"G. Bush business partner sentenced 10 1/2 years!"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many of you REALLY wanted to Believe that??

It was wrong

Well here is the REAL Headline THAT NOT ONE MSM shows:

"Obama real estate partner sentenced 10 1/2 years"..

Why NOT??? MSM bias once again protecting Obama!!!

Tony Rezko who helped the Obama’s purchase a home that was otherwise beyond their financial means given a 10 ½ year sentence for corruption.

Over a decade, Davis’s companies received more than $100 million in subsidies to renovate more than 1,500 Chicago apartments. In some cases he partnered with Tony Rezko. In 1998 they created Neighborhood Rejuvenation Partners LLP. The partnership created New Evergreen/Sedgwick, a $10.7 million renovation of five walk-up buildings in a gentrifying neighborhood that was subsidized by nearly $6 million in state loans and federal tax credits.
(Another big Woods Fund recipient while they served was the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, “ACORN”, a major Obama campaign get-out-the-vote machine.)

Campaign records show that Davis and Rezko along with three other prominent developers contributed more than $175,000 to Obama’s campaigns over a decade and raised hundreds of thousands more from other donors. Rezko alone, now a convicted federal felon, contributed at least $200,000.
This was made possible by a $1 million investment provided by the Woods Fund while Obama and Bill Ayres were on the board.

As Obama’s career ascended, Rezko became one of his biggest fund raisers, and in 2005 his wife, Rita, helped the Obama family buy a house that was well beyond their financial means. Rezko was under federal investigation for unrelated corruption and bribery offenses at the time.

When Obama bought the house in Chicago’s Kingwood neighborhood for $1.65 million, Rita purchased adjoining land for $625,000 that the owner of both properties insisted on selling at the same time. Seven months later she sold Obama one-sixth of her lot for $105,000 so that they could expand their yard…rendering the remaining land undesirable for other development.

Obama Kick-Back Cronyism, Part 1: Stimulating Green Energy the Chicago Way - ForbesObama Kick-Back Cronyism, Part 1: Stimulating Green Energy the Chicago Way - Forbes
Ahhh, good one.

Funny how no one is making a big deal about Rezko and his relationship with Obama.

He's getting a pardon in 2013, anyway.

Can't be anymore news worth then Clinton Pardoning a man that was still on the run from his conviction after his X-wife paid money to Clinton. That was barely news as well.
Bait and Switch. Typical unethical Rep behavior. Just like when Newt said he never was a lobbiest for Freedie Mac. Nope, he was an Historian. Hey its your party...you can cry if you want too.
its different with Obama


Obama never took over the business of a number one terrorist's brother.


Arbusto Energy (sometimes referred to as Arbusto Oil)[1] was a petroleum and energy company formed in Midland, Texas, in 1977, for former US President George W. Bush by a group of investors which included Dorothy Bush, Lewis Lehrman, William Henry Draper III, Bill Gammell, and James R. Bath. The company's chief financial officer was K. Michael Conaway, now a United States Congressman from Texas.

It was later revealed that Bath made an investment of $50,000 while representing Salem bin Laden of the Saudi Binladin Group. This fact became controversial after the September 11, 2001 attacks due to Salem bin Laden being an older, half-brother of Osama bin Laden, who is alleged to have planned and financed the attacks. Upon Salem bin Laden's death in a 1988 airplane crash, in Texas, his interest in Arbusto (along with other Binladin Group assets), passed to Khalid bin Mahfouz.
Arbusto Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]
CIA disbands Bin laden unit | World news | The Guardian
Nearly five years after George Bush vowed to bring Osama bin Laden to justice "dead or alive", it's the end of the line for the CIA's Alec Station, the unit dedicated to the hunt for the al-Qaida leader.

The unit, named after the son of a counter-terror official, was disbanded last year, it emerged this week, and its agents reassigned in what intelligence officials described as a recognition of the changing nature of al-Qaida.

And the truth is that while we know the broad outlines, there are still very mysterious questions. For instance, three of the hijackers seemed to have had help from a Saudi couple that lived in a gated community in Sarasota. On August 31, 2001, the couple abandoned the house, leaving so quickly they abandoned a newly bought PT Cruiser in the driveway. The wife of the couple told neighbors that she and her husband were important people in Saudi Arabia, and had connections to the Saudi royal family. It turns out that records from the gated community showed extensive contact between this couple and three of the hijackers. Despite this startling fact, the FBI never told the 9/11 Commission about this couple. Why not? What was the FBI hiding? Why did it take ten years for this information, known to the US government, to be released to the public?

