Gender Grunge/Grudge


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Gender-oriented programs such as 2 Broke Girls and The Ellen DeGeneres Show remind us how media is changing culture and politics and how the first female contender for the office of U.S. President (Hillary Clinton) almost made people dream about the first potential female world leader.

That's really the power of theater --- reaching the people.

The two waitresses from 2 Broke Girls (Max and Caroline) remind me of new age actresses who make pro-populism storytelling nicely conducive to comic book stylized 'pedestrianism art' (e.g., Ebonics rap, punk rock, etc.), and you just don't find that kind of free-speech 'intellectualism' in much more conservative nations such as Iran, Cuba, and North Korea.

I guess I just wanted to say...thanks Hillary!


MAX: Imagine if I was Anne Hathaway and you were Katie Holmes!
CAROLINE: We'd not only be dating movie stars (i.e., Tom Cruise), we'd get better tips.
MAX: I bet Hathaway and Holmes are making some comic book film about Spider-Woman and Firestar!
CAROLINE: I used to read Spider-Woman/Firestar comics (Marvel) when I was a little girl.
MAX: Well, prepare to get really jealous if this new 'diner life' fails to satisfy.
CAROLINE: We've had two very beautiful First Ladies in a row now (Michelle Obama and Melania Trump).
MAX: Tom Cruise said in one of his films (Magnolia), "There are women out there who want to destroy me!"
CAROLINE: I've heard rumors he's harsh with female friends intolerant of his 'Scientology beliefs.'
MAX: Well, when you're strutting in Tinseltown, no one cares if you're an angry sort.
CAROLINE: Don't kids pay attention to who's playing comic book superheroes/heroines?
MAX: Not if it's Anne Hathaway and Katie Holmes...that's certainly gender approved!
CAROLINE: Maybe there should be more female censors in Hollywood --- they'd be more 'maternal.'
MAX: Half the customers in this diner hope you and I are superheroines and not waitresses.
CAROLINE: That's what Hathaway and Holmes should make a film about --- women in the work-force!
MAX: There's already one of those --- Working Girl (starring Sigourney Weaver and Melanie Griffith).
CAROLINE: I think the only true American heroines are Bonnie Parker and Jackie Kennedy.
MAX: Would you rather be a witch or a superheroine?
CAROLINE: I'd consider being a female supervillain (e.g., Black Cat or Poison Ivy!).
MAX: I can't afford to look like a terrorist...
CAROLINE: If Hillary is President, I bet she'll make a babysitter's club for American women in the work-force!


2 Broke Girls (Wikipedia)



A Woman's Touch

I like how that turned out, since I'm a pro-Trump Hillary sympathizer (does that make sense?), so here's a little tale about the gentle draw of a woman's grace and how it can bring men out of the savagery of politics...


Snake-Eyes had a plan to forge a peace between his patriotic G.I. Joes and the terrorist organization Cobra. Snake-Eyes planned to marry both Scarlet and Pythona. Scarlett, the valiant female vizier of the G.I. Joes was the sworn enemy of Pythona, the shrewd female terrorist vizier of Cobra. Snake-Eyes was friends with both Scarlett and Pythona when they were all young, and now that the three were grown into a world of combat and warfare, Snake-Eyes saw visions of peace and harmony in a world beset by network intrigue (e.g., NATO, ISIS, etc.) and sophistication ruthlessness (e.g., nuclear weapons research).

Snake-Eyes felt the world was tumbling into a dark hole of cynicism and war. By romancing both Scarlett and Pythona, Snake-Eyes could compel both sides of the global conflict to consider the profitability of negotiation and peaceful living. Snake-Eyes also hoped his dual-marriage might forge an unlikely but important friendship between Scarlett and Pythona. The G.I. Joe commander Duke, however, was not so optimistic, thinking that Cobra's plan to create a chemical weapons war would signal to the world that a terrible new 'face' of war had sprung up in the new age --- biochemical warfare.

Snake-Eyes convinced Scarlett and Pythona to travel to Florida with him so they could go searching for the fabled Fountain of Youth which was located (rumored) somewhere in Florida. Scarlett and Pythona wondered why their comrade in the fields was suddenly interested in mysticism and romance, but they did not question it too much, realizing that the time away from battles between G.I. Joe and Cobra (a vacation awarded to Snake-Eyes personally by Duke) would afford them some needed rest and relaxation as well. Snake-Eyes was able to contact Pythona through a known friend from their past, but he established his itinerary with Scarlett (for the Florida vacation) right through the G.I. Joe office.

