Gates pleads guilty, will likely roll on Manafort and Trump

Being a campaign manager is a crime? Maybe we should ask Podesta.

No, but it shows the close proximity to Trump. And I thought Trump only hired "the best". Manafort is not the best, he's a criminal.
17 intelligence agencies could not stop ISIS. Why listen to them now?

Stop ISIS from doing what?

Also, I note the gaslighting of US intelligence which is a tactic used by Conservatives and propagandists because they are deathly afraid of being found out for being traitors, frauds, and phonies.

This post of yours is just another example of a Conservative deliberately acting obtuse and posting deliberately vague and ambiguous words that you then use to wiggle around the narrow parameters you set for yourself later on in the debate.
Foreign workers are a business decision.

Why can't you make a pro-America business decision if you love America so much?

The answer is that Trump doesn't love America, and importing workers like he imports wives proves it.

You're the one who said Trump loves America. Well, he doesn't hire Americans and he only marries Americans 33% of the time. So that doesn't tell me that he loves America. In fact, it kinda makes me think he hates it.

You realize you can be shrewd in business, be successful, and still love America.

What is the pro-America business reason for importing foreign workers like he imports wives?
Very weak argument from what seems to be a very weak mind.
17 intelligence agencies could not stop ISIS. Why listen to them now?

Stop ISIS from doing what?

Also, I note the gaslighting of US intelligence which is a tactic used by Conservatives and propagandists because they are deathly afraid of being found out for being traitors, frauds, and phonies.

This post of yours is just another example of a Conservative deliberately acting obtuse and posting deliberately vague and ambiguous words that you then use to wiggle around the narrow parameters you set for yourself later on in the debate.
From growing like a forest fire for starters.
Were you even living in this country in 2008? 20% of them voted for Obama as a big "fuck you" to the GOP, because they didn't like McCain.

So you're presuming and assuming to know the intentions of voters from 10 years ago, yet you won't presume or make an assumption about the intentions of Trump not imposing sanctions on Russia for meddling in the 2016 election? Whaaaaa? What gives?

They didn't like McCain so they voted for an even more liberal guy?

Nope. FAIL.

Boy, don't they feel stupid now? Would you like to take a guess as to how many registered Democrat voted for Trump, just because they thought Hillary was the worst candidate the Dems ever ran?

You're the only stupid person here because you fall for Russian propaganda.
He has done nothing to change the generic ballot, in fact Republicans are gaining, why is that?

Republicans are gaining in online polls that they can troll and spam, like they learned to do from all the Russian bots they followed and had follow them on Twitter.

Three days ago, a Democrat won 68% of the vote in a Republican-held Kentucky district that Trump won 72% in 2016.

Whatever "polls" you're looking at are bullshit.
The ones you look at said Hillary would win, enough said.
From growing like a forest fire for starters.

So what were the intelligence agencies supposed to do about that? And ISIS only came into being because of YOUR SHITTY AND STUPID AND POORLY PLANNED INVASION OF IRAQ.

All those ISIS fighters were the ex-Ba'athists you kicked out of the country, who were motivated by the Conservative-supported Shi'ite Prime Minister who ethnically cleansed Sunnis out of Baghdad. Then you spent $30B arming and training a Shi'ite-led New Iraqi Army that dropped their weapons at the first sign of ISIS flags, leaving them there for ISIS to pick up and then use.

So YOU'RE the piece of shit to blame for ISIS.
From growing like a forest fire for starters.

So what were the intelligence agencies supposed to do about that? And ISIS only came into being because of YOUR SHITTY AND STUPID AND POORLY PLANNED INVASION OF IRAQ.

All those ISIS fighters were the ex-Ba'athists you kicked out of the country, who were motivated by the Conservative-supported Shi'ite Prime Minister who ethnically cleansed Sunnis out of Baghdad. Then you spent $30B arming and training a Shi'ite-led New Iraqi Army that dropped their weapons at the first sign of ISIS flags, leaving them there for ISIS to pick up and then use.

So YOU'RE the piece of shit to blame for ISIS.
Islam is to blame for ISIS. Period.
The ones you look at said Hillary would win, enough said.

The only polls that matter are the polls open for an election.

So far, Democrats have flipped 37 seats since Trump was inaugurated. The latest one was just three days ago in Kentucky with the Democrat winning 68% of the vote in a district Trump won with 72% of the vote.

A blue tsunami is coming...if I were a right-wing troll like you, I'd be worried.
Islam is to blame for ISIS. Period.

No. Your shitty and stupid and haphazard and sloppy and poorly planned invasion of Iraq is what caused ISIS. Take some responsibility for the shit beliefs you have and the shit policies you support.
From growing like a forest fire for starters.

So what were the intelligence agencies supposed to do about that? And ISIS only came into being because of YOUR SHITTY AND STUPID AND POORLY PLANNED INVASION OF IRAQ.

All those ISIS fighters were the ex-Ba'athists you kicked out of the country, who were motivated by the Conservative-supported Shi'ite Prime Minister who ethnically cleansed Sunnis out of Baghdad. Then you spent $30B arming and training a Shi'ite-led New Iraqi Army that dropped their weapons at the first sign of ISIS flags, leaving them there for ISIS to pick up and then use.

So YOU'RE the piece of shit to blame for ISIS.
Islam is to blame for ISIS. Period.
Isis is an Egyptian goddess. It predates Islam.
I thought you were with her and most of you guys are gay.

Again, interesting how you think calling someone gay is some kind of insult. That's only because you're insecure in your own sexuality, so you project that self-hatred on those who make you feel like the piece of shit you truly are.

Gay, straight, bi, pansexual, asexual; love is love.

Seriously, you're going to burn yourself out in a matter of months

If you hate yourself this much, why not just end it?
Good, at least you're coming out. It's healthy they say.
I thought you were with her and most of you guys are gay.

Again, interesting how you think calling someone gay is some kind of insult. That's only because you're insecure in your own sexuality, so you project that self-hatred on those who make you feel like the piece of shit you truly are.

Gay, straight, bi, pansexual, asexual; love is love.

Seriously, you're going to burn yourself out in a matter of months

If you hate yourself this much, why not just end it?
Good, at least you're coming out. It's healthy they say.

And you've leaped out of the closet to reveal yourself as a Conservative mush-brained idiot who was fooled by Russian propaganda.

You are so dumb that some Russian fooled you into supporting Trump.

But then again, your brain was already turned to mush and wanted to be spoon-fed propaganda.
Your limited ability to so much as imagine an alternate possibility says everything.

So there's an alternative reason for why Trump won't impose sanctions on Russia that Congress passed 517-5 as a response to Russia meddling in our election to benefit Trump? Please, what are these alternative reasons?

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