Fusion Energy Will Change Everything

Trump broke no laws when he failed to divest or set up a blind trust- I never said he did. But every president before him did so. BtW, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about re blind trusts:

BLIND TRUST: "a financial arrangement in which a person in public office gives the administration of private business interests to an independent trust in order to prevent conflict of interest. Under the trust, the owner does not know how the assets are managed."


"A blind trust is a trust established by the owner (or trustor) giving another party (the trustee) full control of the trust. The trustee has full discretion over the assets and investments while being charged with managing the assets and any income generated in the trust. The trustor can terminate the trust, but otherwise exercises no control over the actions taken within the trust and receives no reports from the trustees while the blind trust is in force. Blind trusts are often established in situations when individuals want to avoid conflicts of interest between their employment and investments.


A blind trust is a trust in which the trust beneficiaries have no knowledge of the holdings of the trust, and no right to intervene in their handling. In a blind trust, the trustees (fiduciaries, or those who have been given power of attorney) have full discretion over the assets. Blind trusts are generally used when a trust creator (sometimes called a settlor, trustor, grantor, or donor) wishes for the beneficiary to be unaware of the specific assets in the trust, such as to avoid conflict of interest between the beneficiary and the investments.

And how do you know what investments Biden has made?
The Spirit of St Louis had a radio and two compasses ... neither of which are available on your Toyota ...
The Toyota doesn't come with an AM/FM radio???

please don't drop acid and try to drive this thing, it'll'be tomorrow before you get it started ...
I used to repair and modify cars as a hobby and can drive most anything from a dirt bike to a H-400 Hough. I'm sure I can drive that with one arm tied behind my back.
Sharpton hasn't held a federal office since 1994 (that would be 28 years ago). And, again, I don't think Al and Joe hang out a lot together. You're just rattling off names.
You think?????? And here you are, wrong. You dont get tired of being wrong?


The only accusations I made was that you failed to address (and still have not) your earlier comment that Biden hated America and that you made an error when, in your attempt to insult the man, you listed both Sen Robert Byrd and Rep Tashida Tlaib as Biden associates simply verifying his long reputation of working across the aisle, So I'm not sure what accusation you're talking about.
You are such a two faced lying hypocrite.

Where, which, post of mine states Biden, hates America? Certainly if you dont have that right all there is to do is point out your are making strawman arguments, false premises, and are simply a complete idiot. I really hope I dont put my foot in my mouth, cause there is no room with you putting words in my mouth. A nice nasty habit of yours, which I guess I can play that game as well.

Your turn, which post was that comment you have not quoted once from.
Biden is not money-hungry nor does he hate America. Trump is money hungry and he may not hate this country, but he doesn't care for it in the least. It wasn't Biden that suggested doing away with the Constitution. It wasn't Biden having dinner with anti-semitic white nationalist whackos. It wasn't Biden that tried to overthrow a free and fair election in order to hang onto power. Trump is stupid and insane and anyone who supports him is at least as stupid.
Now how about explaining what any of this has to do with fusion energy?

Why should I explain why any of what you posted has to do with the OP you created?

You took your thread off topic and now you tell me to explain what this has to do with fusion energy?

You are fucking stupid
Biden is not money-hungry nor does he hate America.
How about keeping your OP on topic, especially when you are so stupid that you forgot it was you who took the thread off topic.

And as far as you putting words in my mouth, claiming I stated Biden hated America. You are the only person in this entire thread that used the word, "hate", and "biden", in a post.

You are really fucking dumb, crick
The recent fusion energy breakthrough may well be the solution to a great many problems. It uses fuel obtained from sea water. It produces no radioactive waste. It produces no greenhouse gases. In six months the Japanese will have built one that fits into a Cooper Mini which will then do 0-60 in 0.86 seconds ; - )
Apparently scientists in California claimed to have obtained more energy out of a fusion reactor than what was put in. If that's true, that's a great turning point -

The recent fusion energy breakthrough may well be the solution to a great many problems. It uses fuel obtained from sea water. It produces no radioactive waste. It produces no greenhouse gases. In six months the Japanese will have built one that fits into a Cooper Mini which will then do 0-60 in 0.86 seconds ; - )
We are a long, long way from fusion power.
What example? That Biden has always worked across the aisle? Awesome.
Biden hadn’t worked across the aisle with political rivals to push bipartisan policy. He had worked with members of his own party—run by men who placed him in positions of power—on issues they agreed on--men that were racist, segregationists, anti-semetic, members/leaders of the KKK
The Toyota doesn't come with an AM/FM radio???

I used to repair and modify cars as a hobby and can drive most anything from a dirt bike to a H-400 Hough. I'm sure I can drive that with one arm tied behind my back.

Cessna 172 comes with two two-way voice communication channels and two navigation channels ... two transponders and an emergency radio in back ... minimal ILS capabilities will add two more radios ...

Not AM or FM ... FAA ...
For some reason it would not surprise me if the Dems oppose Fusion but want to use wind turbines and solar panels instead.
The dems already oppose fusion. They shut down our super collider being built in texas. That was back during the time of clinton. It would of, and still would be the largest in the world.
For some reason it would not surprise me if the Dems oppose Fusion but want to use wind turbines and solar panels instead.
The dems already oppose fusion. They shut down our super collider being built in texas. That was back during the time of clinton. It would of, and still would be the largest in the world.
The dems already oppose fusion. They shut down our super collider being built in texas. That was back during the time of clinton. It would have, and still would be the largest in the world.
I remember that. I was disappointed when it happened.
Until the wealthy, and powerful can figure out how to leverage this tech for more profit, and power; it will never see the light of day for the plebes. If you think for one second they would let this thing come on line, and then tell the masses "we did it guys! Enjoy all the saving with your cheaper products and,10 dollar a month powerbill..." You are woefully ignorant.
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