Gates pleads guilty, will likely roll on Manafort and Trump

Find a boyfriend or something. You're not going to make it through the next 7 years, seriously!

1. "Find a boyfriend"? Are you trying to imply that I'm gay and then use that as an insult? Why do you think it's an insult to call someone gay? Insecurities. You're insecure in your own sexuality so you project your self-hatred on others. What a whiny little bitch.

2. The rate at which Mueller is dropping indictments and securing pleas makes this thing look like it's going to steamroll over the GOP and Trump by November, just in time for the Democrats to retake the House.
He has done nothing to change the generic ballot, in fact Republicans are gaining, why is that?
Are you trying to say that were it not for "Russian interference", conservatives would have voted for Hillary?I am speechless....

Yup. They would have. Just like plenty of Conservatives voted for Obama.

Plenty of conservatives voted for Obama? :auiqs.jpg:

Was that like the coalition of "Jews for Hitler"? How about the "American Association of Black Folks for the Klan"? The "Chickens for KFC Foundation?

You are such a doofus. The truth is, there are a lot of people who didn't even realize that they were conservatives, until they voted for Obama.
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Trumps wives have nothing to do with his love for his country.

33% of the time Trump loves America because 33% of his wives are American.

t is a stupid example for you to use, but it is not unexpected.

So explain to me how importing foreign workers translates to Trump "loving America". You didn't do that, and I'm not going to let you run away like the coward you are.
Trumps wives have nothing to do with his love for his country.

33% of the time Trump loves America because 33% of his wives are American.

t is a stupid example for you to use, but it is not unexpected.

So explain to me how importing foreign workers translates to Trump "loving America". You didn't do that, and I'm not going to let you run away like the coward you are.
Foreign workers are a business decision. You realize you can be shrewd in business, be successful, and still love America.
ou're entire premise is a moot point, bereft of any further discussion.

So much wrong to unpack in just one single sentence:

1. It's "YOUR" in YOUR Russia is showing when you use the wrong word because you're pretending you're something you're not.
2. A moot point, how so? Do you even know what the phrase "moot point" means? How does it apply to this?
3. "Bereft" isn't used correctly either, do you just say words that sound good to you even though you don't know what those words actually mean?
4. This sentence alone proves my point that Conservatives want people to think better of them than they think of themselves.

It has already been stated publicly by everyone in my country who is in a position of authority, that Russian had absolutely no influence on the 2016 election.

Well, in my country, AMERICA, 17 Intelligence agencies said they did.

So do you live in Russia and that's why you are pretending Russia didn't manipulate Conservative shit-for-brains?
He has done nothing to change the generic ballot, in fact Republicans are gaining, why is that?

Republicans are gaining in online polls that they can troll and spam, like they learned to do from all the Russian bots they followed and had follow them on Twitter.

Three days ago, a Democrat won 68% of the vote in a Republican-held Kentucky district that Trump won 72% in 2016.

Whatever "polls" you're looking at are bullshit.
If Trump loved America he'd hire Americans to work at his resorts instead of importing foreigners, like he does wives.
Is any of that illegal?
Its sure not pro american
What could you possibly know about that?
More than you obviously.
I know enough not to advocate the supremacy of a race like you do. You have no idea about what is American.
You dont know anything let alone what being an american is.
ou're entire premise is a moot point, bereft of any further discussion.

So much wrong to unpack in just one single sentence:

1. It's "YOUR" in YOUR Russia is showing when you use the wrong word because you're pretending you're something you're not.
2. A moot point, how so? Do you even know what the phrase "moot point" means? How does it apply to this?
3. "Bereft" isn't used correctly either, do you just say words that sound good to you even though you don't know what those words actually mean?
4. This sentence alone proves my point that Conservatives want people to think better of them than they think of themselves.

It has already been stated publicly by everyone in my country who is in a position of authority, that Russian had absolutely no influence on the 2016 election.

Well, in my country, AMERICA, 17 Intelligence agencies said they did.

