George Santos criminally charged by DOJ

The 26 women who came forward were definitely not down for it. Furthermore, Trump said “I don’t even ask I just start kissing”. Trump is 6’3” and even when he was in good shape, he still weighed well over 200 lbs. He used his weight and strength to try to force himself on them.

When the women are fighting you off, they’re not “down for it”.
Rejecting a kiss doesnt = rape. Get that weak shit out of my face. :laugh:
What makes you think thats how it happens? You think Trump was saying that he sees a girl, she doesnt know him, she hasnt spoken a word to him, and out of nowhere he grabs her pussy? Bitch please. :laugh:

The women say that’s exactly what he does? One woman who is at a party with her husband said when her husband, walked away. Trump came up behind her and grabbed her and started kissing her.
What makes you think thats how it happens? You think Trump was saying that he sees a girl, she doesnt know him, she hasnt spoken a word to him, and out of nowhere he grabs her pussy? Bitch please. :laugh:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
Have you shown your females loved ones that you believe this about them? That they would be ok with this?
When she refused his kisses, he put his hand up her dress and grabbed her by the pussy. That’s sexual assault and battery.
You will have to forgive me if I find that scenario preposterous. She rejects him, pushes him away, then he grabs her pussy? That isnt what he described at all to Billy Bush. Furthermore, if he was that unhinged, why the fuck would he stop at grabbing her pussy? Why wouldnt he do that thing that all rapists do. You know, have sex with the victim? :cuckoo:
You will have to forgive me if I find that scenario preposterous. She rejects him, pushes him away, then he grabs her pussy? That isnt what he described at all to Billy Bush. Furthermore, if he was that unhinged, why the fuck would he stop at grabbing her pussy? Why wouldnt he do that thing that all rapists do. You know, have sex with the victim? :cuckoo:
He's a 'star'....he can do anything.
A Grand Jury indicts, but a jury of peers convicts based on a preponderance of the evidence, which is all that matters.

Oh, we'll gladly include Republicans on any ballot,

But, since there are so many criminals being convicted in the GOP, there aren't many left to vote for

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View attachment 783923
The Republican Crime Organization.

Voting for a Republican for president is the definition of insanity.
You will have to forgive me if I find that scenario preposterous. She rejects him, pushes him away, then he grabs her pussy? That isnt what he described at all to Billy Bush. Furthermore, if he was that unhinged, why the fuck would he stop at grabbing her pussy? Why wouldnt he do that thing that all rapists do. You know, have sex with the victim? :cuckoo:

You may find it preposterous, but for those of us it’s happened to it’s not. I had exactly that happen with a drunk on a train late one night.

When I pushed him away he grabbed for my crotch. He was very drunk and I wasn’t, so I easily fought him off and got the help, but he attacked me just that way.

All of Trump’s victims have talked about how he used his physical size and strength to overwhelm them. He’s 6’ 3” and over 200 lbs. He’d have at least 50 lbs or more on any of them.
Just more proof that Democrats are trying to destroy Democracy.

yeah, right......


1. Founded his campaign on a lie that Obama was born in Kenya
2. Achieved a tax cut where most of the benefits went to super rich people like Trump.
3. He fumbled Covid so badly it has been estimated hundreds of thousands might have lived had Trump handled covid more competently.
4. 8 or so of his close associates were indicted and convicted
5. Praised murderous dictators, denounced American politicians, dissed war heroes and Goldstar families and got into petty spats with some women private citizens, insulted Mexicans by stating only 'some' were 'decent people'.
6. Settled for $25,000,000, scamming thousands out of millions for a fake university scam
7. is being criminally investigated for potential 1/6 crimes and obstruction relating to stolen documents.
8. His Trump Org. was criminally indicted, it's CFO sent to prison.
9. Fornicated with two women just after his newly wed wife gave birth, and is now being criminally indicted for state crimes arising out of the hush money scheme to hide the payments from the electorate, constituting election fraud, while he threw is long time dedicated attorney under the bus.
10. Was forced to close his 'charity' for 'illegal activity' in which Trump embezzled funds for private use and was fined $2,000,000
11. Helped his son-in-law (a senior WH official) score $2 billion big ones from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman for a dubious investment scheme.
12, Helped his daughter (who held a senior WH position) secure Chinese patents which she used to make millions from China, and did it while her father was negotiating with China.
13. Helped his Treas Sec score $1 billion bucks from the Saudis for an investment scheme.
14 Trump and conspirators are about to be indicted in George for election fraud.
15. Trump is being sued by NY State for $250 million due to fraudulent activities.
16. And now a jury awarded E Jean Carroll about $5 million in her suit against Trump for defamation and rape (reduced to sexual abuse), a unanimous vote in the jury that he is a sex offender.
Being an injun, OP ought to be sympathetic with this guy. They are both ethnic minorities who are being persecuted by those who are more powerful. Maybe you and Santos can smokem peace pipe together.
George Santos
Trump the Raper
Clarence take Deep State bribes Thomas

The GOP is a total joke and a corrupt disgrace.

They think they are above the law and can break any law they want

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