funny how liberals whine about job loss and then.......

invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....

Who is it that refuses to come to the table on immigration reform ... that's right ... the whining right wing loons.

We don't need immigration reform. There is nothing wrong with our immigration as it is. It's just that some don't want to comply with our laws and regulations, but that doesn't mean we need to change our immigration laws just for them.
No need to do more. Let Bashar AL Assad and Iran deal with ISIS.).

100% stupid and liberal. They have tried to deal and so far ISIS is spreading and more evil than Hitler. Do you want to make friends with them the way liberals wanted to make friends with Stalin when he was killing 60 milion??

We did make friends with Shtalin, you moron.

I'm saying let Bashir do his thing without interference or sanctions. Who cares what those morons do over there? If we weren't airstriking them, they wouldn't even be sending lone wolves over here. They wouldn't even exist as a terrorist organization if not for your buddy Bush's meddling monking. Let the g-d Vikings take England, you fool!

Maybe you should look up some history. Bin Laden retaliated with 911 because of Clinton, not Bush.

Our constant interference in Middle East affairs for the prior 60 years is what caused 9-11
invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....

Who is it that refuses to come to the table on immigration reform ... that's right ... the whining right wing loons.

We don't need immigration reform. There is nothing wrong with our immigration as it is. It's just that some don't want to comply with our laws and regulations, but that doesn't mean we need to change our immigration laws just for them.
Go ahead and build that wall, Mr Gorbachev. LOL.

But Mexico is not going to pay for it. That's a pipe dream.
invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....

Who is it that refuses to come to the table on immigration reform ... that's right ... the whining right wing loons.

We don't need immigration reform. There is nothing wrong with our immigration as it is. It's just that some don't want to comply with our laws and regulations, but that doesn't mean we need to change our immigration laws just for them.
Go ahead and build that wall, Mr Gorbachev. LOL.

But Mexico is not going to pay for it. That's a pipe dream.

I never said they were. But it does need to be built unless our legislators can create a new law that states anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum prison sentence of five years. Then we wouldn't need the wall because they would stay on their side of the border.
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....

Who is it that refuses to come to the table on immigration reform ... that's right ... the whining right wing loons.

We don't need immigration reform. There is nothing wrong with our immigration as it is. It's just that some don't want to comply with our laws and regulations, but that doesn't mean we need to change our immigration laws just for them.
Go ahead and build that wall, Mr Gorbachev. LOL.

But Mexico is not going to pay for it. That's a pipe dream.

I never said they were. But it does need to be built unless our legislators can create a new law that states anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum prison sentence of five years. Then we wouldn't need the wall because they would stay on their side of the border.
how many times did the great wall of china stop invasions?
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....

Who is it that refuses to come to the table on immigration reform ... that's right ... the whining right wing loons.

We don't need immigration reform. There is nothing wrong with our immigration as it is. It's just that some don't want to comply with our laws and regulations, but that doesn't mean we need to change our immigration laws just for them.
Go ahead and build that wall, Mr Gorbachev. LOL.

But Mexico is not going to pay for it. That's a pipe dream.

I never said they were. But it does need to be built unless our legislators can create a new law that states anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum prison sentence of five years. Then we wouldn't need the wall because they would stay on their side of the border.

As if our prisons aren't crowded enough already ...

There is a cost to building the wall.

There is a cost to trying to deport all illegals.

There is a cost to your plan.

There is a cost to doing nothing.

Comprehensive immigration reform, if negotiated in good faith and without the partisanship (ha ha ha ha), could ensure that the costs of whatever is done are minimized, and best balanced by benefits to our natuon.

The right wing loons should come to the table and leave off the "my way or the highway" attitude on this issue.
invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....

Who is it that refuses to come to the table on immigration reform ... that's right ... the whining right wing loons.

No immigration reform that involves amnesty should be on the table.
And while both dems and repubs keep letting em in,only republican voters want em gone.
Why the hell do you think Trump is so popular?
So dont bother bringing up what our back stabbing RINOs are up to,because the repub populace is letting them know we wont take their shit anymore.
invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....
you have yet prove I support illegal immigration.