So do you live in Russia and that's why you are pretending Russia didn't manipulate Conservative shit-for-brains?
17 intelligence agencies could not stop ISIS. Why listen to them now?
Since Gates was Manafort's deputy, he probably knows everything. Gates is a young guy with a young family, and with no access to his laundered money, can't afford a defense attorney for a prolonged trial he would lose and end up having to spend the rest of his life behind bars for betraying the United States.

Former Trump aide tells loved ones of plans to plead guilty, cooperate with special counsel

Mueller is so surgical, so deliberate, so methodical. The pieces are all falling into place; Trump's team is kompromat, the Russian troll campaign to help Trump has been laid out in the indictments of the 13 Russians. Now all that's left is to connect the two, which is likely to be done through Manafort and, possibly, Gates.

Depending on what Gates knows, Mueller may not even need Manafort to flip.

Ok. Now what?
Is any of that illegal?
Its sure not pro american
What could you possibly know about that?
More than you obviously.
I know enough not to advocate the supremacy of a race like you do. You have no idea about what is American.
You dont know anything let alone what being an american is.
You already said that, racist.
Actually if it legal it makes no difference what I think, does it? Change the laws if you don't like them.

You said Trump loves America.

Him importing foreigners like he imports wives doesn't support the ludicrous belief of yours that Trump loves America.

So what you did was act like a troll and tried to make Trump loving America about whether or not it was legal for Trump to import foreigners like he imports wives.

So what about the legality of importing workers like he imports wives makes you think "Trump loves America"?
Trumps wives have nothing to do with his love for his country. It is a stupid example for you to use, but it is not unexpected.
Yeah but if he loved his country he wouldnt be trying to sell it to the Russians at a steep discount.
Was that like the coalition of "Jews for Hitler"? How about the "American Association of Black Folks for the Klan"? The "Chickens for KFC Foundation?

Nope. It was just 20% of self-identified Conservatives.

I know this is hard for you to accept, and I also know how hilarious it is watching your head explode.

You are such a doofus. The truth is, there are a lot of people who didn't even realize that they were conservatives, until they voted for Obama.

This sentence means literally nothing. Almost as if it was fed through an internet translator.
Plenty of conservatives voted for Obama? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, they did. That's how Obama won the largest share of the popular vote in decades. Obama won 20% of Conservatives in 2008.

You know less than nothing, if that's even possible.

Were you even living in this country in 2008? 20% of them voted for Obama as a big "fuck you" to the GOP, because they didn't like McCain.

Boy, don't they feel stupid now? Would you like to take a guess as to how many registered Democrat voted for Trump, just because they thought Hillary was the worst candidate the Dems ever ran?
Since Gates was Manafort's deputy, he probably knows everything. Gates is a young guy with a young family, and with no access to his laundered money, can't afford a defense attorney for a prolonged trial he would lose and end up having to spend the rest of his life behind bars for betraying the United States.

Former Trump aide tells loved ones of plans to plead guilty, cooperate with special counsel

Mueller is so surgical, so deliberate, so methodical. The pieces are all falling into place; Trump's team is kompromat, the Russian troll campaign to help Trump has been laid out in the indictments of the 13 Russians. Now all that's left is to connect the two, which is likely to be done through Manafort and, possibly, Gates.

Depending on what Gates knows, Mueller may not even need Manafort to flip.

If I had a nickel for every time one of you guys were convinced the show was going to drop, I'd own my own private island full of beautiful naked girls. Wake me up when you have our President in handcuffs. Until then, it's just liberal wet dreams.
Denial runs deep in your crowd
Foreign workers are a business decision.

Why can't you make a pro-America business decision if you love America so much?

The answer is that Trump doesn't love America, and importing workers like he imports wives proves it.

You're the one who said Trump loves America. Well, he doesn't hire Americans and he only marries Americans 33% of the time. So that doesn't tell me that he loves America. In fact, it kinda makes me think he hates it.

You realize you can be shrewd in business, be successful, and still love America.

What is the pro-America business reason for importing foreign workers like he imports wives?

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