Gavin Newsom, Your Carbon Offsets are Burning


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
They know it’s BS so don’t care.
With every fire, every blackout, California gets more and more red.

Those who leave their energy-guzzling multi-million-dollar mansions when they fly off on their private jets to save-the-planet climate change conferences like to ease their consciences and explain their hypocrisy by pointing to their carbon offsets like paying for trees to be planted somewhere that might mature in a hundred years or so.

There are a lot of trees in California and a good number of them are on fire, thanks to environmental regulations and policies that are supposed to protect the environment but are in fact destroying it. The irony in California that the very trees that are supposed to be sucking up those nasty carbon emissions are now a major producer of carbon emissions. . . .

California utility PG&E has been scapegoated by Newsom and others, who blame its power lines and equipment for most of the fires. Yet without the fuel provided by forest mismanagement promoted by environmentalists these firs would not have reached almost Biblical proportions. Not harvesting dead trees and not clearing away dry brush is what fueled these fires, not climate change.

A February 12, 2019 press release by the U.S. Forest Service shows the extent of the problem caused by environmentalists and suggests that maybe if we didn’t allow the 18 million California trees that died last year to rest in peace but instead harvested them perhaps the fire problem wouldn’t be of such tragic proportions.

Gavin Newsom, Your Carbon Offsets are Burning.
The Democrats don't give a shit about people. That's the key to understanding them.
They know it’s BS so don’t care.
With every fire, every blackout, California gets more and more red.

Those who leave their energy-guzzling multi-million-dollar mansions when they fly off on their private jets to save-the-planet climate change conferences like to ease their consciences and explain their hypocrisy by pointing to their carbon offsets like paying for trees to be planted somewhere that might mature in a hundred years or so.

There are a lot of trees in California and a good number of them are on fire, thanks to environmental regulations and policies that are supposed to protect the environment but are in fact destroying it. The irony in California that the very trees that are supposed to be sucking up those nasty carbon emissions are now a major producer of carbon emissions. . . .

California utility PG&E has been scapegoated by Newsom and others, who blame its power lines and equipment for most of the fires. Yet without the fuel provided by forest mismanagement promoted by environmentalists these firs would not have reached almost Biblical proportions. Not harvesting dead trees and not clearing away dry brush is what fueled these fires, not climate change.

A February 12, 2019 press release by the U.S. Forest Service shows the extent of the problem caused by environmentalists and suggests that maybe if we didn’t allow the 18 million California trees that died last year to rest in peace but instead harvested them perhaps the fire problem wouldn’t be of such tragic proportions.

Gavin Newsom, Your Carbon Offsets are Burning.

Most of the forests in CA are fed owned.
California timber industry may be a 'piece of the puzzle' to help reduce state's raging wildfires
They know it’s BS so don’t care.
With every fire, every blackout, California gets more and more red.

Those who leave their energy-guzzling multi-million-dollar mansions when they fly off on their private jets to save-the-planet climate change conferences like to ease their consciences and explain their hypocrisy by pointing to their carbon offsets like paying for trees to be planted somewhere that might mature in a hundred years or so.

There are a lot of trees in California and a good number of them are on fire, thanks to environmental regulations and policies that are supposed to protect the environment but are in fact destroying it. The irony in California that the very trees that are supposed to be sucking up those nasty carbon emissions are now a major producer of carbon emissions. . . .

California utility PG&E has been scapegoated by Newsom and others, who blame its power lines and equipment for most of the fires. Yet without the fuel provided by forest mismanagement promoted by environmentalists these firs would not have reached almost Biblical proportions. Not harvesting dead trees and not clearing away dry brush is what fueled these fires, not climate change.

A February 12, 2019 press release by the U.S. Forest Service shows the extent of the problem caused by environmentalists and suggests that maybe if we didn’t allow the 18 million California trees that died last year to rest in peace but instead harvested them perhaps the fire problem wouldn’t be of such tragic proportions.

Gavin Newsom, Your Carbon Offsets are Burning.

Most of the forests in CA are fed owned.
California timber industry may be a 'piece of the puzzle' to help reduce state's raging wildfires
Most of the Fed owned forests are not burning.
The Democrats don't give a shit about people. That's the key to understanding them.

Exactly. The Democrats only care about POWER and CONTROL through creating dependency. If Newsom has a shot of running for President he should hold a press conference, admit the problem is NOT man made climate change but government policy hindering the clearing of forest and brush. That would knock people back on their heals and elevate him above special interests and indicate he is for The People first. Will he do that? No way in HELL.
They know it’s BS so don’t care.
With every fire, every blackout, California gets more and more red.

Those who leave their energy-guzzling multi-million-dollar mansions when they fly off on their private jets to save-the-planet climate change conferences like to ease their consciences and explain their hypocrisy by pointing to their carbon offsets like paying for trees to be planted somewhere that might mature in a hundred years or so.