Snake-Eyes, Scarlett, and Pythona arrived in a clearing in a Florida swamp where they found a small pond lit up in the summer night by the cool glow of fireflies. Snake-Eyes deduced the 'magical pond' must indeed be the Fountain of Youth. Scarlett turned to Snake-Eyes and said, "If this really is the Fountain of Youth, let's not tempt fate or dabble with Mother Nature and simply refrain from drinking from it and seek a humble and sane life of war-less peace together!" Pythona likewise turned to Snake-Eyes and asked, "Scarlett is right. We'll marry you and live in Utah (since you're a Mormon), but can you resist the magic of the Fountain of Youth and opt for the simple charms of the love of a woman?" Snake-Eyes realized his life of ruthless politics was over!


Celtic Pride

Here's a he-said/she-said mock dialogue between two celebrities and a couple of citizens about the democratic spirit of the Boston Celtics (NBA).


"I'm the referee Lady Jaye. Your duty is to converse about American culture and determine if there's some cultural simpatico between celebrities and citizens (across the genders) in the age of media. Good luck!

CRUISE/HOLMES: Do you guys Facebook?
AJAY/ELI: We prefer MySpace (though it's pretty much obsolete now).

CRUISE/HOLMES: Do you Starbucks?
AJAY/ELI: We prefer Dunkin' Donuts.

CRUISE/HOLMES: Do you like Audrey Hepburn?
AJAY/ELI: We prefer Gwyneth Paltrow.

CRUISE/HOLMES: Do you like Philadelphia?
AJAY/ELI: We prefer Boston.

CRUISE/HOLMES: Do you like The Chicago Cubs?
AJAY/ELI: We like the Boston Celtics.

CRUISE/HOLMES: Do you like Celtics cheerleaders?
AJAY/ELI: Of course!

CRUISE/HOLMES: Do you think the Celtics should win the NBA Championship this year?
AJAY/ELI: Yes (unless the Spurs, Warriors, or Cavs have something 'magical' up their sleeve!).

CRUISE/HOLMES: Do you like the Hollywood (USA) movies Working Girl and Pretty Woman?
AJAY/ELI: We prefer American Beauty!

CRUISE/HOLMES: Do you guys follow Scientology?
AJAY/ELI: We prefer Catholicism's approach to 'gender uniformity.'

CRUISE/HOLMES: Do you guys think the Celtics are appealing to women?
AJAY/ELI: We like how the Celtics offer Americans a view into 'capitalism competitiveness'!

OK! That's it folks. As the ref, I declare that Ajay and Eli have won the 'Cordiality Award'!"




THE CELEBS (Cruise/Holmes):



Two Broke Girls

I'm a big fan of the new gender-focused diner-humor show 2 Broke Girls (which is a lot like Alice IMO), so I've written a short 'gender-boldness' tale inspired by the American films Erin Brockovich and G.I. Jane.

There are obviously Hillary-Trump overtones in this tale, so I have to ask, "Is this the new political critique landscape?"


Cameron Diaz, the popular American movie actress, decided to adopt a refugee baby from Eastern Europe named Anastasia. Diaz resolved to make Anastasia a central part of her life and drew inspiration from the child's strange but magical expressive face. Diaz told her film agent to think about movies that spoke more to 'pedestrian concerns' (The Sweetest Thing, Any Given Sunday, Bad Teacher, etc.) and less about 'culture pizazz' (e.g., Gangs of New York, The Mask, etc.). Anastasia was going to be Diaz's symbol of best intentions, and the actress started thinking about the impact of gender on American politics (i.e., Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, etc.).

Meanwhile, a strange American warlock named Evans in Arizona was using Ouija boards to make strange incantations regarding female-warrior avatars from popular combat-themed video games and comic books (e.g., Mortal Kombat, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, etc.). Evans' incantation somehow worked(!), and two female-warrior 'avatars' Sonya Blade (a street-shrewd combat specialist) and Lady Jaye (a skilled field soldier) came to life! Sonya and Jaye started wandering around the American landscape, telling people they were simply 'civilians' from the U.S. Army on vacation-leave. Sonya and Jaye had met each other and became quick friends and decided to explore America together. They wanted to meet Hillary Clinton.

