Gavin Newsom's precious smelt

Money, there is too much money to spend. Money to build dams. Money to take dams down.

Dams, anybody ever see the land in California. Much of the land in not suitable for dams. The water leaks out.

Dams, do the people need dams to drink water from, shower, do are laundry or does 90% of California's water get used by industry.

California has plenty of water and even more bad Policies.
CA has plenty of areas that are suitable on both sides of the central valley in the coast range and the Sierra. Environmentalists block any attempts. The current reservoir system is near its limits without more storage or desalination or both.
Newscum put his precious smelt fish before the safety of millions of people in Cali.....he should spend the rest of his days in jail!

That is.....if there is any Justice left in Cali :mad:
CA has plenty of areas that are suitable on both sides of the central valley in the coast range and the Sierra. Environmentalists block any attempts. The current reservoir system is near its limits without more storage or desalination or both.
So you are unfamiliar with the extremely porous ground that results in massive losses of water in reservoirs.

Diamond valley lake is a good example of water loss due to the porous nature of the ground.

All the great places for reservoirs are gone.

We have plenty of water. No amount of water would of put this fire out. Maybe it would of saved some houses.

No water is an excuse. They needed a fire break that the fire could not breach.
WTF the delta smelt have to do with the Santa Ana winds I have no idea.
WTF the Santa Ana winds have to do with California fires I have no ...

If you have no idea maybe keep your clap trap shut. But you do know, you just wish to make it sound like it was mother nature not democrats stupidity.

A better question;

WTF do politicians know about fighting wild fires? Does Newsoms bachelor degree in political science teach Newsom how to manage wildfires areas.

Newsom got his start when Willie Brown gave him a job in San Francisco. Newsom and Kamala both got a job from Willie in San Fransisco. From whatvI know, they both got the job the same way, as lovers ...
They use the smelt as an excuse to withhold water but that is just an excuse.

California does not have the electricity or the money to run the pumps for the aqueduct.

Using electricity to pump water is maybe the largest expense in California

I guess we could have used a nuclear reactor or two. Probably could have done the job
The tiny Delta Smelt fish have not been seen in the wild in California in over a decade.

And yet, California Democrats flushed annual water flow into the ocean to save this little fish that they can’t even find in its natural habitat.
Now several cities are burnt to the ground.

They sacrificed entire communities for a fish that doesn’t exist.

There is a thread about Gavin's smelt. Want to see his smelt? I want you to know all about smelt. First a photo.

Looks yummy heh? How about dinner? And Newsom thinks they are so special. I mean he will spend millions on those tiny fish. Would you endorse spending millions on those tiny fish?
Gov. Noose'em is a very dependable bought & paid for stooge for the profe$$ional enviro whacko death cultists.

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