GDP did not fall 32.9%...they are lying, anything, including killing people to beat Trump...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The big democrat party lie today....that the U.S. GDP shrank didn't...

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual. As veteran GOP data cruncher and pollster Logan Dobson noted, “if GDP continued to fall at that rate for a full year, it would be 32.9% (that's what "annualized" means, NBC), but that is not what happened in the 2nd quarter.” This is just the facts. It’s misinformation. It’s meant to tank the markets. It’s meant to give the Biden camp and the Democrats more ammunition because you know this is being drafted into fundraising emails as we speak.

The big democrat party lie today....that the U.S. GDP shrank didn't...

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual. As veteran GOP data cruncher and pollster Logan Dobson noted, “if GDP continued to fall at that rate for a full year, it would be 32.9% (that's what "annualized" means, NBC), but that is not what happened in the 2nd quarter.” This is just the facts. It’s misinformation. It’s meant to tank the markets. It’s meant to give the Biden camp and the Democrats more ammunition because you know this is being drafted into fundraising emails as we speak.

Yes, it did.
The big democrat party lie today....that the U.S. GDP shrank didn't...

Yeah, it’s not true. It’s really 9.5 percent. It’s still not good, but not 32.9 percent, hence the operative word here: annual. As veteran GOP data cruncher and pollster Logan Dobson noted, “if GDP continued to fall at that rate for a full year, it would be 32.9% (that's what "annualized" means, NBC), but that is not what happened in the 2nd quarter.” This is just the facts. It’s misinformation. It’s meant to tank the markets. It’s meant to give the Biden camp and the Democrats more ammunition because you know this is being drafted into fundraising emails as we speak.

Sorry. More alt-right wishes won't make it come true. Honestly, are you Trump supporters this desperate? Well, you should be, because it's all on him.
Media Say Economy Plunged in Second Quarter, Fail to Tell Whole Story

Missing from the mainstream media’s commentary was some good news. One had to look for it, of course, which is apparently too much effort for many in the media, who aren’t looking for any good news. Said the BEA, “The price index for gross domestic purchases decreased by 1.5 percent in the second quarter.” This is equivalent to a pay raise of $600 for a household making $40,000 a year.

And savings jumped enormously in the second quarter, according to the BEA, hardly an indicator of an economy in the dumps: “Personal saving was $4.69 trillion in the second quarter, compared with $1.59 trillion in the first quarter.” It added: “The personal saving rate — personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income — was 25.7 percent in the second quarter, compared with 9.5 percent in the first quarter.”

Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
It wasn't stimulus it was a relief package for people who lost their jobs because the gov't shut down their companies. Without it the GDP could have been down 50% or more.

Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Nobody saw this coming.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

Republicans have proposed jack shit....

They can't agree within themselves so they have nothing..

Democrats have given their proposals weeks ago... No counter offer...

The quickest way of pumping economy is to give money to people that doesn't have any... They spend it quick... Econ 101....

To get businesses back you need testing, it has to be highly available, fast and accurate... That is what businesses have said it is one of their biggest barrier to getting back...

Please read a rudimentary macro economics book..
This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Nobody saw this coming.
Nobody saw it coming, but nobody else reacted as slowly while influencing the followers of the head of a government, they did not need to worry about it, mask, distance or take it seriously, while they promised it was nothing to worry about and would soon be gone, all the while refusing to set an example himself. To him it was a Democrat state problem, right?
It wasn't stimulus it was a relief package for people who lost their jobs because the gov't shut down their companies. Without it the GDP could have been down 50% or more.

Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
A lot of money in the bill went to people who didn’t lose their jobs. Remember $1200 checks going out to everyone?

Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

Any nobody is starving to death. See Minimum wage is too high. We need to go back to $3.35 an hour.
This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Nobody saw this coming.
It wasn't stimulus it was a relief package for people who lost their jobs because the gov't shut down their companies. Without it the GDP could have been down 50% or more.

Nobody thought that the money being spent would INCREASE the GDP.
A lot of money in the bill went to people who didn’t lose their jobs. Remember $1200 checks going out to everyone?

It is the only way the government knows how to operate and why it is NEVER efficient.

The unemployment extension actually paid people more to not work - utterly nonsensical but the government knows no other way to respond.

It is worth noting that if we were not already spending like drunken sailors then such stimulus would not have been nearly as disastrous.

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