George Soros Helped Fund Ferguson Protests...Believes We Should Only Have One Political Party


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I've been saying from the beginning that Obama and his administration was behind the protests in Ferguson. Now we have proof that he at least had a part in it.

It's not hard to connect the dots now considering recent revelations. It appears the White House is a co-conspirator in seditious acts.

Washington Times: George Soros Funded Ferguson Protests
Thursday, 15 Jan 2015 09:02 PM

By Joel Himelfarb

Liberal billionaire George Soros has played a critical role in financing the Ferguson, Missouri, protest movement, giving at least $33 million in one year to back already established groups that "emboldened" on-the-ground activists there, The Washington Times reports.

Soros' backing "gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day cause celebré," the paper said.

A plethora of groups shared funding from Soros and closely collaborated, referring to each other's news columns and creating in effect an "echo chamber" of sorts using Twitter and Facebook, the Times reports.

Buses of activists from groups including the Drug Policy Alliance, Make the Road New York, and the Center for Community Change in Washington — all funded in part by Soros — went to Ferguson beginning in August and went on to organize gatherings and protests there until late December, according to the Times.

The Times reports that Soros-backed groups called Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, the Organization for Black Struggle, and a group called Dream Defenders were involved in establishing the Hands Up Coalition — a supposed "grass-roots" organization in Missouri.

The Times notes that the "hands up" moniker was based on claims, reported by Newsbusters to be false, that slain Ferguson teenager Michael Brown had his hands up before being shot to death.

The Hands Up Coalition worked to recruit and organize youth across the United States to hold local events in their communities and make Ferguson a nationwide issue, the Times reports. The group calls 2015 "The Year of Resistance."

........Another Soros-funded group which helped fuel the Ferguson demonstrations is a network of grass-roots organizations called the Gamaliel Foundation. President Barack Obama started his community-organizing career at a Gamaliel affiliate in Chicago.

Clergy representatives from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference (SDPC), where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright is a trustee, also participated in the protests. Wright was Obama's long-time pastor in Chicago before publicity about his harsh rhetoric, including use of the phrase "God damn America," caused Obama to distance himself.

Soros gave the SDPC $250,000 in 2011, according to The Times.
Washington Times George Soros Funded Ferguson Protests

I noticed nobody cares that Obama is involved in criminal activity. I guess it's because it's acceptable now.
More likely many Americans are unaware of Soros' activities in Ferguson, since the MSM is not likely to report it...and many Americans do not know who he is...again thanks to the MSM.

But...ask them about the Koch Brothers and you will get a detailed report.
Soros is the epitome of a piece of shit. Why would anyone vote Democrat.
I noticed nobody cares that Obama is involved in criminal activity. I guess it's because it's acceptable now.

Because it doesn't really do any good to complain anymore. Nobody will do anything about this dude. The most transparent administration ever! He wasn't lying, but he wasn't talking about the type of transparency most thought he was talking about. This is a brazen transparency, and his sheep deny, and call the wise people conspiracy theorists.
Soros is the epitome of a piece of shit. Why would anyone vote Democrat.
Soros is trying to get rid of the GOP and make sure that the Democrat Party is the only party. So this is just a way to get out the Democrat vote. People that normally don't vote may vote if they feel that they can change the country. This is why Obama mentioned that not enough people voted. It was a sub-conscious admission that Ferguson was an attempt to get out the black vote, and that it didn't work.
Soros is the epitome of a piece of shit. Why would anyone vote Democrat.
Soros is trying to get rid of the GOP and make sure that the Democrat Party is the only party. So this is just a way to get out the Democrat vote. People that normally don't vote may vote if they feel that they can change the country. This is why Obama mentioned that not enough people voted. It was a sub-conscious admission that Ferguson was an attempt to get out the black vote, and that it didn't work.
Yes. Democrats (really neo-socialist, the Democrat Party of even as far back as 1980's no longer exist) need a victim class and class warfare to foment revolution in this country. If we had a real AG he would go after Soros and cut off his $$$$ to American causes.
Soros went to the Cook County clerk to file a mortgage lien on Obama and the Democrat Party
Soros is the epitome of a piece of shit. Why would anyone vote Democrat.
Soros is trying to get rid of the GOP and make sure that the Democrat Party is the only party. So this is just a way to get out the Democrat vote. People that normally don't vote may vote if they feel that they can change the country. This is why Obama mentioned that not enough people voted. It was a sub-conscious admission that Ferguson was an attempt to get out the black vote, and that it didn't work.

