Game Stop and the Biden Administration, Is There Still Any Question Who Runs This Country? LOL

.......... it's hardly the cataclysmic event you're making it out to be.
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Thanks for confirming that you're so effected by this can't name any of the victims or the victors.
As I said yesterday dolt - I am a winner, so is my son and about 200,000 others.
One obvious loser was Marvin capital, having to take a $2.5bn bailout Wednesday.
Gamestop CEO is now worth over $1bn projected.
What planet are you living on anyway?

There are winners and losers everyday in the market. When there are signs of market manipulation going on, they can (and should) take actions to stop it.

I live on Earth. Say hi to Mr. Roark for me.
The WallStreetBets/Robin Hood/ AMC/Gamestop story is the biggest thing to happen to Wall Street since at least 2008.
Unprecedented. $Billions taken out of the hands of multi-$billion hedge funds into retail investors, Robin Hood colluding with Hedge Funds in an effort to screw the small players so the hedge funds could recoup.... this could change how the stock market operates for a long time.
And the White House has no comment???? "We are monitoring"??

And sorry to all of you CNN people - you probably never heard of any of this.

So Biden isn't a radical leftist communist socialist???

I wish you folks will make your mind up....

Meanwhile, your part time assistant cult leader, full time cuck Ted Cruz wants to team up with AOC to investigate how wall street and huge hedge fund managers have been manipulating the system for years....Funny part is, AOC is genuine and Ted Cruz is a Goldman -Sachs corporate hack trying to ride someone else's wave....

Cruz on Thursday had endorsed Ocasio-Cortez’s call on Twitter for a congressional hearing about the decision by the online trading platform Robinhood to restrict trading in GameStop shares. But while welcoming the chance to work across party lines on the issue, Ocasio-Cortez had harsh words for Cruz.

“I am happy to work with Republicans on this issue where there’s common ground, but you almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago so you can sit this one out,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Happy to work w/ almost any other GOP that aren’t trying to get me killed. In the meantime if you want to help, you can resign.”

Dude... :lol:
Here is what AOC thinks is a ladder attack...

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Deflection noted....
HAhaha..... a ladder attack is a deflection from this story???
Thank you for showing you have no idea what this is about
Biden has other pressing issues, like fixing the smoking wreckage left behind from the last guy.

Biden has more pressing issues than the free market being hijacked to protect super rich hedge funds from losing money on their bad short sells so that ordinary investors can't make the money they are legally entitled to?

Oh, DO tell us what those pressing issues are!

Meantime, the smoking wreckage you refer to was the best economy for the most people in our country's history, until the DEMOCRATS sponsored 8,700 riots in 69 cities last year while insisting every mom and pop not do business for a year to save a bunch of mostly old people from dying from a virus instead of the flu or whatever else was about to kill most of them.

And what has Robinsegg Joe fixed so far?
  • Affordable gasoline.
  • Cheap energy.
  • Thousands of good paying jobs.
  • Good national security.
  • Low crime.
  • National sovereignty.
  • Low taxes.
  • Business incentives
  • Lowered drug costs.
  • Pressure on China
Biden will take whatever action is in China's best interest. Xi has blackmail on many Democrat "faves"
Democrats are already all over this, and they are the ones planning on holding a hearing and bringing Robinhood to the hearing. Biden has other pressing issues, like fixing the smoking wreckage left behind from the last guy.
What smoking wreckage is that, if you dont mind sharing with us? I noticed you just said it, but didnt bother to post anything supporting your argument. Are you a ...?
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Biden has other pressing issues, like fixing the smoking wreckage left behind from the last guy.

Biden has more pressing issues than the free market being hijacked to protect super rich hedge funds from losing money on their bad short sells so that ordinary investors can't make the money they are legally entitled to?

Oh, DO tell us what those pressing issues are!

Meantime, the smoking wreckage you refer to was the best economy for the most people in our country's history, until the DEMOCRATS sponsored 8,700 riots in 69 cities last year while insisting every mom and pop not do business for a year to save a bunch of mostly old people from dying from a virus instead of the flu or whatever else was about to kill most of them.

And what has Robinsegg Joe fixed so far?
  • Affordable gasoline.
  • Cheap energy.
  • Thousands of good paying jobs.
  • Good national security.
  • Low crime.
  • National sovereignty.
  • Low taxes.
  • Business incentives
  • Lowered drug costs.
  • Pressure on China
During the 4 years of President Trump in office, how many Muslim Terrorist events happened? While under Obama/Biden ... Isnt it going to be fun, now that XiBiden took the ban on Islamic terror states off...

You know what is alarming here?

Democrats, in an exercise of their undying support for [Insert Name Here] (D) .... they don't even realize this entire thing is about everyday citizens that banded together by the millions... MILLIONS... and took on Wall Street at their own game and beat the shit out of them.
Then the Hedge fund insiders that got their asses ripped wide open - colluded with Robin Hood yesterday to try and recoup some of the $billions they lost.


You can't make this stuff up.
Democrats are already all over this, and they are the ones planning on holding a hearing and bringing Robinhood to the hearing. Biden has other pressing issues, like fixing the smoking wreckage left behind from the last guy.
The Democrats aren't going to do shit...for the same reason the Republicans didn't do shit.

They are bought and paid for.

Let me paint you the picture...

Republicans for years were the beneficiaries of Wall Street and corporate cash.

They protected Wall Street.

The left complained about this arraignment. The right defended it.

Bush Jr comes and goes, bailing out Wall Street on his way out the door...

This triggers a shift in the Republican Party constituency...not the leader ship...the rank and file.

