Gay Grooming in the public schools

Read post 220. It does not contain Wikipedia.
Nope, it doesn't use the primary definition either unless you are talking about the definition in which you added words. Now, lets not be disingenuous here. The post that prompted this whole diatribe was a simple "OK Groomer" and you posted a definition from---that's right WIKIPEDIA.
Children are NOT property to be “owned”.
Then stop supporting an all-powerful state indoctrinating them with Woke sexual orthodoxy.

Forcing all this tranny shit on them from the time the school gets its clutches on them is not good for them. Allow them to be children and stop ruining their age of innocence just because you have an extreme political agenda.
Your dictionaries are twisted. I have been calling the people who run the piston bullies at ski resorts groomers for 50 years and never--not once has anyone accused me of calling them a pedophile. I suppose you'll be telling me there are 86 genders next.
Oh. So now, just like that…standard dictionaries are suddenly…”twisted”…I guess because don’t support your claim. How convenient.

Groomer has more than one meaning obviously, Captain Obvious. There are dog groomers, horse groomers, ski groomers, people groomed for a job AND pedos grooming children for abuse. In a conversation about children and anything sexual we aren’t about grooming dogs, ski areas, or horses. In the context of children, just don’t call members groomers and pretend you aren’t insinuating pedo.
Then stop supporting an all-powerful state indoctrinating them with Woke sexual orthodoxy.

Forcing all this tranny shit on them from the time the school gets its clutches on them is not good for them. Allow them to be children and stop ruining their age of innocence just because you have an extreme political agenda.
What ever you say.
Nope, it doesn't use the primary definition either unless you are talking about the definition in which you added words. Now, lets not be disingenuous here. The post that prompted this whole diatribe was a simple "OK Groomer" and you posted a definition from---that's right WIKIPEDIA.

Repeat: in a conversation involving children and anything sexual, groomer IS NOT defined as one who clips poodles, brushes a horse, or manicures a ski slope.

Is it that hard to comprehend or are you that desperate to get around the pedo rule?
Nope, it doesn't use the primary definition either unless you are talking about the definition in which you added words. Now, lets not be disingenuous here. The post that prompted this whole diatribe was a simple "OK Groomer" and you posted a definition from---that's right WIKIPEDIA.

They are being groomed to question their sexual identity and accept all the Woke sexual orthodoxy in regards to all the made up genders and whatnot. This is all part and parcel of the greater grooming scheme to make them anti-racist racists, and the rest of all that woke shit.

They are obviously being groomed according to the basic definition of the word and the bullying, malignant moderator knows that, but by casting it according to only its most limited definition, she is able to gain an excuse for punishing the people she doesn't like.

It seldom happens that the grooming is actually undertaken so the teacher can have sex with the kids. Most of it is aimed at fucking with their minds instead of their bodies, ruining their childhood innocence and creating compliant, unquestioning little Stalinist Wokesters.
…just don’t call members groomers and pretend you aren’t insinuating pedo.

Everyone knows exactly what it is that you are defending and supporting. You know it, we know it, we know that you know it, you know that we know it.

Lying about it is a waste of effort. You are not fooling anyone, here.

Is it that hard to comprehend or are you that desperate to get around the pedo rule?

Hiding behind an arbitrary rule doesn't fool anyone either.
Hiding behind an arbitrary rule doesn't fool anyone either.

Not only hiding, but manipulating. "You implied that you were hinting about a suggestion that if interpreted in a certain way would allow me to punish you when you said there might be ulterior motives involved when one of my buddies used classic pedophile terminology in support of the sexual grooming of children."
The entire fight to get guys in the scouts was to get perverts access to boys. They won. Now there is gay grooming in the scouts.
You are a liar.
Your heroes have been grooming and abusing kids in the scouts for a hundred years while blocking gays from joining.
The perversions and grooming is yours.
Families that don't want their boys to be groomed into homosexuality can join Trail Life USA. It's what the scouts were before they got taken over by perverts.
Sure they can, Liar
no gays but plenty of grooming and sexual abuse.
Just like the gold old days.
Man, the Anti-Grooming law really threw democrats off their game.

Teen girls went from .06% saying they were "trans" in 2012 to 31% in 2022.

Grooming works.

democrats and pedophiles are melting down. Sorry for being redundant.

Not all democrats are pedophiles, Joe Biden is, but not all. BUT all pedophiles are democrats.....

How about the acceptance of their status by their peers?

Isn't it great? Kids today don't share your perversions, bigotry, and hate.
Because your ideals, your racism, your hate, your perversions, are not dominating the school kids feel more at ease acknowledging who they are.

But not to worry.
I'm sure there's plenty of other things for you to hate.
Can a fascist democrat give one good reason for presenting sexually graphic material to a 4 year old?

Why do democrats need to do this?

Stilllying after all these years.

No one in any school is presenting "sexually graphic" materials to any 4 yo.
Actually I have a 12 year old step great granddaughter in a school trying to convince her to transition to male. After her parents got scared of school pushback , we are just playing now. She is a boy, who identifies as a girl. I got her an enormous padded bra so she could identify as a 25 year old stripper.
Ha ha.

Hopefully this person is just a fantasy in your perverted mind.
If not then
Hopefully someone removes her permanently from your presence before you destroy them.
Actually I have a 12 year old step great granddaughter in a school trying to convince her to transition to male.

I wish there was more context to this story. It sounds absolutely horrible. But by the same token it also sounds like complete and utter batsh*t insanity. It almost sounds as if your step great granddaughter is just going along happy as a clam as a girl and the school has arbitrarily started trying to force her to be a boy.

That, of course, sounds like bs.

I understand that there may be some evil people out there who want to do bad things for no reason, but I also know that a LOT of older Americans have been spoonfed a diet of unhinged unrealistic fears and now they see transgender threats around every corner.

I wish we had more context to this strange tale.


How about the acceptance of their status by their peers?

Isn't it great? Kids today don't share your perversions, bigotry, and hate.
Because your ideals, your racism, your hate, your perversions, are not dominating the school kids feel more at ease acknowledging who they are.

But not to worry.
I'm sure there's plenty of other things for you to hate.

Groomers have it harder now.

Get em' at 4 and you got 'em at 14...

But Florida and other states are getting democrats hands out of the pants of 4 year olds.

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