Future employment is completely screwed. KTHXBYE


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
I can't speak for people in the world of college degrees, because I don't have one and never been there.

I will say, I have 2 young people in my family who earned master's degrees, and neither one of them walked into a good job. Both of them have settled.

My uncle has all the schooling, he became an architect and designed/built a hotel or two in Los Angeles. He bounces around from job to job every few years. He just bought a house , and probably won't be able to live there. that's no kind of life, having to chase a job market.

How far back can you remember politicians saying they were going to "create jobs" and "improve" the economy? During that time they relocated MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people over here. It's not just "cheap labor" , The Socialists moved many immigrants into the real job growth, which seems to be Kwik-E-Marts and other merchants. During this time, young Americans were told "Sorry, it's a bad economy"

It seems to me this society has mutated into one that despises people that work with their hands, the same workers who earn all the money for the business. somehow , sitting around as a manager and telling people to get to work, or being a business advisor and telling the owner to cut wages, ...those are the jobs that are considered important, and if you are a member of the right cabal you might get that job.

In Los Angeles the skilled trades are dead. They just hire anyone off the street to do drywall , painting, cabinets. You hire a company to install new floors and next year the whole floor is bubbling or warped.

On orders from corporate, large businesses have decided they're not paying high wages no matter what, and they just learn to adapt to the repercussions. Americans should demand companies come back and re-do everything, but they're too nice.

I wish Americans could apply for jobs before they hire the company. I they saw the people they were hiring, with a different perspective, they wouldn't hand over 30k to rebuild their house.


Many companies are handing down blind corporate rules.

Don't listen to the media. If people have any type of criminal record, our Socialist leaders are telling you to go kill yourself, you're not getting hired. It's red light or green light. Anything they find is red light, they don't want to hear expungement stories or what ever. With the help of the Feds, people are coming up with all kinds of ways to get around court rulings preventing employers from receiving that information.

The double scary part is, people are being denied jobs for credit records, driving records, or even info on Facebook.

The triple scary part is, insurance companies are now dictating who employers can hire.

America is becoming like Stain era Russia, once you are listed as opposing the Communist party, by criminal record or bad credit, you're an enemy of the state, you may as well go die,.. and they are implementing this through employment. (completely un American)


When my parents bought their house it was 35k , then when I was in my 20's it was 140k, now, for unexplained reasons it's worth 500k. They say "oh that's the capitalist market", but it's not, because people buy a house for a few years, then have to leave , unlike the families that lived on my block for 30+ years.

What happened was, someone decided, why wait 40 years to collect 80k in profit when we can do it 5?

I have a good job, and I can't afford the worst house out here.

The average single person in my area must be spending 40% to 70%+ on rent or mortgage alone.

With a skilled but non-degree job, it's difficult to earn over 20 per hour. "Big cities pay higher expense wages" , it's a myth.

Now with Obamacare, the average person has to tack on another $200 to $500 per month. If Bernie Sanders gets his way, college will be free, with means the working person will have to pick up the bill.

A person will work to put themselves through college, pay high taxes, then find out they're not getting into the best college because the Socialists are choosing who gets in, by means other than grades. (but the person pays the school taxes regardless)


The good times are coming to an end for the union jobs as well.

Many Americans tried to forget about what was right, what was equal, and what was fair, and they focused on their Socialist union, who placed the rotten chicken in their pot.

They supported the Democrats, demanded higher wages, then the Democrats sent their jobs to Socialist nations where there was slave labor.

In Los Angeles , any union that is not publically funded is paying lower wages with their "tier system"


The average person spends about 2 years in a job. Few people have a career anymore.

One year you're customer service, another year you're carpet cleaning, the next year you're a car battery technician, ...and non of it pays crap


To fix what the Socialists have done to this country, the equivalent would be to convince a majority of Americans to clime up mount Everest with no supplies and barefoot
I can't speak for people in the world of college degrees, because I don't have one and never been there.

I will say, I have 2 young people in my family who earned master's degrees, and neither one of them walked into a good job. Both of them have settled.

My uncle has all the schooling, he became an architect and designed/built a hotel or two in Los Angeles. He bounces around from job to job every few years. He just bought a house , and probably won't be able to live there. that's no kind of life, having to chase a job market.

