clue what you're talking about. We have that much in common.
Perhaps. I didnt pay attention to the entire string. I take fault in that.

All I know is what is unconstitutional is not necessarily illegal.

Best way to put it...The Supreme court does not decide if the law was broken. It decides if the law was constitutional.

Great. No kidding. Claudette thought that the blob's lawyers would be calling witnesses at the supreme court. There is an endless list of moronic blob supporters. Popeye brings up the "constitution" for some reason as if it was going to scare me or something....and I ask shit brains to quote it to back up his plank and he, of course, can't.
I was interested in your response until I saw "shit brains". Then your entire post lost credibility.

Grow up. Please. You have good ideas. But enough with the childish crap.
LOL...okay. Just out of curiosity....who here has credibility in your book?
Not sure what I said that compromised my credibility. I simply stated fact. But if you feel I have no credibility in your eyes then I take responsibility for that. I likely did not articulate my position properly.

Not what I asked....

LOL...okay. Just out of curiosity....who here has credibility in your book?
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

Any cogent thoughts on why there have been zero arrests for all of this "illegal activity" you imagine took place?

Cat got your tongue?
That’s a fking great question!
The fking great answer is that there was no sizable fraud.
You can’t say that without investigating , just a fact. I do know Secretaries of State’s illegally allowed ballots to be counted outside Election Day. It’s illegal, that’s the legislative body to protect.

Are you under the impression that all of the ballots in the past were counted on election day?
Are you aware that the governor acted in several states (red and blue alike) to change election laws without going through the state legislature?
If everyone of all ages, races, sexes and religions robbed banks on the same day....does that make it right?

And a simple question of Logic.......exactly what Governor or SoS, or AG ....or any elected or appointed official would ever admit that they dropped the ball as it pertains to their responsibility of ensuring election integrity?

It bothers me when I hear...."he is a republican governor and he swears he did not oversee corruption"....I mean really? That's when those on the left choose to believe in the honesty of a republican politician?

Not sure what you're asking here either.

Governors across the nation expanded voting time periods and methods in response to a pandemic.

It was, in no way, illegal that they did so.

You guys just do not like the results so you're looking for something that would change it.
Illegal is not the same as unconstitutional.

I thought you knew that.
Popeye brought up the constitution. Not me. I thought you knew that.
Nope didn't know that as that was new to me. It was just stated bt him today.

But I assumed one, like you, who engages in constitutional debate would know that unconstitutional does not mean illegal.

But I guess I was wrong

Sounds like you should be debating him...not me. I don't have a clue what you're talking about. We have that much in common.
Perhaps. I didnt pay attention to the entire string. I take fault in that.

All I know is what is unconstitutional is not necessarily illegal.

Best way to put it...The Supreme court does not decide if the law was broken. It decides if the law was constitutional.

Great. No kidding. Claudette thought that the blob's lawyers would be calling witnesses at the supreme court. There is an endless list of moronic blob supporters. Popeye brings up the "constitution" for some reason as if it was going to scare me or something....and I ask shit brains to quote it to back up his plank and he, of course, can't.
I was interested in your response until I saw "shit brains". Then your entire post lost credibility.

Grow up. Please. You have good ideas. But enough with the childish crap.
LOL...okay. Just out of curiosity....who here has credibility in your book?
Not sure what I said that compromised my credibility. I simply stated fact. But if you feel I have no credibility in your eyes then I take responsibility for that. I likely did not articulate my position properly.

Not what I asked....

LOL...okay. Just out of curiosity....who here has credibility in your book?
Denver fans.
Not sure what I said that compromised my credibility. I simply stated fact. But if you feel I have no credibility in your eyes then I take responsibility for that. I likely did not articulate my position properly.

It's ok. No one can remember the last time Candy had any credibility...


I've forgotten more about politics than you'll ever know sonny.
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

0 arrest for voting regularities.
I win.
So did Biden.
Resident Biden will not make it a full year....
Great...the blob is gone and Harris becomes POTUS. #winning.
Are you kidding? way she lasts either...she has more corrupt baggage than The Finger....just waiting to come out....California knows all about her....she also has long standing ties to Chinese spies....just like Swalwell...China has corrupted many norcal Di Fi...and pelosi.... sound like you're short circuiting.....and I love it.

First you said Joe wouldn't get the nomination...then he wouldn't make the debates...then he wouldn't win the election....then he wouldn't survive court challenges. If you want to continue to look like a lunatic...please do.
Well he didn’t know there would be cheating
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

0 arrest for voting regularities.
I win.
So did Biden.
Resident Biden will not make it a full year....
Great...the blob is gone and Harris becomes POTUS. #winning.
Are you kidding? way she lasts either...she has more corrupt baggage than The Finger....just waiting to come out....California knows all about her....she also has long standing ties to Chinese spies....just like Swalwell...China has corrupted many norcal Di Fi...and pelosi.... sound like you're short circuiting.....and I love it.

First you said Joe wouldn't get the nomination...then he wouldn't make the debates...then he wouldn't win the election....then he wouldn't survive court challenges. If you want to continue to look like a lunatic...please do.
Well he didn’t know there would be cheating

Thats good...because there was none. Otherwise you'd have some arrests.