Another example is in San Diego, where a man Graham called a Saudi agent, named Omar Al-Bayoumi, was stationed. His purpose, apparently, was to monitor Saudi students in America to ensure that they weren't planning the overthrow of the Saudi monarchy, but he soon got a second job. He began offering money, protection, guidance, and flight instruction to two individuals who ended up participating in the 9/11 attacks. Shortly before 9/11, Al-Bayoumi left for Birmingham, England, and then returned to Saudi Arabia. The only reason the 9/11 Commission found out the FBI had looked into this connection is because of an intrepid investigator employed by the Commission.

The FBI didn't give the 9/11 commission information on either of these incidents. Anthony Summers, a journalist and author of The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden, asserts that the Bush administration found our oil connection to Saudi Arabia more compelling than releasing the full truth of what happened. The secrecy continues to this day. Senator Graham asked a very reasonable question about other hijackers. We know, or strongly suspect, that those in Sarasota and San Diego had some support from a shadow network connected to the Saudis. What about those who lived in Phoenix, Arlington, VA, or Patterson, NJ, Delray Beach, FL? What was happening in those places? What did the FBI find?

We have the answers, or at the least, the government does. But the final chapter of the report of the Congressional inquiry into the matter, the part that deals with Saudi involvement in the attacks, is censured. Every word. Graham has asked Barack Obama and counter-terrorism chief John Brennan to release the information from that inquiry to the public. Senator Graham thinks this a travesty, and he thinks we need to reopen the 9/11 investigation. He believes the answers on the Saudi government's role on 9/11 are definitive, and the government has them. The public should get that information, too.
msnbc.com - President Obama, End the Saudi Mystery Around 9/11

Things that make you go..Hmmmmm..:eusa_shhh:
Ahhh, good one.

Funny how no one is making a big deal about Rezko and his relationship with Obama.

He's getting a pardon in 2013, anyway.

Can't be anymore news worth then Clinton Pardoning a man that was still on the run from his conviction after his X-wife paid money to Clinton. That was barely news as well.

Did the guy kill anyone? Like this George HW Bush Pardon?

Orlando Bosch Ávila (18 August 1926 – 27 April 2011)[1] was a Cuban exile militant, former Central Intelligence Agency-backed operative, and head of Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations, which the FBI has described as "an anti-Castro terrorist umbrella organization".[2] Former U.S. Attorney General Dick Thornburgh called Bosch an "unrepentant terrorist".[3] He was accused of taking part in Operation Condor and several other terrorist attacks, including the 6 October 1976 bombing of a Cuban civilian airliner in which all 73 people on board were killed, including many young members of a Cuban fencing team and five North Koreans. The bombing is alleged to have been plotted at a 1976 meeting in Washington, D.C. attended by Bosch, Luis Posada Carriles, and DINA agent Michael Townley. At the same meeting, the assassination of Chilean former minister Orlando Letelier is alleged to have been plotted. Orlando Bosch was pardoned in 1990 by President George H. W. Bush, who in 1976 as head of the CIA had declined an offer by Costa Rica to extradite Bosch.
Orlando Bosch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is it with the Bushies..and terrorists that actually murder people?
Actually, this makes Obama look good.

The guy was obviously investigated in depth in order to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt............and I guess none of the investigation turned up anything shady about Obama afterall.
Actually, this makes Obama look good.

The guy was obviously investigated in depth in order to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt............and I guess none of the investigation turned up anything shady about Obama afterall.

Who said Obama did anything shady.. because I didn't!

My point which seems to go over many of you is the MSM bias would have totally big 6 point headline..if it had been Bush...

BUT there is NO headline page 6 of my local newspaper AND no mention that of Obama's sweetheart deal on his home purchase!

So again.. I don't care if Obama is squeaky clean.. WHY not the same treatment headline wise???
Because MSM is up Obama's leg big time!

YOU and other supporters totally agree with this MSM editor's awe of Obama when you and he really believe this ..

"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above –
above the world, he’s sort of God." –
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.

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