George Soros...funds many liberal candidates in the USA.


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.

blah blah blah.... & the koch bros fund rightwingers. the only way to fix that is to get rid of citizen's united...

good luck with that.
...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.


I despise George Soros with every bone in my body, I'm sorry this isn't George Soros in this below picture and whatever idiot said it is is a prize idiot.

And exceptional idiocy of this nature does not help any anti-Soros cause, it's just hampers it, the thread and the OP should be deleted as misinformation.

This is a picture of Oskar Gröning.

Oskar Gröning - Wikipedia

...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.


I despise George Soros with every bone in my body, I'm sorry this isn't George Soros in this below picture and whatever idiot said it is is a prize idiot.

And exceptional idiocy of this nature does not help any anti-Soros cause, it's just hampers it, the thread and the OP should be deleted as misinformation.

This is a picture of Oskar Gröning.

Oskar Gröning - Wikipedia

Thank you for the info Lucy. I agree, this kind of disinformation discredits real information off the bat.
...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.


I despise George Soros with every bone in my body, I'm sorry this isn't George Soros in this below picture and whatever idiot said it is is a prize idiot.

And exceptional idiocy of this nature does not help any anti-Soros cause, it's just hampers it, the thread and the OP should be deleted as misinformation.

This is a picture of Oskar Gröning.

Oskar Gröning - Wikipedia

Thank you for the info Lucy. I agree, this kind of disinformation discredits real information off the bat.

Well the message is essentially correct, it's the picture that's the problem and whoever put that picture up needs a slap.

Anyhow the thread has been moved from Politics into Conspiracy Theory, which as some whoever has a picture of Oskar Gröning up saying it's George Soros as a young man....we are in the Conspiracy Theory realm :uhoh3:
...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.


I despise George Soros with every bone in my body, I'm sorry this isn't George Soros in this below picture and whatever idiot said it is is a prize idiot.

And exceptional idiocy of this nature does not help any anti-Soros cause, it's just hampers it, the thread and the OP should be deleted as misinformation.

This is a picture of Oskar Gröning.

Oskar Gröning - Wikipedia

Thank you, Lucy!

My apologies for being gullible and not verifying the photo. I still hate the sorry sack of shit. There are few people that I wish an early death. He is definitely at the top of the list.

...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.

The image you posted in your OP is a complete and total lie. That is not George Soros. It is the famous "Bookkeeper of Auschwitz" Oscar Groening. Soro's was a 14-year-old kid when that picture of the adult Nazi was taken.
...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.


I despise George Soros with every bone in my body, I'm sorry this isn't George Soros in this below picture and whatever idiot said it is is a prize idiot.

And exceptional idiocy of this nature does not help any anti-Soros cause, it's just hampers it, the thread and the OP should be deleted as misinformation.

This is a picture of Oskar Gröning.

Oskar Gröning - Wikipedia

Thank you, Lucy!

My apologies for being gullible and not verifying the photo. I still hate the sorry sack of shit. There are few people that I wish an early death. He is definitely at the top of the list.

Too bad there are not a lot more like you here at this site that can admit it when they are wrong,most cant

they know they can cowardly hide behind the computer and are too cowardly to admit when they have been proven wrong.Most are government paid shills such as rightwinger and say it for example but sadly the ones that are not paid shills ,are just too childish to admit a tiny little thing that is no big deal to be wrong on.:rolleyes:
...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.

The image you posted in your OP is a complete and total lie. That is not George Soros. It is the famous "Bookkeeper of Auschwitz" Oscar Groening. Soro's was a 14-year-old kid when that picture of the adult Nazi was taken.
uh obviously you did not read post# 6 of his where he admitted his mistake. You might want to take a page out of his book of maturity and admit when you have been proven wrong as well instead of making up lie after lie when you are cornered with nowhere to run.:rolleyes:
...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.

The image you posted in your OP is a complete and total lie. That is not George Soros. It is the famous "Bookkeeper of Auschwitz" Oscar Groening. Soro's was a 14-year-old kid when that picture of the adult Nazi was taken.
uh obviously you did not read post# 6 of his where he admitted his mistake. You might want to take a page out of his book of maturity and admit when you have been proven wrong as well instead of making up lie after lie when you are cornered with nowhere to run.:rolleyes:

adding more to this truthful post of mine,you are as bad at admitting when you have been proven wrong that FDR was a traiter to americans and a mass murderer the same as some others in the sports section are where they said i was nuts when i said the rams would be back in LA this year,they go and throw temper tantrems over a tiny little thing like that incapable of admitting they are wrong.:cuckoo:

I dont know which is worse,people who cant admit a small thing that they were proven wrong that the Rams would not come back to LA or your constant lies that FDR was not a traiter and mass murderer always proven wrong on that,jesus christ,you are as bad and childish on that as they are about the rams not coming back to LA.:rolleyes:
...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.

The image you posted in your OP is a complete and total lie. That is not George Soros. It is the famous "Bookkeeper of Auschwitz" Oscar Groening. Soro's was a 14-year-old kid when that picture of the adult Nazi was taken.
Apparently, you didn't read the whole thread before replying. I already admonished myself for posting it. However, I still hate the evil motherfucker, George Soros and wish him a prolonged, agonizing I do all evil Nazis!
...and many liberal political groups. Meet George Soros and you meet a die-in-the-wool white supremacist.

The image you posted in your OP is a complete and total lie. That is not George Soros. It is the famous "Bookkeeper of Auschwitz" Oscar Groening. Soro's was a 14-year-old kid when that picture of the adult Nazi was taken.

Thats already been established,pay attention.

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