How far back can you remember politicians saying they were going to "create jobs" and "improve" the economy? During that time they relocated MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people over here. It's not just "cheap labor" , The Socialists moved many immigrants into the real job growth, which seems to be Kwik-E-Marts and other merchants. During this time, young Americans were told "Sorry, it's a bad economy"

It seems to me this society has mutated into one that despises people that work with their hands, the same workers who earn all the money for the business. somehow , sitting around as a manager and telling people to get to work, or being a business advisor and telling the owner to cut wages, ...those are the jobs that are considered important, and if you are a member of the right cabal you might get that job.

In Los Angeles the skilled trades are dead. They just hire anyone off the street to do drywall , painting, cabinets. You hire a company to install new floors and next year the whole floor is bubbling or warped.

On orders from corporate, large businesses have decided they're not paying high wages no matter what, and they just learn to adapt to the repercussions. Americans should demand companies come back and re-do everything, but they're too nice.

I wish Americans could apply for jobs before they hire the company. I they saw the people they were hiring, with a different perspective, they wouldn't hand over 30k to rebuild their house.


Many companies are handing down blind corporate rules.

Don't listen to the media. If people have any type of criminal record, our Socialist leaders are telling you to go kill yourself, you're not getting hired. It's red light or green light. Anything they find is red light, they don't want to hear expungement stories or what ever. With the help of the Feds, people are coming up with all kinds of ways to get around court rulings preventing employers from receiving that information.

The double scary part is, people are being denied jobs for credit records, driving records, or even info on Facebook.

The triple scary part is, insurance companies are now dictating who employers can hire.

America is becoming like Stain era Russia, once you are listed as opposing the Communist party, by criminal record or bad credit, you're an enemy of the state, you may as well go die,.. and they are implementing this through employment. (completely un American)


When my parents bought their house it was 35k , then when I was in my 20's it was 140k, now, for unexplained reasons it's worth 500k. They say "oh that's the capitalist market", but it's not, because people buy a house for a few years, then have to leave , unlike the families that lived on my block for 30+ years.

What happened was, someone decided, why wait 40 years to collect 80k in profit when we can do it 5?

I have a good job, and I can't afford the worst house out here.

The average single person in my area must be spending 40% to 70%+ on rent or mortgage alone.

With a skilled but non-degree job, it's difficult to earn over 20 per hour. "Big cities pay higher expense wages" , it's a myth.

Now with Obamacare, the average person has to tack on another $200 to $500 per month. If Bernie Sanders gets his way, college will be free, with means the working person will have to pick up the bill.

A person will work to put themselves through college, pay high taxes, then find out they're not getting into the best college because the Socialists are choosing who gets in, by means other than grades. (but the person pays the school taxes regardless)


The good times are coming to an end for the union jobs as well.

Many Americans tried to forget about what was right, what was equal, and what was fair, and they focused on their Socialist union, who placed the rotten chicken in their pot.

They supported the Democrats, demanded higher wages, then the Democrats sent their jobs to Socialist nations where there was slave labor.

In Los Angeles , any union that is not publically funded is paying lower wages with their "tier system"


The average person spends about 2 years in a job. Few people have a career anymore.

One year you're customer service, another year you're carpet cleaning, the next year you're a car battery technician, ...and non of it pays crap


To fix what the Socialists have done to this country, the equivalent would be to convince a majority of Americans to clime up mount Everest with no supplies and barefoot
This post really saddens me. You are right, we don't have the jobs here any longer that paid good money for skilled trades,

And the jobs that have come about are generally hiring illegals to pay the lowest wage possible. I do wish you and your family the best. My prayers will be with you.
I would add Early Retirment (before Medicare age 65) is now confusing.

You have to come up with HealthCare on your own......$600/mo married? Or live on small IRA amount and get subsidies? If you estimate income......but miss, next tax year you are penalized? very confusing. What if you want to up your IRA Withdrawal mid-year? Penalty next April, probably.
Or you just estimate high income, bite bullet and pay $600/mo for CommieCare.
And I don't mean "early retirement" necessarily by choice. Many age 55 and up are "forced out" for cheaper overseas or H1B visa workers in USA. Particularly hi-tech workers. Yeah the $2.40 gas helps. Thanks Frackers.

If you got kids entering workforce............well it is very much like the OP.
I think there are a lot of openings for plumbers, electricians, truck drivers etc. But how do you get started with an associates in African History from Southeast Mo. Jr. college. I feel for the kids.
I can't speak for people in the world of college degrees, because I don't have one and never been there.

I will say, I have 2 young people in my family who earned master's degrees, and neither one of them walked into a good job. Both of them have settled.