Diaz was having a special gender-culture meeting (regarding Hollywood and American politics) with Senator Hillary Clinton in Washington, D.C. The meeting transcript would be used by TIME magazine for a special issue about 'gender advertising'. Diaz was conversing with Hillary about gender stereotypes in the movies while feeding Anastasia milk from her baby-bottle. Just then, Sonya and Jaye busted into Hillary's office and tied up the senator and the actress and videorecorded Anastasia playing with a baby-rattler. They sent the video to President Trump with the gender-incendiary message, "Baby girls are the focus of capitalism...not Machiavellianism!" Diaz would always remember the crazy incident as representative of new age progressive politics. Sonya and Jaye promptly returned to their 'netherworld dimensions,' and Anastasia would grow up to become a fan of both female-warrior avatars. Anastasia's son would develop a video game about Sonya Blade and Lady Jaye being sisters and co-combatants in what would be known as the 'female version of Contra.'




Has technology improved the quality of women's kitchens? Offices? Private spaces? I want to ask Melania Trump...


MARA: Who should we invite to our cyber-wedding?
TRON: Ya know, you'll be the first online Internet mail-order-bride!
MARA: Welcome to the modern world!
TRON: They said tech was just for 'guys'...
MARA: Well, I'm inviting my friends from Wireclub and Facebook.
TRON: I'll be inviting my friends from World Discussion Forum.
MARA: Let's prepare for 'battery jokes.'
TRON: Alright. How about, "Power to the people!"?
MARA: "...and women."
TRON: and women!
MARA: The cyber-universe will pardon all athletic shortcomings.
TRON: Let's see if the secretaries of the world (typing on keyboards in front of computer screens for hours) agree!
MARA: We should invite Arcee! I'll blog on her Facebook page...
TRON: "Gender in the Machine Age." We should rent Supergirl on Netflix!


This cultural revolution was planned to coincide with Hillary's coronation. They are going ahead with many of their projects regardless of whether or not she is in office. Thus, it is causing friction within the culture.

Generally, the president is the one who sets the tone for the prevailing culture of the nation. The current president is being robbed of this honor b/c the Deep State had a culture shift pre-planned. It is very astute of you to have noticed this. I noticed it already shifting before she was in office.
Media Matriculation

Here's a mock dialogue about gender mobility between Batman (a fictional male vigilante) and Catwoman (his female 'counter-part').


BATMAN: Do women like sports as much as men?
CATWOMAN: Women appreciate media attention given to women's sports (e.g., WNBA).
BATMAN: I think women feel more 'included' in televised collegiate sports (e.g., women's field hockey).
CATWOMAN: Why are women labelled as 'ant-modernism' liberals?
BATMAN: Conservative women are usually labelled as 'subservient.'
CATWOMAN: Do you think that's the case with Sarah Palin?
CATWOMAN: I like what Hillary Clinton did for the impression that wives of U.S. presidents are simply ornamental.
BATMAN: 'Traditional Americans' (whatever that means!) like to honor the male hierarchies in politics and the military.
CATWOMAN: I enjoy watching NCAA women's basketball on CBS and cheering on the legendary Pat Summitt.
BATMAN: Do you resent the 'glamour attention' afforded to women (even in politics) --- e.g., Jackie Kennedy?
CATWOMAN: When women use such attention to promote gender dialogue (e.g., Michelle Obama), it's a good thing.
BATMAN: Scary men are equated to 'tyrants' (e.g., Hitler); scary women are equated to 'witches' (e.g., Aileen Wuornos).
CATWOMAN: That's because 'witchcraft' is usually likened to non-traditional behavior.
BATMAN: You must be a fan of the gender-politics film The Contender.
CATWOMAN: I prefer the gender-labor film 9 to 5.
BATMAN: We should watch women's Olympic sports together (e.g., field hockey).
CATWOMAN: I'm sure you'll be cheering for whoever you imagine Hillary Clinton would cheer.
BATMAN: You guessed correctly. I'm a Hillary fan, because I think she changed upward mobility in politics.
CATWOMAN: Maybe this era will be the time of Clark Gable (and not Hillary Clinton!).



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