There are a lot of trees in California and a good number of them are on fire, thanks to environmental regulations and policies that are supposed to protect the environment but are in fact destroying it. The irony in California that the very trees that are supposed to be sucking up those nasty carbon emissions are now a major producer of carbon emissions. . . .

California utility PG&E has been scapegoated by Newsom and others, who blame its power lines and equipment for most of the fires. Yet without the fuel provided by forest mismanagement promoted by environmentalists these firs would not have reached almost Biblical proportions. Not harvesting dead trees and not clearing away dry brush is what fueled these fires, not climate change.

A February 12, 2019 press release by the U.S. Forest Service shows the extent of the problem caused by environmentalists and suggests that maybe if we didn’t allow the 18 million California trees that died last year to rest in peace but instead harvested them perhaps the fire problem wouldn’t be of such tragic proportions.

Gavin Newsom, Your Carbon Offsets are Burning.
And they might actually have some trees left if they did. Less fires, less trees going up.
They know it’s BS so don’t care.
With every fire, every blackout, California gets more and more red.

Those who leave their energy-guzzling multi-million-dollar mansions when they fly off on their private jets to save-the-planet climate change conferences like to ease their consciences and explain their hypocrisy by pointing to their carbon offsets like paying for trees to be planted somewhere that might mature in a hundred years or so.

There are a lot of trees in California and a good number of them are on fire, thanks to environmental regulations and policies that are supposed to protect the environment but are in fact destroying it. The irony in California that the very trees that are supposed to be sucking up those nasty carbon emissions are now a major producer of carbon emissions. . . .

California utility PG&E has been scapegoated by Newsom and others, who blame its power lines and equipment for most of the fires. Yet without the fuel provided by forest mismanagement promoted by environmentalists these firs would not have reached almost Biblical proportions. Not harvesting dead trees and not clearing away dry brush is what fueled these fires, not climate change.

A February 12, 2019 press release by the U.S. Forest Service shows the extent of the problem caused by environmentalists and suggests that maybe if we didn’t allow the 18 million California trees that died last year to rest in peace but instead harvested them perhaps the fire problem wouldn’t be of such tragic proportions.

Gavin Newsom, Your Carbon Offsets are Burning.
Political correctness makes people fucking retarded
They know it’s BS so don’t care.
With every fire, every blackout, California gets more and more red.

Those who leave their energy-guzzling multi-million-dollar mansions when they fly off on their private jets to save-the-planet climate change conferences like to ease their consciences and explain their hypocrisy by pointing to their carbon offsets like paying for trees to be planted somewhere that might mature in a hundred years or so.

There are a lot of trees in California and a good number of them are on fire, thanks to environmental regulations and policies that are supposed to protect the environment but are in fact destroying it. The irony in California that the very trees that are supposed to be sucking up those nasty carbon emissions are now a major producer of carbon emissions. . . .

California utility PG&E has been scapegoated by Newsom and others, who blame its power lines and equipment for most of the fires. Yet without the fuel provided by forest mismanagement promoted by environmentalists these firs would not have reached almost Biblical proportions. Not harvesting dead trees and not clearing away dry brush is what fueled these fires, not climate change.

A February 12, 2019 press release by the U.S. Forest Service shows the extent of the problem caused by environmentalists and suggests that maybe if we didn’t allow the 18 million California trees that died last year to rest in peace but instead harvested them perhaps the fire problem wouldn’t be of such tragic proportions.

Gavin Newsom, Your Carbon Offsets are Burning.

Most of the forests in CA are fed owned.
California timber industry may be a 'piece of the puzzle' to help reduce state's raging wildfires
Private individuals own 51% of the land and are put through loops to be able to cut down a tree-

The federal government owns 45.8 percent of California’s land, while 4 percent is owned by the state and 51 percent is privately owned. CAL FIRE manages both state and private land. Part of the reason it is so difficult to manage California forests is the bureaucratic milieu.

A 2017 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that 129 million trees have died in California’s forests since 2010. The USDA report agrees with Trump — California’s forests suffer from neglect and mismanagement.

In order to cut down trees on private land, property owners must fill out a Timber Harvest Plan and get permission from CAL FIRE, said Schori. As of 1995, the private sector owned 8 million acres of undeveloped fire prone land, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Yet Timber Harvest Plans were only granted for 3,282,950 acres of privately owned land in 2017.

How Misguided Environmentalism Is To Blame For California's Wildfires
According to a Reason Foundation study, another flaw in forest management is a systematic reduction in timber removal. This began in 1990 when the spotted owl was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. In response, the Forest Service placed restrictions on timber harvests. Additionally, President Bill Clinton introduced a rule that restricted the construction of new roads on 49 million acres of national forest. This limited the ability of the Forest Service from thinning trees. In 1993, 1,797,574 acres of wildlands burned, but in 2017 this number jumped to 10,026,086 acres.

Mismanagement has been going on for decades. Yes, US policy has also added to that, as environmentalists push laws such as the above that does more harm than good.
Trump is working to get management policies changed and California has to do the same.

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