Ga Gov Kemp Calls For Mail-In Ballot Signature Audit After 'Smoking Gun' Video PROVES Election Fraud


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Georgia’s Kemp urges signature audit after ‘smoking gun’ surveillance video emerges from vote count

Georgia’s Kemp urges signature audit after ‘smoking gun’ surveillance video emerges from vote count

'Gov. Brian Kemp, the Georgia Republican who has been fiercely criticized by President Trump over his approach to allegations of voter fraud in his state, said Thursday that new testimony has raised additional questions and a signature audit should be performed.

Kemp, who was interviewed on "The Ingraham Angle," was referring to surveillance video that allegedly showed poll watchers being led out of a room at State Farm Arena, the state's largest vote-counting center, after being told that the vote count was complete for the night. Once they left, a woman could be seen pulling out suitcases from underneath a table that allegedly contained ballots. The votes were allegedly counted for hours, with no election supervisors present.'

I find the stupidity of the Democrat criminals who committed this election fraud to be funny as hell. Whether its 'hot mics' or surveillance videos, Democrats always seem to suffer massive self-inflicted 'wounds' like this simply because, as Jonathon Gruber once declared...several times...they are stupid.

Kemp and his crybaby election chief have been outed as incompetent fools

Her name is RUBY FREEMAN....

'Her T-shirt says “Lady Ruby” and her purse says, “LaRuby” which is her company. This was not a very smart move. Her company is called “LaRuby’s Unique Treasures.” It’s on her LinkedIn page!'

Let's make this ELECTION FRAUD CRIMINAL famous.....

I think everyone should 'ping' 'Election Fraud' Ruby on LinkedIn and ask her:

Thank you for that highly emotional opinionated rant, which does NOTHING to erase the surveillance video footage of illegal election fraud committed by a criminal Democrat POS....
I think you misunderstand

both kemp and the election chief are republicans who stood around with their thumb up their ass while the democrats pulled off historic election fraud right under their nose

at first they wanted to ignore it with the usual lib claim not no evidence existed

but now that dodge is gone for them

they are republicans and they are incompetent fools
Thank you for that highly emotional opinionated rant, which does NOTHING to erase the surveillance video footage of illegal election fraud committed by a criminal Democrat POS....
I think you misunderstand

both kemp and the election chief are republicans who stood around with their thumb up their ass while the democrats pulled off historic election fraud right under their nose

at first they wanted to ignore it with the usual lib claim not no evidence existed

but now that dodge is gone for them

they are republicans and they are incompetent fools
Copy that....I understand your point now, and I agree. There is such a push to 'just move on' and turn a blind eye /ignore the obvious election fraud that even Republicans like Kemp refused to look into it...until they had no choice but to do so.

There is no 'fight' in many such Republicans, who are all too eager to roll over and surrender.
Thank you for that highly emotional opinionated rant, which does NOTHING to erase the surveillance video footage of illegal election fraud committed by a criminal Democrat POS....
I think you misunderstand

both kemp and the election chief are republicans who stood around with their thumb up their ass while the democrats pulled off historic election fraud right under their nose

at first they wanted to ignore it with the usual lib claim not no evidence existed

but now that dodge is gone for them

they are republicans and they are incompetent fools
Copy that....I understand your point now, and I agree. There is such a push to 'just move on' and turn a blind eye /ignore the obvious election fraud that even Republicans like Kemp refused to look into it...until they had no choice but to do so.

There is no 'fight' in many such Republicans, who are all too eager to roll over and surrender.
Many professional GOP officeholders see themselves as above the concerns of the voters who elected them

they go to washington to be served rather than serve

if they are in safe seats they dont believe democrat cheating can ever affect them or their place at the feeding trough of government

You are a traitor to America. You hate this country. You are an imbecile.

You are trying to convince people that the suitcases weren’t hidden under tables despite videos clearly showing that. Your source is a mask Nazi on twitter who is clearly biased about Biden “Alexandra Erin votes for the winner (*Cheater)”

You people know you cheated the election and are complicit with it.

You are a jackass


Please get a life and SHUT UP!

The fact checker is telling us that we are not seeing what is before our very eyes? Who you gonna believe, fact checkers or your lying eyes?

This is so fucking pathetic. Unbelievable. If the point was to insult our intelligence to the point of inspiring our bathe-in-your-filth-rotting-guts levels of blood lust, mission accomplished!!!

It's like this:

FactCheck: It is not true that what you are seeing in the above video was an armed robbery. We have no explanation for what you are seeing, but armed robbery, it is not. Pay no attention to what your eyes are telling you.


The left-wing strategy must be to gaslight the fuck out of us to the point where restart a goddamn armed rebellion so they can collapse the U.S. system of government and replace it. That's pretty much all I can conclude.
They've recounted twice and now want a signature audit. Just give Georgia to trump. It won't make any difference, and I'm a little tired of hearing about the peaches.

Please get a life and SHUT UP!

You missed the news that the governor and SOS approved an audit of the signatures on the mail-in ballots.
The law says it's up to a judge to call for such an audit. You know after they seen the evidence and spoken to witnesses an all.

Tic toc Doc, Tick tock.....

Please get a life and SHUT UP!

You missed the news that the governor and SOS approved an audit of the signatures on the mail-in ballots.
No....the whole country is suffering from the stupidity of trump and his cult. Nor even the word of the, trump lapdog, Barr can stop the morons from showing the world how idiotic they are.

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