My uncle has all the schooling, he became an architect and designed/built a hotel or two in Los Angeles. He bounces around from job to job every few years. He just bought a house , and probably won't be able to live there. that's no kind of life, having to chase a job market.

How far back can you remember politicians saying they were going to "create jobs" and "improve" the economy? During that time they relocated MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people over here. It's not just "cheap labor" , The Socialists moved many immigrants into the real job growth, which seems to be Kwik-E-Marts and other merchants. During this time, young Americans were told "Sorry, it's a bad economy"

It seems to me this society has mutated into one that despises people that work with their hands, the same workers who earn all the money for the business. somehow , sitting around as a manager and telling people to get to work, or being a business advisor and telling the owner to cut wages, ...those are the jobs that are considered important, and if you are a member of the right cabal you might get that job.

In Los Angeles the skilled trades are dead. They just hire anyone off the street to do drywall , painting, cabinets. You hire a company to install new floors and next year the whole floor is bubbling or warped.

On orders from corporate, large businesses have decided they're not paying high wages no matter what, and they just learn to adapt to the repercussions. Americans should demand companies come back and re-do everything, but they're too nice.

I wish Americans could apply for jobs before they hire the company. I they saw the people they were hiring, with a different perspective, they wouldn't hand over 30k to rebuild their house.


Many companies are handing down blind corporate rules.

Don't listen to the media. If people have any type of criminal record, our Socialist leaders are telling you to go kill yourself, you're not getting hired. It's red light or green light. Anything they find is red light, they don't want to hear expungement stories or what ever. With the help of the Feds, people are coming up with all kinds of ways to get around court rulings preventing employers from receiving that information.

The double scary part is, people are being denied jobs for credit records, driving records, or even info on Facebook.

The triple scary part is, insurance companies are now dictating who employers can hire.

America is becoming like Stain era Russia, once you are listed as opposing the Communist party, by criminal record or bad credit, you're an enemy of the state, you may as well go die,.. and they are implementing this through employment. (completely un American)


When my parents bought their house it was 35k , then when I was in my 20's it was 140k, now, for unexplained reasons it's worth 500k. They say "oh that's the capitalist market", but it's not, because people buy a house for a few years, then have to leave , unlike the families that lived on my block for 30+ years.

What happened was, someone decided, why wait 40 years to collect 80k in profit when we can do it 5?

I have a good job, and I can't afford the worst house out here.

The average single person in my area must be spending 40% to 70%+ on rent or mortgage alone.

With a skilled but non-degree job, it's difficult to earn over 20 per hour. "Big cities pay higher expense wages" , it's a myth.

Now with Obamacare, the average person has to tack on another $200 to $500 per month. If Bernie Sanders gets his way, college will be free, with means the working person will have to pick up the bill.

A person will work to put themselves through college, pay high taxes, then find out they're not getting into the best college because the Socialists are choosing who gets in, by means other than grades. (but the person pays the school taxes regardless)


The good times are coming to an end for the union jobs as well.

Many Americans tried to forget about what was right, what was equal, and what was fair, and they focused on their Socialist union, who placed the rotten chicken in their pot.

They supported the Democrats, demanded higher wages, then the Democrats sent their jobs to Socialist nations where there was slave labor.

In Los Angeles , any union that is not publically funded is paying lower wages with their "tier system"


The average person spends about 2 years in a job. Few people have a career anymore.

One year you're customer service, another year you're carpet cleaning, the next year you're a car battery technician, ...and non of it pays crap


To fix what the Socialists have done to this country, the equivalent would be to convince a majority of Americans to clime up mount Everest with no supplies and barefoot

I'm 72 years young. When I was a senior in High School, only the best and brightest (certainly not me) went to College. I maintained a solid "C" (much to the anger of my folks) so I could play football.

When I graduated, it was off to Basic Training and then to Vietnam. After I recovered from wounds received, I entered the University of Louisville where I received my degree (barely). I then re-entered the Army, changed my MOS from Infantry to Intelligence and spent the next 20 years serving around the world.

After I retired, I started a career as a traffic manager for a large Midwest company and worked until I retired.

Our current "president" says that "everyone" should have a college education. 50% of college graduates cannot point to New York or Scotland on a map. The other 50% can barely read or write in complete sentences. We have made vocational training a bad word in this country; settling for allowing illegal immigrants to take those well paying jobs, once held by skilled Americans.

