Georgia Ebola Victim Apparently Going Home--Despite "Obvious" Christie Efforts of GOP(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Plague in America apparently responds to treatment and can be cured--if only the doctors and nurses can get out of the quarantines. The infected caregiver at Emory was actually scientifically regarded sick, not just regarded obviously sick. So now there are two in the United States completely cured, with one left to be completely cured.

Merced community news from Merced Sun-Star in Merced CA

Likely the pharmaceutical companies will be more likely to contact the cured for possible treatment scenarios. More likely, the pharmaceutical companies will not be contacting Governor Christie, for comments and "obvious medical expertise(?)!"

Nigeria and Senegal have been Ebola free for months. So far that also applies to New Jersey, but GOP "change" appears to be in the air--and maybe in some fluids(?)--and maybe even some smoke(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Smoke comes easily to California, and to Lands of Many Nations! Cures and patient-relief not always at mat of White Eyes doors! "Give Us Your Poor, Your Hungry, Your Sick(?). . . ." Starting over. . . .)
I think this is so funny. We know that Republicans have complained that the new "Ebola Czar" doesn't have medical expertise.

but then

because they are Republicans and are trying to scare Americans,

they ignore medical expertise from scientists and doctors.

That is so hilarious! It's like saying vaccines cause autism. Oh, but, who would be so stupid they would believe that?
I used to think you were a lunatic, now I'm sure

When you call someone a name dipshit with nothing to back it up, it makes you look like a dipshit. So what do I have to back up calling you dipshit? How about your last post.................uh..............dipshit.
I used to think you were a lunatic, now I'm sure

When you call someone a name dipshit with nothing to back it up, it makes you look like a dipshit. So what do I have to back up calling you dipshit? How about your last post.................uh..............dipshit.

How did it happen, Dean? Were you abandoned at a Republican Conference as a small child? Was your kindergarten teacher a Republican who locked you in a closet at break time? What made you crack and turned you as insane as any batman villain

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