George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With Loot

Soros is one of those who give the 1% a bad name. He is unethical and will make money by any means possible. The left should hate him, if they are honest about being for the little guy, yet they adore him and his money.

Trouble is,he and all his mates are Republicans....what's going on in the US ??????????


You show everyone you don't know WTF your talking about and then you prove it with

Well Australia know a thing or three,which you Guys could well take heed of,bouyant economy,free medical and health care for all,social and unemployment payments,a happy community, for starters.

1st World Country with 1st World committment to it's own people.......WHAT HAPPENED TO THE RICHEST AND LARGEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD?????????WHERE DID ALL THE CASH GO?????????????NOW THE WORLDS BIGGEST DEBTORS,owed mainly to China and Japan.

What you should have said WTF are YOU TALKING ABOUT:lol::lol::lol:You Twat

Prove IT,We?I already have.

Suggest YOU put your brain into GEAR before OPENING YOUR FAT MOUTH IN FUTURE.


GOT IT. GREAT NOW BACK TO YOUR KENNEL,ANIMAL.theliq I take no prisoners:eusa_whistle:
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Quoting Synthaholic, my quote feature seems to have committed suicide in the side lot.

I would love to see Buffett and Gates each pledge to donate $5 billion each to whoever the Democratic nominee is for the next few cycles.

That would get the bought and paid for Republican Congresscritters off their ass to help get Citizens United wiped out, legislatively.

Totally agree, and would love to see that happen. :thup:
I would lead to others donating and then again, you upped the ante and the middle class would be less relevant than ever before, if that is possible.

The key is for Congress to go back and change CFR. The bill that got us to this point, but I know, it matters not which party is in power, it was passed and signed as a great piece of bi-partisan legislation and it also is design to keep the elected official in power, no way do they change it. In 2002, when it was passed, I told,everyone that this was a Pandora's box, everyone thought I was nuts. People blame the Supreme Court, I blame McCain-Feingold and all that vote for it. The healthcare bill will lead to some very bad future results also, but no one wants to hear it.
Quoting Synthaholic, my quote feature seems to have committed suicide in the side lot.

I would love to see Buffett and Gates each pledge to donate $5 billion each to whoever the Democratic nominee is for the next few cycles.

That would get the bought and paid for Republican Congresscritters off their ass to help get Citizens United wiped out, legislatively.

Totally agree, and would love to see that happen. :thup:

The only way is to scare the Right into thinking they will be outgunned.
Agreed, Synth. And Papa, I don't believe it would make things 'even worse'. I think the only reason The R's are all for it is because they have two of the wealthiest men on the planet operating as a team - and they are on The R's side.
Trouble is,he and all his mates are Republicans....what's going on in the US ??????????


You show everyone you don't know WTF your talking about and then you prove it with

Well Australia know a thing or three,which you Guys could well take heed of,bouyant economy,free medical and health care for all,social and unemployment payments,a happy community, for starters.

1st World Country with 1st World committment to it's own people.......WHAT HAPPENED TO THE RICHEST AND LARGEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD?????????WHERE DID ALL THE CASH GO?????????????NOW THE WORLDS BIGGEST DEBTORS,owed mainly to China and Japan.

What you should have said WTF are YOU TALKING ABOUT:lol::lol::lol:You Twat

Prove IT,We?I already have.

Suggest YOU put your brain into GEAR before OPENING YOUR FAT MOUTH IN FUTURE.


GOT IT. GREAT NOW BACK TO YOUR KENNEL,ANIMAL.theliq I take no prisoners:eusa_whistle:
[ame=]Pesto "Swell" - YouTube[/ame]
Trouble is,he and all his mates are Republicans....what's going on in the US ??????????


You show everyone you don't know WTF your talking about and then you prove it with

Well Australia know a thing or three,which you Guys could well take heed of,bouyant economy,free medical and health care for all,social and unemployment payments,a happy community, for starters.

1st World Country with 1st World committment to it's own people.......WHAT HAPPENED TO THE RICHEST AND LARGEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD?????????WHERE DID ALL THE CASH GO?????????????NOW THE WORLDS BIGGEST DEBTORS,owed mainly to China and Japan.

What you should have said WTF are YOU TALKING ABOUT:lol::lol::lol:You Twat

Prove IT,We?I already have.

Suggest YOU put your brain into GEAR before OPENING YOUR FAT MOUTH IN FUTURE.


GOT IT. GREAT NOW BACK TO YOUR KENNEL,ANIMAL.theliq I take no prisoners:eusa_whistle:

Quoting Synthaholic, my quote feature seems to have committed suicide in the side lot.

I would love to see Buffett and Gates each pledge to donate $5 billion each to whoever the Democratic nominee is for the next few cycles.

That would get the bought and paid for Republican Congresscritters off their ass to help get Citizens United wiped out, legislatively.

Totally agree, and would love to see that happen. :thup:

The only way is to scare the Right into thinking they will be outgunned.
Well, when you don't have facts and logic, all you can do is fear-monger.
Quoting Synthaholic, my quote feature seems to have committed suicide in the side lot.

I would love to see Buffett and Gates each pledge to donate $5 billion each to whoever the Democratic nominee is for the next few cycles.

That would get the bought and paid for Republican Congresscritters off their ass to help get Citizens United wiped out, legislatively.

Totally agree, and would love to see that happen. :thup:

The only way is to scare the Right into thinking they will be outgunned.

True. That ruling officially put the gov't up for sale.
Quoting Synthaholic, my quote feature seems to have committed suicide in the side lot.