Where are the arrests?
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

One thing these trump hating trolls never have an answer for is their double standards and hypocrisy they put on display all the time same as the demorat leaders show as well.Last year the demorat commies were angry bitching about dominion voting stealing elections from them and now that the shoe is on the other foot happening to their enemy,they clam up and these trolls have the fucked up logic mindset that the dominion voting machines were wrong last year but all of a sudden are correct this year. Fucking hypocrisy at the worse from these demorat commie lovers at this site just like their dem leaders. :cuckoo: They do this everytime that fact is brought up:scared1:
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

0 arrest for voting regularities.
I win.
So did Biden.
Resident Biden will not make it a full year....
Great...the blob is gone and Harris becomes POTUS. #winning.
Are you kidding? way she lasts either...she has more corrupt baggage than The Finger....just waiting to come out....California knows all about her....she also has long standing ties to Chinese spies....just like Swalwell...China has corrupted many norcal Di Fi...and pelosi.... sound like you're short circuiting.....and I love it.

First you said Joe wouldn't get the nomination...then he wouldn't make the debates...then he wouldn't win the election....then he wouldn't survive court challenges. If you want to continue to look like a lunatic...please do.
Well he didn’t know there would be cheating

Thats good...because there was none. Otherwise you'd have some arrests.

Where are the arrests?
Swamp creatures .
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

One thing these trump hating trolls never have an answer for is their double standards and hypocrisy they put on display all the time same as the demorat leaders show as well.Last year the demorat commies were angry bitching about dominion voting stealing elections from them and now that the shoe is on the other foot happening to their enemy,they clam up and these trolls have the fucked up logic mindset that the dominion voting machines were wrong last year but all of a sudden are correct this year. Fucking hypocrisy at the worse from these demorat commie lovers at this site just like their dem leaders. :cuckoo: They do this everytime that fact is brought up:scared1:
Facts aren’t theirs. Fact, they say they won, fact, we said there were bad ballots. Fact they said they won and you can’t see the ballots! Why? If their fact was. Fact, what’s the issue with looking at the ballots?
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

0 arrest for voting regularities.
I win.
So did Biden.
Resident Biden will not make it a full year....
Great...the blob is gone and Harris becomes POTUS. #winning.
Are you kidding? way she lasts either...she has more corrupt baggage than The Finger....just waiting to come out....California knows all about her....she also has long standing ties to Chinese spies....just like Swalwell...China has corrupted many norcal Di Fi...and pelosi.... sound like you're short circuiting.....and I love it.

First you said Joe wouldn't get the nomination...then he wouldn't make the debates...then he wouldn't win the election....then he wouldn't survive court challenges. If you want to continue to look like a lunatic...please do.
Well he didn’t know there would be cheating

Thats good...because there was none. Otherwise you'd have some arrests.

Where are the arrests?
Swamp creatures .

But of course...the sheriff of rural Georgia counties are parts of the Swamp.
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

There were 2 envelopes out of absentee ballots in Georgia that had issues of not matching signatures, found when the State ran a Signature audit that was requested by the Trump campaign.

The absentee ballot purpose, is to give citizens of the State, a means to vote in their state, when in another state or another country on election day.

You can not simply say that a person with a change of address at USPS to another State, is reason to believe you are not a citizen of such state.

There are many legal reasons for citizens of states, moving or being out of state.

-All the Military and their spouses who are transferred out of state or country use their home state as their citizenship state, use absentee ballots to vote.

- Students attending college in another state, where that state makes it difficult for students to register to vote in that state or just because they want to stay involved in home politics.

-People working out of state on business during election period

-People who have vacation homes in another state or country, who will not be in town for the election period, but consider their residence in that state as their home state.

There are tons and tons of legitimate reasons for being absent from your home state, at election time.... thus...The Absentee Ballot!

You can't just pull a list out of thousands of citizens that are out of state, needing an absentee ballot and disenfranchise them all.....which is what you think should be done...which is bat skat crazy!
  1. 2,560 felons
  2. 66,247 underage voters
  3. 2,423 votes from people not registered
  4. 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
  5. 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
  6. 395 individuals who voted in two states
  7. 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
  8. 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
  9. Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election. Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522

Using 30,000 (low end) of absentee ballots lacking signatures that match voter registration, the above numbers come out to a total of 163, 573.

12,284 votes -- That's the number of voted President Trump supposedly lost by in Georgia.

Trump won Georgia. As far as 'damaging / threatening our Democracy' by challenging the election results in Georgia, I'll let Georgia's own election law speak for itself.:

Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:
A result of a primary or election may be contested on one or more of the following grounds:
(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;
(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;
(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or
(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

0 arrest for voting regularities.
I win.
So did Biden.
Resident Biden will not make it a full year....
Great...the blob is gone and Harris becomes POTUS. #winning.
Are you kidding? way she lasts either...she has more corrupt baggage than The Finger....just waiting to come out....California knows all about her....she also has long standing ties to Chinese spies....just like Swalwell...China has corrupted many norcal Di Fi...and pelosi.... sound like you're short circuiting.....and I love it.

First you said Joe wouldn't get the nomination...then he wouldn't make the debates...then he wouldn't win the election....then he wouldn't survive court challenges. If you want to continue to look like a lunatic...please do.
Well he didn’t know there would be cheating

Thats good...because there was none. Otherwise you'd have some arrests.

Where are the arrests?
Swamp creatures .

But of course...the sheriff of rural Georgia counties are parts of the Swamp.
Sure! Let’s see the ballots? Again, what’s your issue if you win fairly?

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