Gaza - what, how and why?


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
Israeli-Palestinian relations are a key determinant the situation in the Middle East. To date, the peace talks are deadlocked. There are many reasons. Among them, the inability of the parties to agree on the status of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, Israel's unwillingness to make serious concessions to the Palestinians in exchange for a promise that the Palestinians are regularly violated, and finally, the lack of a unified Palestinian leadership.
Israel and the US are the traditional allies, since the creation of Israel, because the U.S. have made contribution to its creation. Israel helps to control the situation in the Middle East and is a powerful forpost. The United States ranks first among the suppliers of arms to Israel. According to former British Foreign Minister David Miliband USA sends almost $ 3.1 billion for military spending in Tel Aviv, as well as supplying them with weapons. During the last fiscal year, the United States spent $ 235 million on Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system and about $ 300 million for other expenses related to missile programs in Israel.
Powerful scandal erupted when Secretary of State John Kerry accused Tel Aviv, i.e. allies, that they make moves to escalate the conflict. Israel responded by accusing him of anti-Semitism.
What a hell is going on there?
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Your first sentence is the main error. Palestinian Israeli relations is not the key for Middle East anything. Nowdays, Arab states are in fued with one another because of religious disagreements and thirst for power. Look at the map, Qatar Vs Saudia, Turkey struggles with everyone, pretty much, besides Hamas and their handlers, Syrian violent regime,,,etc. So Israeli-Palestinian conflict is hardly the center of attention anymore.
Israeli-Palestinian relations are a key determinant the situation in the Middle East. To date, the peace talks are deadlocked. There are many reasons. Among them, the inability of the parties to agree on the status of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, Israel's unwillingness to make serious concessions to the Palestinians in exchange for a promise that the Palestinians are regularly violated, and finally, the lack of a unified Palestinian leadership.
Israel and the US are the traditional allies, since the creation of Israel, because the U.S. have made contribution to its creation. Israel helps to control the situation in the Middle East and is a powerful forpost. The United States ranks first among the suppliers of arms to Israel. According to former British Foreign Minister David Miliband USA sends almost $ 3.1 billion for military spending in Tel Aviv, as well as supplying them with weapons. During the last fiscal year, the United States spent $ 235 million on Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system and about $ 300 million for other expenses related to missile programs in Israel.
Powerful scandal erupted when Secretary of State John Kerry accused Tel Aviv, i.e. allies, that they make moves to escalate the conflict. Israel responded by accusing him of anti-Semitism.
What a hell is going on there?

Among the rasons for the "death" of peace-talks, you also missed the most important one- The owth of the current Palestinian government to destroy the state of Israel.

The rest is pretty much irrelevant.
The Palestinians got enough aid to create another state by the size of NY, you really anyone give a damn?
They simply refuse to anything, squeezing and milking every picture from Syria-oops I mean Gaza to get more aid..electing a terrorist organization to negotiate with Israel, which now made pact with the "moderated" terrorist organization they brutally silenced in Gaza..seriously, this is a peace partner?
Israeli-Palestinian relations are a key determinant the situation in the Middle East. To date, the peace talks are deadlocked. There are many reasons. Among them, the inability of the parties to agree on the status of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, Israel's unwillingness to make serious concessions to the Palestinians in exchange for a promise that the Palestinians are regularly violated, and finally, the lack of a unified Palestinian leadership.
Israel and the US are the traditional allies, since the creation of Israel, because the U.S. have made contribution to its creation. Israel helps to control the situation in the Middle East and is a powerful forpost. The United States ranks first among the suppliers of arms to Israel. According to former British Foreign Minister David Miliband USA sends almost $ 3.1 billion for military spending in Tel Aviv, as well as supplying them with weapons. During the last fiscal year, the United States spent $ 235 million on Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system and about $ 300 million for other expenses related to missile programs in Israel.
Powerful scandal erupted when Secretary of State John Kerry accused Tel Aviv, i.e. allies, that they make moves to escalate the conflict. Israel responded by accusing him of anti-Semitism.
What a hell is going on there?

It is the Palestinians that are not willing to meet half way, Israel has offered a shared capital in Jerusalem and the Palestinians have refused. The Israelis have offered to talk about peace and mutual borders, the Palestinians have refused.

Milliband is a NEO MARXIST CHAMPAGNE SOCIALIST LIAR in the pay of ISLAMONAZI SUPPORTERS. The facts are that the US extends loans to Israel of $3 billion that have to be spent on American goods and paid back in full by the year end. At the same time Islamic nations receive $ 10 billion of US taxpayers money to line the leaders pockets. Do you expect to be given everything for free, the fact is the US scientists are incapable of developing such a system so had to buy into the research and development of Iron Dome, just as they had to buy into the research and development of Stainless steel when it was invented in Britain. Or passenger car air bags and injection systems when developed in Japan and Germany.