Totally agree, and would love to see that happen. :thup:

The only way is to scare the Right into thinking they will be outgunned.

True. That ruling officially put the gov't up for sale.
:( How dare someone open the bidding up to others outside of leftist special interests and unions! It's not fayurrrrr!!!!!

The only way is to scare the Right into thinking they will be outgunned.

True. That ruling officially put the gov't up for sale.
:( How dare someone open the bidding up to others outside of leftist special interests and unions! It's not fayurrrrr!!!!!

So, you ARE in favor of corporate interests running the government?

See, I'm not. I want the ruling overturned. I don't care if it means George Soros' hands are tied.
True. That ruling officially put the gov't up for sale.
:( How dare someone open the bidding up to others outside of leftist special interests and unions! It's not fayurrrrr!!!!!

So, you ARE in favor of corporate interests running the government?

See, I'm not. I want the ruling overturned. I don't care if it means George Soros' hands are tied.

Did you cheer when CFR was passed?
:( How dare someone open the bidding up to others outside of leftist special interests and unions! It's not fayurrrrr!!!!!

So, you ARE in favor of corporate interests running the government?

See, I'm not. I want the ruling overturned. I don't care if it means George Soros' hands are tied.

Did you cheer when CFR was passed?

Was it passed before 2008? Because I was politically dead before 2008. I voted for GW because "it was the right thing to do" and that was the extent of my political awareness.
Radical liberals are either suffering from bi-polar disorder or they think the rest of the Country is as dumb as they are. Why else would they rail against successful business people when they have George Soros who is a wealthy successful businessman? Why would they call for higher taxes when the Soros funded "Media Matters" and the other Soros funded "American Bridge" exempt?
True. That ruling officially put the gov't up for sale.
:( How dare someone open the bidding up to others outside of leftist special interests and unions! It's not fayurrrrr!!!!!

So, you ARE in favor of corporate interests running the government?

See, I'm not. I want the ruling overturned. I don't care if it means George Soros' hands are tied.
I'm this way. All in or all out. No middle ground. Either anyone gets to put in money in the ring for the candidate they want (Provided they can vote or are part of a US organization and all funds are trackable) or nobody gets to put any money in the ring and we have a portion of yearly tax revenue used to fund all campaigns with NO political speech allowed for anyone not a candidate.

Since the Supreme Court says money is speech, then it's an All In framework. Just make all donors public and transparent. GE wants to give 40 million to P-BO, fine. You know who owns him. If Bain Capital wants to do the same, fine. Same deal. If the UAW wants Dingler reelected, you know who owns him.

That's the way it SHOULD be in our current system. All parties allowed.

And if this isn't going to be done, NOBODY gets money or say.
:( How dare someone open the bidding up to others outside of leftist special interests and unions! It's not fayurrrrr!!!!!

So, you ARE in favor of corporate interests running the government?

See, I'm not. I want the ruling overturned. I don't care if it means George Soros' hands are tied.
I'm this way. All in or all out. No middle ground. Either anyone gets to put in money in the ring for the candidate they want (Provided they can vote or are part of a US organization and all funds are trackable) or nobody gets to put any money in the ring and we have a portion of yearly tax revenue used to fund all campaigns with NO political speech allowed for anyone not a candidate.

Since the Supreme Court says money is speech, then it's an All In framework. Just make all donors public and transparent. GE wants to give 40 million to P-BO, fine. You know who owns him. If Bain Capital wants to do the same, fine. Same deal. If the UAW wants Dingler reelected, you know who owns him.

That's the way it SHOULD be in our current system. All parties allowed.

And if this isn't going to be done, NOBODY gets money or say.


I'd prefer they do it like in England.

NO money. I mean - look at this huge waste of money!!
So, you ARE in favor of corporate interests running the government?

See, I'm not. I want the ruling overturned. I don't care if it means George Soros' hands are tied.

Did you cheer when CFR was passed?

Was it passed before 2008? Because I was politically dead before 2008. I voted for GW because "it was the right thing to do" and that was the extent of my political awareness.

CFR led to the Supreme Court ruling, it was known as the McCain/Feingold bill, it was passed with a bipartisan support in Congress, another reason I don't mind gridlock. It essentially made it easier for incumbents to stay elected, which led to the Constitutional challenge. It was a Pandora's box when it was signed, another example of Congress not knowing what the hell they were doing. So everyone can blame Citizens United but it was Congress that created a mess.
So, you ARE in favor of corporate interests running the government?

See, I'm not. I want the ruling overturned. I don't care if it means George Soros' hands are tied.
I'm this way. All in or all out. No middle ground. Either anyone gets to put in money in the ring for the candidate they want (Provided they can vote or are part of a US organization and all funds are trackable) or nobody gets to put any money in the ring and we have a portion of yearly tax revenue used to fund all campaigns with NO political speech allowed for anyone not a candidate.

Since the Supreme Court says money is speech, then it's an All In framework. Just make all donors public and transparent. GE wants to give 40 million to P-BO, fine. You know who owns him. If Bain Capital wants to do the same, fine. Same deal. If the UAW wants Dingler reelected, you know who owns him.

That's the way it SHOULD be in our current system. All parties allowed.

And if this isn't going to be done, NOBODY gets money or say.


I'd prefer they do it like in England.

NO money. I mean - look at this huge waste of money!!
Stimulates the crap out of the economy though.

Where do you think all that money goes? Who gets a paycheck?

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