Gallup poll: This is bad news for Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Music to my ears!

Joe Biden, as I've written before, is a radical president. Especially when it comes to the role government can and should play in the lives of everyday Americans.

Biden's policy agenda -- from the $1 trillion "hard" infrastructure bill to the as-yet-unpriced social safety net package -- would, if passed, fundamentally alter the relationship we have with government.

In short: The era of small government (such as it ever existed) would be over. The era of expansive government would begin.

Except that a majority of Americans don't want more government in their lives, according to new data from Gallup.

In the poll, just 43% said they wanted government to "do more to solve the country's problems," while 54% said they thought that government "is doing too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses."

People just want to be able to go to the store and not be told there is none because of the supply chain or pay double for what they can find because of the massive spending by government.

Nor do they like losing their jobs because of their views on the vaccine or watching hospitals partially close because of those that won't take the vaccine, killing God only knows how many people because of it.
I hired a contractor to build a tool shed for my backyard three weeks ago...he can't find everything he needs to do the job...he ordered the wood but they keep telling him its on backorder....he can't find the screws he needs or the post brackets.....etc etc etc....its ridiculous....
3rd world Joe...this is what anyone but Trump looks like tards....
I saw a poll that has Biden at 34% approval.....
This is what happens when you steal an election and can't do the job....
In the poll, just 43% said they wanted government to "do more to solve the country's problems," while 54% said they thought that government "is doing too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses."

Yeah, if you ask a general question like that.

Ask people if they want their bridge or overpass fixed.
In the poll, just 43% said they wanted government to "do more to solve the country's problems," while 54% said they thought that government "is doing too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses."

Yeah, if you ask a general question like that.

Ask people if they want their bridge or overpass fixed.

For the moment anyway, the majority can figure out how to get through life without Dimocrat nanny-state policies.

Don't worry though, eventually Dimocrats will addict enough Americans to their ways.
I am old enough to remember when those on the right used to scoff at polls.

now days they seem to live by them.

Odd times we are living in
DigitalDrifter how can the government solve more problems when the current "president and vice president" is already our biggest problem? If they want the problem to go away then impeach both of those assholes!! :mad:

IMHO our biggest problem is the democratic party that is currently being run by the Far Left. It was the party that gave us Biden and Harris instead of Sanders. And impeachment isn't going to work, there's no way the democrats in the House or the Senate will remove either one from office. And even if they did you would only wind up with another democrat.
I hired a contractor to build a tool shed for my backyard three weeks ago...he can't find everything he needs to do the job...he ordered the wood but they keep telling him its on backorder....he can't find the screws he needs or the post brackets.....etc etc etc....its ridiculous....
3rd world Joe...this is what anyone but Trump looks like tards....
I saw a poll that has Biden at 34% approval.....
This is what happens when you steal an election and can't do the job....
Now if Joe wanted one it would get built yesterday

Today shortages only apply to the little man, like you or I, just like health care.

The US now has a government by and for the rich elite in the DNC.
People just want to be able to go to the store and not be told there is none because of the supply chain or pay double for what they can find because of the massive spending by government.

Nor do they like losing their jobs because of their views on the vaccine or watching hospitals partially close because of those that won't take the vaccine, killing God only knows how many people because of it.
I hired a contractor to build a tool shed for my backyard three weeks ago...he can't find everything he needs to do the job...he ordered the wood but they keep telling him its on backorder....he can't find the screws he needs or the post brackets.....etc etc etc....its ridiculous....
3rd world Joe...this is what anyone but Trump looks like tards....
I saw a poll that has Biden at 34% approval.....
This is what happens when you steal an election and can't do the job....
Had the same problem a couple of months ago. I wanted to build a roof over for a camper. There were wood shortages and prices were sky high on everything.
Music to my ears now, because we have a huge election in 1 year. This poll is a sign that maybe enough Americans will wake up and get off their asses and send the Dims Congressional majorities down the toilet where they belong!!

Dream on son. You all wer e convinced trump would win because of massive rally numbers. That worked well.

I can understand you wanting that but you need votes, not hope.

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