The main people doing things to get rid of the GOP are the conspiracy theory nutters in the GOP. I really miss the old Republican Party, from back when they were honorable, and sane.
Soros is the epitome of a piece of shit. Why would anyone vote Democrat.
Soros is trying to get rid of the GOP and make sure that the Democrat Party is the only party. So this is just a way to get out the Democrat vote. People that normally don't vote may vote if they feel that they can change the country. This is why Obama mentioned that not enough people voted. It was a sub-conscious admission that Ferguson was an attempt to get out the black vote, and that it didn't work.

The main people doing things to get rid of the GOP are the conspiracy theory nutters in the GOP. I really miss the old Republican Party, from back when they were honorable, and sane.
I beg to differ.....the sellouts are in charge of the GOP even today. We not only have to fight the Democrats, but members of our own party.
Soros is the epitome of a piece of shit. Why would anyone vote Democrat.
Soros is trying to get rid of the GOP and make sure that the Democrat Party is the only party. So this is just a way to get out the Democrat vote. People that normally don't vote may vote if they feel that they can change the country. This is why Obama mentioned that not enough people voted. It was a sub-conscious admission that Ferguson was an attempt to get out the black vote, and that it didn't work.

The main people doing things to get rid of the GOP are the conspiracy theory nutters in the GOP. I really miss the old Republican Party, from back when they were honorable, and sane.
I beg to differ.....the sellouts are in charge of the GOP even today. We not only have to fight the Democrats, but members of our own party.

Having to fight on two fronts plus that epidemic of tinfoil poisoning the loony right has to contend with.......It must be hard on you.
Soros is the epitome of a piece of shit. Why would anyone vote Democrat.
Soros is trying to get rid of the GOP and make sure that the Democrat Party is the only party. So this is just a way to get out the Democrat vote. People that normally don't vote may vote if they feel that they can change the country. This is why Obama mentioned that not enough people voted. It was a sub-conscious admission that Ferguson was an attempt to get out the black vote, and that it didn't work.

The main people doing things to get rid of the GOP are the conspiracy theory nutters in the GOP. I really miss the old Republican Party, from back when they were honorable, and sane.
I beg to differ.....the sellouts are in charge of the GOP even today. We not only have to fight the Democrats, but members of our own party.

Having to fight on two fronts plus that epidemic of tinfoil poisoning the loony right has to contend with.......It must be hard on you.
On the contrary, every day, in every way, my suspicions are being proven to be correct, despite the parroting of the mono-synaptic minions on the left and the right. With each new revelation I feel increasingly vindicated.
Soros is the epitome of a piece of shit. Why would anyone vote Democrat.
Soros is trying to get rid of the GOP and make sure that the Democrat Party is the only party. So this is just a way to get out the Democrat vote. People that normally don't vote may vote if they feel that they can change the country. This is why Obama mentioned that not enough people voted. It was a sub-conscious admission that Ferguson was an attempt to get out the black vote, and that it didn't work.

The main people doing things to get rid of the GOP are the conspiracy theory nutters in the GOP. I really miss the old Republican Party, from back when they were honorable, and sane.
I beg to differ.....the sellouts are in charge of the GOP even today. We not only have to fight the Democrats, but members of our own party.

Having to fight on two fronts plus that epidemic of tinfoil poisoning the loony right has to contend with.......It must be hard on you.
On the contrary, every day, in every way, my suspicions are being proven to be correct, despite the parroting of the mono-synaptic minions on the left and the right. With each new revelation I feel increasingly vindicated.

Every day, in every way? Well untreated delusions do tend to grow stronger with time.

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