Even more scandal was erupted when it was found that the US was wire tapping the phones of all E.U. leaders.
.. And by the way it's not Tel Aviv, it's Jerusalem.
A lie told often enough becomes the truth - Lenin

Utterly BRILLIANT juxtaposition of those two statements there teddy!
Utterly BRILLIANT !! :D :D
Also, it's kind of funny that this thread's title is "Gaza, what how and why"? but nowhere in the post itself you mention Gaza even once....?

Yes, you're right, it happened by accident. Fixed
There are fifty troll threads started every day on this. If you can't figure out the what, how and why there is no chance you will ever understand it,
Israeli-Palestinian relations are a key determinant the situation in the Middle East. ...
Not at all. Palistanians are convenient donkies to ride, if Israel's involved in any way, otherwise noone gives a palistanian about them, of course.
Yep, IS is ALL about Zionists vs. Azans.
Yep, Syria occupied Lebanon is ALL is about Zionists vs. Azans.
Yep, ...what an INCREDIBLY stupid OP!
Israeli-Palestinian relations are a key determinant the situation in the Middle East.
I know the antisemites love to believe this, but it's untrue. Say the Israel-Palestine situation was solved you would still have these issues in the region (not just middle east):
(1) Syrian Civil War claim a half million lives and growing. Godspeed ASSSSad!
(2) Lebanon still broken into 3 warring fractions. Christians, Sunni and Shia and always on the edge of civil war.
(3) Libya in flames with various terrorist groups seeking victory.
(4) Taliban in Afghanistan. They were the most ruthless and brutal regime prior to 9/11 and if they every regain the country (I mean when they regain), it will be worse.
(5) Kashmir issue and Pakistan instability.
(6) Iraq's three warring fractions: Kurds, Sunni and Shia.
(7) Kurds and Turks.
(8) Jordanian hashemite vs the Palestinian majority
(9) Congo massacre and atrocities
(10) Sudan ethnic cleansing and genocide
(11) Southern Sudan civil war
(12) Somolia anarchy and run away terrorism
(13) Nigeria sectarian near civil war
(14) Actually just pick an African country!!!!

To date, the peace talks are deadlocked. There are many reasons.
True, but mainly because the Jews won't agree to all of them being killed as the only solution the Palestinians will accept.

inability of the parties to agree on the status of East Jerusalem
Yes its Israel's capital and they should let go of it for anything. Nevertheless you are either ignorant of the facts or willfully ignoring them. Israel stupidly offered East Jerusalem in the Camp David Accords!

and the West Bank,
Again people educate yourself. Israel has always talked about land swaps, but either way they amount in so called controversy is between 3-5%!

Israel's unwillingness to make serious concessions to the Palestinians
During the Camp David Accords Israel first offered 95% (and then bumped it to 98%) of what the Palestinians demanded and Ara-I got "FAT and off the conflict" rejected it and started the Intifada. Israel then left Gaza and the Palestinians lobbed missiles. Israel has bent over LITERALLY for the Palestinians and always get stabbed in the back. Time for the Pales to make those concessions!

Israel and the US are the traditional allies, since the creation of Israel, because the U.S. have made contribution to its creation.
Wrong and HIGHLY inaccurate. Israel was the one to lobby the UN vote in it's directly that was NOT the US. Second, during the war of independence the US placed a FULL arms embargo on the region while the Soviets were arming the Arabs to teeth, it was the French and British that stepped in to arm the Jews. The US nearly insured a second Holocaust. Third, during the Suez Canal Conflict the Jews, British and French beat down Egypt and pushed into Egypt. All three through taking Sinai and establishing a international based buffer zone was essential. However, the US stopped them (fearing the Soviets would set in) and that lead to a weak western front. Fourth, the first time the US provided arms was during the 6 day war. After that we have provided support since.

The United States ranks first among the suppliers of arms to Israel.
Point? We send much more military support to a collective host of Muslim nations including by not limited to Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Oh and we fund the Palestinian government also! Ya left that nugget out!

According to former British Foreign Minister David Miliband USA sends almost $ 3.1 billion for military spending in Tel Aviv, as well as supplying them with weapons.
It's about half of that but don't let facts get in your way

During the last fiscal year, the United States spent $ 235 million on Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system and about $ 300 million for other expenses related to missile programs in Israel.
Money well spent. It will make the Palestinians think twice about attacking!

Powerful scandal erupted when Secretary of State John Kerry accused Tel Aviv, i.e. allies, that they make moves to escalate the conflict. Israel responded by accusing him of anti-Semitism.
Um that isn't what happened and it's called JERUSALEM. Only antisemites say Tel Aviv. It would be like saying New York instead of Washington! Anyway facts don't seem to matter much to you. Either way what Kerry did was wrong and borderline antisemitic the criticism towards him was well warranted!

Your first sentence is the main error. Palestinian Israeli relations is not the key for Middle East anything. Nowdays, Arab states are in fued with one another because of religious disagreements and thirst for power. Look at the map, Qatar Vs Saudia, Turkey struggles with everyone, pretty much, besides Hamas and their handlers, Syrian violent regime,,,etc. So Israeli-Palestinian conflict is hardly the center of attention anymore.

Also, ISIS taking over Iraq and Libya in turmoil as well

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