Gary Johnson "Who's Your Favorite Foreign Leader?"

Trump would answer before the question was finished, PUTIN!

Yeah that Johnson apparently does no studying, the same as Truncheon Trump, speaks volumes about him not even doing the most basic work to be prepared to be president. Would you expect a president to know all the states? No. Many of them? Yes. Or all the cities? No. Many? Yes. A large number of foreign leaders? No. A few? Yes.

If running for that office wouldn't you study The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The three branches of government and what powers each has, how many countries there are in the world, how many are in NATO, which ones are in the EU, what the leaders of the top five countries in the EU are, what the size of the economies of the top ten countries are, what their trade deficits are.

I mean these are not overly difficult things to learn or memorize, but this guy does no work at all. "So, you are applying for the job of car salesman, can you name our most popular models?" "Uh, no." "Can you name one?" "Um, no."

How is it in the premier democracy in the world this is what rises to the top? WTF.

Yeah, but if either Johnson or Trump are President, you can rest assured that they will protect the 57 States with as many corpsmen as possible.
Well, if this doesn't demonstrate the Clinton bias in the media. The Clinton media has been all too eager to try to stamp out Johnson, because they fear she could lose if she doesn't destroy him. Yes, let's keep asking the Libertarian to demonstrate love for foreign countries and individuals. Don't you all get it yet? Johnson doesn't give a fuck where Allepo is, he doesn't give a fuck who leads what country where, because his concern is right here in the United States of America.

While I agree that the media found Johnson's weak spot and loves poking it right now, it's a fact that what happens around the world affects the USA, and this is where libertarian philosophy fails. We simply can't just choose to be oblivious to the rest of the world, and this is why we'll never have a libertarian president -- ever.

It's not the only place if fails.
Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson struggled to name his favorite foreign leader on Wednesday night during a college tour town hall hosted by MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews.

“I’ve got to ask you a little lightening round here. This is where we have fun and maybe make some news. Who is your favorite foreign leader?” Matthews asked.

Johnson repeated the question while being cut off by Matthews.

“Just name anywhere in the country, any of the continents, any country, name one foreign leader that you respect and look up to. Anybody,” Matthews said.

Johnson’s vice presidential running mate Bill Weld interjected and said that his favorite leader was Israel’s former president Shimon Peres. Matthews responded that he was talking about living leaders. Peres passed earlier Wednesday morning.

Matthews continued giving Johnson geographic areas to choose from to name his favorite foreign leader.

“You got to do this. Anywhere. Any continent. Canada. Mexico. Europe. Over there. Asia. South America. Africa. Name a foreign leader that you respect,” Matthews said.

Johnson responded by saying that he was having another “Aleppo” moment, but Matthews didn’t let him off the hook. Matthews told Johnson that he was giving him the whole world, which Johnson acknowledged embarrassingly.

“The former president of Mexico,” Johnson said after Matthews kept badgering him.

“Which one?” Matthews asked.

Johnson said that he was having a brain freeze, so Matthews asked Johnson to name “anybody.”

Weld started naming some of Mexico’s former presidents and Johnson finally chose Vicente Fox.

Matthews then asked Weld to name his favorite foreign leader to get Johnson “off the hook.”

Weld responded almost immediately that his favorite foreign leader is German chancellor Angela Merkel.

Gary Johnson Struggles to Name his Favorite Foreign Leader

Angela Merkel is former Commie, now a Commie-lite -- Weld's "answer" was worse. I posted here ---

that there IS NO GOOD ANSWER if you are running for Prez and there are no world leaders that you admire.

Who's YOUR favorite world leader if you are not a socialist and don't like dictatorships??
'Johnson responded by saying that he was having another “Aleppo” moment, but Matthews didn’t let him off the hook. Matthews told Johnson that he was giving him the whole world, which Johnson acknowledged embarrassingly.'

Like Trump, Johnson has no business being president.
Trump would answer before the question was finished, PUTIN!

Yeah that Johnson apparently does no studying, the same as Truncheon Trump, speaks volumes about him not even doing the most basic work to be prepared to be president. Would you expect a president to know all the states? No. Many of them? Yes. Or all the cities? No. Many? Yes. A large number of foreign leaders? No. A few? Yes.

If running for that office wouldn't you study The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The three branches of government and what powers each has, how many countries there are in the world, how many are in NATO, which ones are in the EU, what the leaders of the top five countries in the EU are, what the size of the economies of the top ten countries are, what their trade deficits are.

I mean these are not overly difficult things to learn or memorize, but this guy does no work at all. "So, you are applying for the job of car salesman, can you name our most popular models?" "Uh, no." "Can you name one?" "Um, no."

How is it in the premier democracy in the world this is what rises to the top? WTF.

Yeah, but if either Johnson or Trump are President, you can rest assured that they will protect the 57 States with as many corpsmen as possible.

So you can't tell the difference between a slip of the toungue and lack of important knowledge.

Fair enough.
I do not understand why anyone would vote for Johnson because they think the other two aren't qualified.
Considering the NUMBER ONE JOB of the Executive is foreign policy,

That is debatable. In fact, it's a positively jilted claim. If we assume that the United States has a duty to be involved in world affairs, then your claim could very well be true.
It's not debatable. We have interests all around the world. Raw materials, trade, security. Libertarians are propellerheads who think the US can live in a vacuum.
Trump would answer before the question was finished, PUTIN!

Yeah that Johnson apparently does no studying, the same as Truncheon Trump, speaks volumes about him not even doing the most basic work to be prepared to be president. Would you expect a president to know all the states? No. Many of them? Yes. Or all the cities? No. Many? Yes. A large number of foreign leaders? No. A few? Yes.

If running for that office wouldn't you study The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The three branches of government and what powers each has, how many countries there are in the world, how many are in NATO, which ones are in the EU, what the leaders of the top five countries in the EU are, what the size of the economies of the top ten countries are, what their trade deficits are.

I mean these are not overly difficult things to learn or memorize, but this guy does no work at all. "So, you are applying for the job of car salesman, can you name our most popular models?" "Uh, no." "Can you name one?" "Um, no."

How is it in the premier democracy in the world this is what rises to the top? WTF.

Yeah, but if either Johnson or Trump are President, you can rest assured that they will protect the 57 States with as many corpsmen as possible.

So you can't tell the difference between a slip of the toungue and lack of important knowledge.

Fair enough.

57 states vs. every American knowing that their are 50 states is not a slip of the toungue.
Considering the NUMBER ONE JOB of the Executive is foreign policy,

That is debatable. In fact, it's a positively jilted claim. If we assume that the United States has a duty to be involved in world affairs, then your claim could very well be true.
It's not debatable. We have interests all around the world. Raw materials, trade, security. Libertarians are propellerheads who think the US can live in a vacuum.

We're the only choice on the ballot that wants to engage the world economically in trade without top-down agreements that have more to do with geo-political positioning than trade details. Or starting trade wars. We're not the Economic Imperialists who want to dictate morals and regulations and culture to every "partner" we choose to trade with..

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