In America we get what we, as a people, deserve. So, the bottom line? Get used to having your kids spend $150,000 on a art history degree then watch as they languish in their parents basements until they get part-time jobs at Burger King.

What a country.....
The conservatives have killed unions. Causing a drop in working class wages .
"the middle class have been buried these past 4 years" -- Joe Biden 2012

Obama set out to destroy the American dream under a mountain of debt
Nope . Conservatives attack unions every chance they can get .

Public Unions (SEIU etc.) are a collection of public servants contributing to DEM party to get better pay. Seems wrong. Never get fired, party on thru recessions..........early retirement heaven.
Nope . Conservatives attack unions every chance they can get .

Public Unions (SEIU etc.) are a collection of public servants contributing to DEM party to get better pay. Seems wrong. Never get fired, party on thru recessions..........early retirement heaven.

Why pick on unions ? Private companies lobby politicians all the time . That's ok ?
Why pick on unions ? Private companies lobby politicians all the time . That's ok ?

Private companies do not pay employess from Public trough. or rasises, or benefits. Now you going to say all those Tax benefits are same thing........well at least it one time hit and allows hiring.
The conservatives have killed unions. Causing a drop in working class wages .

Bullshit. Unions have killed unions.

That depends. I belong to a carpenters union. I get no vacation pay, no holiday pay, no sick days. I do get health benefits and good pay WHEN I WORK.

In my area, paper making is a big deal. Those union workers got personal time off, holidays, 6 to 8 weeks of vacation, paid birthdays, free work boots, etc.

And the paper mill went broke. Last year they bulldozed the entire (a billion dollar business) to the ground. Unions can be good or bad. Since we live in a global economy, anyone who thinks that with a high school education should be paid like a PHD causes their own demise.

I pretty much agree with everything in the op. But that is not the whole story. I can't tell you how many people I kno who have started their own lawn business and are doing very well. Many people who take,things in their own hands can find ways to be very successful. And I can't tell you either how many small businesses say they need four or five more people but can't find anyone that wants to work or is dependable. Welders, machinists, plumbers, and mechanics are in huge demand because they can't find any. Has anyone heard the old saw, " you have to pay your dues"

Is,it,true you can't just work hard, you have to also,work smart? Yes. But an awful lot,of people need to stop,whining and start doing. I have been doing the same thing for 45 years. Successfully. My wife started her restaurant business 10 years ago and now she has two. It took a lot of,sacrifice, teamwork,,and perseverance. There is so much opportunity if you just look for,it. Will everyone make,it? No. Does everyone deserve to make it? No.

I made a promise when I was young that I would be my own boss. That I would never put myself in a position where someone could come in and tell me I have 15 minutes to clean out my desk. This country gave me that chance and I took full advantage of it. It is still possible.
The conservatives have killed unions. Causing a drop in working class wages .

Bullshit. Unions have killed unions.

That depends. I belong to a carpenters union. I get no vacation pay, no holiday pay, no sick days. I do get health benefits and good pay WHEN I WORK.

In my area, paper making is a big deal. Those union workers got personal time off, holidays, 6 to 8 weeks of vacation, paid birthdays, free work boots, etc.

And the paper mill went broke. Last year they bulldozed the entire (a billion dollar business) to the ground. Unions can be good or bad. Since we live in a global economy, anyone who thinks that with a high school education should be paid like a PHD causes their own demise.


Where I worked, they had Teamsters representation. Drivers made 22.80 per hour, 2 personal days (paid), 6 sick days (paid), 14 paid vacation days for the first 3 years, 3 weeks after 4 years, 4 weeks after 6 years and 5 weeks after 10 years. Holiday pay, overtime. Oh, and excellent health and retirement.

The company STILL made huge profits and, in general, there was excellent working conditions.

The problem? Guys who have worked there all their working lives have been told that their pensions are being cut in half by the Teamsters.

Some of these guys had worked there 35-45 years. It not the companies fault, it is the fault of the leadership at the TOP of the teamsters.
To fix what the Socialists have done to this country??? Most of what you're complaining about was done by Capitalists who have focused on the Investor class rather than the middle class. It's survival of the fittest more than ever and rather than complain about the lack of jobs, you need to figure out a way to forge your way. Dont settle, fight for what you want. There are over 3 million job openings in this country as we speak - jobs in which many Americans lack the skill sets to fill. Yeah, the world has changed significantly in your lifetime, but the solution is to rise up and meet the challenge, not blame politicians. Sure it's hard, but so what.

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