Genderqueer Actress Leaves Twitter After Liberals Complain She’s Not Gay Enough to Play Batwoman

That answer is not an answer. Is anyone forcing you to be gay is the question? If no one is forcing you to be gay yourself, there is no such thing as "forced diversity".

Is anyone forcing you to question my post? Something surely troubles you about it. Repetition of the same question, in lack of intelligent frame or maturity in reasoning, will get you nowhere but ringed around your own Rosie.
No, just like no one is forcing "you" to be "diverse". "Diversity" is here on its own. It is here with you, or without you.

The only ring around the Rosie is the one you wrapped around your own neck.

Negative. You attempt to speak down from a high-horse of imagined, or should I say transcendentalized mutated moral certainty uttered from the mouth of a philosophized deity yours and in-kind never believed in. Someone told you God was dead; someone lied to you. Someone else assured you freedom without the consequence of personal responsibility was possible, even attainable without imminent, incoming social repercussions; two lies and counting you've accepted. Still someone else told you indoctrination of our young minds and mutilation of their bodies was moral and just.

These lies you eat and repeat and follow nourish not your well being nor the betterment of our society. They are ancient cesspools; throwbacks to the Dark Age, without places in the light of our Modern Age, and will be recalled in quick time. Your "god" of enforced diversity, coerced, edited and forced speech, behavior and thought will not save or spare these cultural perversions. Reckoning for such sadism is as slow a process as the putrefying of moral fact. However, the end consequence for these long foray's onto the psycho-circus frontier of amorality are imminent, inbound and falling like a ton of bricks.
:auiqs.jpg: And you went to all that trouble, and "forced diversity" doesn't even exist. Does anyone even know what it means? :auiqs.jpg:Boss, you are hilarious. A rebuttalled "high horse" has spoken everyone.

I hope, for your sake, the dancing emojis make enough of a difference.
Oh, without a doubt. Your MIA rebuttal of all things "forced diversity", whatever that means, triggers my "high horse" feeding frenzy.
In the future, these types of articles/headlines will be read with the same astonishment as we read the "Nazi Youth Program" type articles from Germany in late 1930s.

"Just WOW". Mark my words. Anyone on the LGBT side of history will be regarded as having the same level of sanity as the Nazi Party in WWII. The death camps are on par with transgender surgeries. They really are. Similar type horrors went on there...under the banner of a different cult progressive movement...

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