"Too Big to Fail" , "We had to destroy Capitalism in order to save it", "America will becomea service economy" and corporations off-shoring manufacturing (off-shoring...a euphemism for betraying American workers and moving to countries with obscenely cheap labor while continue to sell the majority of those products here, extracting our wealth were contributing nothing)...these were just too big of pills to swallow

The rank and file began to make a populist turn.

This culminated in the election of Donald Trump...a President who was not a politician...hasn't been bought and couldn't be bought...a President that put America first...not Wall Street or mega-Corps.

And what happened?

Every conceivable weapon was brought to bear to destroy him.

Fake Russian Collusion, 93% coordinated media attacks, impeachment, a plague, his own cabinet working against him lying about troop withdrawals, culminating in a fraudulent election, another impeachment, and removal from the public square (Twitter, YouTube).

And where did that Well Street an corporate money go when Trump ran for President, after Trump was elected, and when he ran for re-election?

Thanks to you and people like you, they got the guy who's pockets they've been lining for half a century.

And suddenly Democrats have lost interest in taking Wall Street to task.

Funny how an infusion of cash affects a parties core principles.

So, in Tl;dr conclusion...the Democrats will talk a big game...but that's all it will be, talk.

And there are still enough bought and paid for Establishment Republican not to make too many waves for the Establishment Democrats.

That's the way I see it...YMMV.
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Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.
For what? Not argument. Just curious why you say that.

And that's just a start.
That's some pretty complicated stuff there. Can you explain in your own words what you mean?
Selling shares that weren't theirs to sell without authorization. Then refusing to sell shares that people wanted to sell.
Fake Russian Collusion, 93% coordinated media attacks, impeachment, a plague, his own cabinet working against him lying about troop withdrawals, culminating in a fraudulent election, another impeachment, and removal from the public square (Twitter, YouTube).

And just like that, your credibility plummeted to zero. Anyone who believes in a "fraudulent election" at this point should have a 'Q' branded onto their forehead for life.
Selling shares that weren't theirs to sell without authorization. Then refusing to sell shares that people wanted to sell.
That is a concern but most people don't realize how brokerages work. A sale isn't final when a sell order is placed. It is final when the actual exchange takes place. That may or may not be at the price that was listed when the order was placed but rather when the actual transaction occurred.

For instance, I was left shares of ATT when my mother passed. I put a sell order in when it was at $145 and was pissed to find out it was actually sold at $135. It was explained to me that the brokerage took my order at 145 but couldn't get it actually sold until it had dropped another $10. The brokerage would have had to eat that $10/share and ...nope...they ain't gonna do that. I didn't like it but I realized that there actually IS a physical transaction that has to occur and that a sell order is just a request...not an actual transaction.

There are also other aspects of trading that people are not aware of. In some cases that means that if shares drop a certain amount they are automatically sold. There are other constraints as well. Since many of these online brokerage houses don't hold accounts for their clients, if there is a concern that the client can't make good on a purchase, the shares can be sold.

The system is anything but transparent and abuses CAN happen.

If that's the case needs to be shown. I don't have a great deal of trust in ANY of the entities involved so I don't play their game. I learned my lesson. If you need to really educate yourself.
Selling shares that weren't theirs to sell without authorization. Then refusing to sell shares that people wanted to sell.
That is a concern but most people don't realize how brokerages work. A sale isn't final when a sell order is placed. It is final when the actual exchange takes place. That may or may not be at the price that was listed when the order was placed but rather when the actual transaction occurred.

For instance, I was left shares of ATT when my mother passed. I put a sell order in when it was at $145 and was pissed to find out it was actually sold at $135. It was explained to me that the brokerage took my order at 145 but couldn't get it actually sold until it had dropped another $10. The brokerage would have had to eat that $10/share and ...nope...they ain't gonna do that. I didn't like it but I realized that there actually IS a physical transaction that has to occur and that a sell order is just a request...not an actual transaction.

There are also other aspects of trading that people are not aware of. In some cases that means that if shares drop a certain amount they are automatically sold. There are other constraints as well. Since many of these online brokerage houses don't hold accounts for their clients, if there is a concern that the client can't make good on a purchase, the shares can be sold.

The system is anything but transparent and abuses CAN happen.

If that's the case needs to be shown. I don't have a great deal of trust in ANY of the entities involved so I don't play their game. I learned my lesson. If you need to really educate yourself.
They froze gamestop because the elites were short selling and losing money.
And hidden beneath this story is how Democrat Nancy Pelosi, like Feinstein and others, engaged in Insider Trading ... AGAIN ... to make herself even richer off of the destruction of American citizens' lives.

While President Biden destroyed 50+ Million lives, eliminating $8 Billion in revenue from 8 western states, and promised he was going to destroy the entire oil industry - putting millions more citizens out of work and destroying their lives as well, Nancy Pelosi and others were putting huge amount of money into Tesla (electric cars) stock.

This bitch was profiting off of the destruction and misery imposed on American citizens.
Democrats are already all over this, and they are the ones planning on holding a hearing and bringing Robinhood to the hearing. Biden has other pressing issues, like fixing the smoking wreckage left behind from the last guy.
Shill, idiot or foreigner? To the pile.
They froze gamestop because the elites were short selling and losing money.
That's entirely possible. But it needs to be proven.

What's true is that gamers etc. got involved in something they didn't really understand.

Yes they drove that stock up to 480 and screwed over the hedge funds. I'm cool with that. But what then. That stock is not worth 480 and HAS to drop.

That makes it PRIME for bigger short selling. Guess who's gonna do that? If not THOSE hedge funs then some other hedge fund


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