Gavin Newsom wants Abott and DeSantis to be investigated for kidnapping

DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red ...

The Biden “catch-and-bus” policy is an escalation of the Democratic Party’s open borders policy. Even if a state is not on the southern border, an illegal migrant can walk across it and get a free bus ride from the Biden administration to any place it chooses.
DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.
The White Supremist Democrat President Joe Biden is shipping illegal aliens all over the country.
Biden's open border policy is causing tens of thousands of deaths.
Migrants are dying trying to cross the border.
Migrants are being robbed, raped and murdered by the human smugglers.
Fentanyl overdoses are killing over 100,000 people per year.
Illegal Aliens kill over 8000 people per year.
DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.

They are offered rides to cities that have proclaimed they welcome all, including illegal immigrants.

What is the real crime is offering them the chance of amnesty some time in the future as long as they get here illegally, which is what Dems have been promising for decades.
Gavin needs to visit a proctologist and get his head removed from his ass.
he first needs to skate around this

The White Supremist Democrat President Joe Biden is shipping illegal aliens all over the country.
Biden's open border policy is causing tens of thousands of deaths.
Migrants are dying trying to cross the border.
Migrants are being robbed, raped and murdered by the human smugglers.
Fentanyl overdoses are killing over 100,000 people per year.
Illegal Aliens kill over 8000 people per year.
but don't you buss illegals to sanctuary cities, they don't really want them. It was all show for their plantation voters.
DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.
I really love this video

DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.
I love this one even more


Gavin Newsom asks DOJ to consider 'kidnapping' charges after GOP governors ship migrants out of state​

Max Thornberry
Thu, September 15, 2022 at 3:16 PM·2 min read

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked the Department of Justice to look into whether sending migrants to other parts of the country constituted kidnapping or other federal crimes.
In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Newsom asked whether actions by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending illegal immigrants from their respective states to destinations such as New York City, Washington, D.C. Chicago, and Martha's Vineyard were illegal.

Texas Gov. Abbott says migrants given consent waiver, not being …
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that migrants bused out of state are given voluntary consent waivers and are not — as New York City Mayor Eric Adams has alleged — being forced …

Corrupt Far Left Idiot Gavin Newsom has stepped on a rake again.
The illegal aliens are not being kidnapped.
They are volunteering to be relocated.
Newsom is planning a presidential run in 2024.
He is trying to get some attention.

Abbot and DeSantis forced those poor immigrants to sign those waivers at gunpoint, I just know it. They have a lot of guns in Texas and Florida, don't you know? This is a sinister plot by those two semi-fascist Southern MAGA Governors to infect the Northern states, as retribution for the Civil War, I just know it.

God knows what horrible diseases those poor immigrants are carrying. Maybe Smallpox, Monkeypox, AIDS hepatitis, syphilis, tuberculosis, COVID, measles....This is terrible. Those Trump-loving semi-fascist MAGA Governors are sending all those poor immigrants to our blue cities and states just so they'll infect us and we'll all die. This is a biological attack, I tell you. Those semi-fascist MAGA Republicans want to wipe us all out so they can steal our wonderful blue cities and states after we're all dead, don't you know? Just like they did to all those poor Native Americans, when they gave them blankets covered with Smallpox, don't you know? Arghhh!!!! 🤬

Ok. I'll take my crazy hat off now. :laughing0301:
DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.
Human-trafficking is transporting people for a specific know....trying to transport up your state and claiming your massive population gives you more electoral votes in the general election (CA, NY, NJ).
He’s checking with the TV outlets to see if they will televise the inquest but so far football is screwing this up for dumbdum

Gavin Newsom asks DOJ to consider 'kidnapping' charges after GOP governors ship migrants out of state​

Max Thornberry
Thu, September 15, 2022 at 3:16 PM·2 min read

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked the Department of Justice to look into whether sending migrants to other parts of the country constituted kidnapping or other federal crimes.
In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Newsom asked whether actions by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending illegal immigrants from their respective states to destinations such as New York City, Washington, D.C. Chicago, and Martha's Vineyard were illegal.

Texas Gov. Abbott says migrants given consent waiver, not being …
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that migrants bused out of state are given voluntary consent waivers and are not — as New York City Mayor Eric Adams has alleged — being forced …

Corrupt Far Left Idiot Gavin Newsom has stepped on a rake again.
The illegal aliens are not being kidnapped.
They are volunteering to be relocated.
Newsom is planning a presidential run in 2024.
He is trying to get some attention.
Newsom is an EVIL fucking hypocrite.

I hope this libtard scum chokes on its own bullshit.
Abbot and DeSantis forced those poor immigrants to sign those waivers at gunpoint, I just know it. They have a lot of guns in Texas and Florida, don't you know? This is a sinister plot by those two semi-fascist Southern MAGA Governors to infect the Northern states, as retribution for the Civil War, I just know it.

God knows what horrible diseases those poor immigrants are carrying. Maybe Smallpox, Monkeypox, AIDS hepatitis, syphilis, tuberculosis, COVID, measles....This is terrible. Those Trump-loving semi-fascist MAGA Governors are sending all those poor immigrants to our blue cities and states just so they'll infect us and we'll all die. This is a biological attack, I tell you. Those semi-fascist MAGA Republicans want to wipe us all out so they can steal our wonderful blue cities and states after we're all dead, don't you know? Just like they did to all those poor Native Americans, when they gave them blankets covered with Smallpox, don't you know? Arghhh!!!! 🤬

Ok. I'll take my crazy hat off now. :laughing0301:
right, unvaccinated illegals polluting those vaccinated havens.
DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.

You probably wouldn't be saying this if the Illegals were being shipped to a conservative town which opposes their presence in America and doesn't have the high number of wealthy people able to support them.

Think for a second- maybe the Illegal WANT to go to New York City or Martha's Vineyard? If the illegals want to, don't they have a RIGHT to be there on MV?
"Kidnapping" by definition is taking someone involuntarily from where they are to where they don't want to be.

Why wouldn't an illegal want to go to Martha's Vineyard, where there is so much open space to pitch your tent and crap on the sidewalks? Its really quite pleasant, with all kinds of pro-illegal people around.

They also have wonderful breakfast tacos in Martha's Vinyard. That alone would be worth getting on the bus. :laughing0301:

breakfast tacos.jpg
You probably wouldn't be saying this if the Illegals were being shipped to a conservative town which opposes their presence in America and doesn't have the high number of wealthy people able to support them.

Think for a second- maybe the Illegal WANT to go to New York City or Martha's Vineyard? If the illegals want to, don't they have a RIGHT to be there on MV?
well they are allowed to invade a sovereign nation without any resistance.
DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.
1. Would you be so kind as to tell us just when illegal immigrants and asylum seekers gained the right to dictate where they would be held until their court date?
2. Are you aware that the Quid Pro regime has been shipping these people all over the US in the dead of night for months now? If DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, guess who else should be right beside them in the trial?
here you go

I can't wait to see Xiden marched out of the white house.
All those yelling for DeSantis and Abbot to be charged with kidnapping and human trafficking had better be willing to yell for Quid Pro to stand right beside them in court.

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