Genderqueer at the gym

Only read the first graph not being 'genderqueer' or transsexual. How much did you read Steve? :)

the entire thing. For someone who cries about stereotypes, all they did was stereotype.

Serious first world problems.

You understand the article was written BY the genderqueer right? Wasn't a negative or bash article like your usual fodder. Why I was curious.
Only read the first graph not being 'genderqueer' or transsexual. How much did you read Steve? :)

the entire thing. For someone who cries about stereotypes, all they did was stereotype.

Serious first world problems.

You understand the article was written BY the genderqueer right? Wasn't a negative or bash article like your usual fodder. Why I was curious.

Yes, I know the deviant wrote it and fully showed to the world how mentally ill it is.
'It' is kinda desparaging. How about...'sherm?' :) She, he, them = sherm. :)

Sherm forgot sher pack in sher car. Maybe it'll catch on :)
Oh my oh my what a sick pervert this is. It's upset that someone asked for a spotter. Outraged at saying please or thank you. And even worse, convinced that preferring to lift weights takes it out of feminine into masculine. It needs Ernestine Shepard to take it out behind the woodshed for a good paddling. Worst of all is the disappointment that no one knows what it is thinking and what it is feeling and conforming their behavior to these unknown quantifiers.

I go to the gym all the time. Men AND women looking for a spotter will ask either a man or a woman to spot if they look like they won't drop the weight on their toe. Rather than pigeonholing male and female, it means who is asking simply doesn't care. The sole criteria is do you look like you can hold this weight?

Which is the essence of this rant in print. It is finding out that no one cares. That is very painful to it. In fact, it would be outraged at being called IT. To be put in the category of cipher, inanimate object.

This is a very sick sick sick individual.
Why don't they stop all this nonsense, and with tranny nonsense by using sex, not gender? No more gender neutral bathrooms for freaks because they will be MALE or FEMALE. Not Men or Women.
To extract meaning from the drivel.

This is a man whose name is Marion, not Marian. This man likes to work out and be a buffed out muscular man.

Did we get that part?

In his MIND he is neither male nor female. He resents other men assuming that because he is muscular that he would be courteous enough to spot another weight lifter. This is not stereotyping. This is common gym courtesy. Notice that another complaint is against people who ask to work in a set. His attitude is "this is mine". He rails against having to say things like please and thank you. His complaint is that no one understands that although he appears male, in his private thoughts he is neither male nor female.

This is a very seriously disturbed individual.

This is the mirror of the woman who appears as female, but is suing because co workers referred to her as "she" and "her" even being so insulting as to say "Miss, as in excuse me Miss". In her MIND she is neither male nor female. No one knows what's in her mind, or in this guy's mind. The insanity is that everyone is expected to know what they are thinking and it's insulting if they don't know. This is gender queer.

A gender fluid is different. A gender fluid changes genders and can be wholly male then instantly become wholly female. This happens entirely within their own thought processes. But everyone around them and every stranger is expected to know that John may have come to work in overalls, but at lunch became Joan and is now in a skirt and heels. Refer to him as "her" after noontime.
Holy mental illness batman!

You can say that again.

These sick freaks should be in a mental institution or just dumped on some vacant island so they can screw themselves out of existence.
How horrifying would it be to be in the sack with some guy and right in the middle of act exercised his gender fluid rights and mentally became a woman?

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