If you vote for pretty much anyone but Trump you do.
invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....

Who is it that refuses to come to the table on immigration reform ... that's right ... the whining right wing loons.

We don't need immigration reform. There is nothing wrong with our immigration as it is. It's just that some don't want to comply with our laws and regulations, but that doesn't mean we need to change our immigration laws just for them.
Go ahead and build that wall, Mr Gorbachev. LOL.

But Mexico is not going to pay for it. That's a pipe dream.

It'd be easy enough to do. Just tax the shit out of monies sent back to mexico.
That money should be spent here,not in mexico.
invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....
you have yet prove I support illegal immigration.

If you vote for pretty much anyone but Trump you do.
then that would include every voting American, since Trump has never ran for public office to the voting stage.
Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....

Who is it that refuses to come to the table on immigration reform ... that's right ... the whining right wing loons.

We don't need immigration reform. There is nothing wrong with our immigration as it is. It's just that some don't want to comply with our laws and regulations, but that doesn't mean we need to change our immigration laws just for them.
Go ahead and build that wall, Mr Gorbachev. LOL.

But Mexico is not going to pay for it. That's a pipe dream.

I never said they were. But it does need to be built unless our legislators can create a new law that states anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum prison sentence of five years. Then we wouldn't need the wall because they would stay on their side of the border.
how many times did the great wall of china stop invasions?

The Chinese didnt have helicopters,infrared or ma deuce.
Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....

Who is it that refuses to come to the table on immigration reform ... that's right ... the whining right wing loons.

We don't need immigration reform. There is nothing wrong with our immigration as it is. It's just that some don't want to comply with our laws and regulations, but that doesn't mean we need to change our immigration laws just for them.
Go ahead and build that wall, Mr Gorbachev. LOL.

But Mexico is not going to pay for it. That's a pipe dream.

I never said they were. But it does need to be built unless our legislators can create a new law that states anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum prison sentence of five years. Then we wouldn't need the wall because they would stay on their side of the border.

As if our prisons aren't crowded enough already ...

There is a cost to building the wall.

There is a cost to trying to deport all illegals.

There is a cost to your plan.

There is a cost to doing nothing.

Comprehensive immigration reform, if negotiated in good faith and without the partisanship (ha ha ha ha), could ensure that the costs of whatever is done are minimized, and best balanced by benefits to our natuon.

The right wing loons should come to the table and leave off the "my way or the highway" attitude on this issue.

Those right wing loons want the same thing the left wing loons want...amnesty.
And I say fuck that,they need to go.
Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....

Who is it that refuses to come to the table on immigration reform ... that's right ... the whining right wing loons.

We don't need immigration reform. There is nothing wrong with our immigration as it is. It's just that some don't want to comply with our laws and regulations, but that doesn't mean we need to change our immigration laws just for them.
Go ahead and build that wall, Mr Gorbachev. LOL.

But Mexico is not going to pay for it. That's a pipe dream.

I never said they were. But it does need to be built unless our legislators can create a new law that states anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum prison sentence of five years. Then we wouldn't need the wall because they would stay on their side of the border.

As if our prisons aren't crowded enough already ...

There is a cost to building the wall.

There is a cost to trying to deport all illegals.

There is a cost to your plan.

There is a cost to doing nothing.

Comprehensive immigration reform, if negotiated in good faith and without the partisanship (ha ha ha ha), could ensure that the costs of whatever is done are minimized, and best balanced by benefits to our natuon.

The right wing loons should come to the table and leave off the "my way or the highway" attitude on this issue.

The right wing loons didn't sign amnesty into law (illegally) your hero Obama did.

The Republicans are more than willing to talk provided their main issue is addressed first: build the wall.

There is no sense of allowing all these illegals to stay, use our resources, send American dollars back home, take jobs away from real Americans, and lower the wages for the Americans that are working if we just have to go through this all over again in 15 or 20 years.

The Republicans want a wall built first so that any action taken thereafter is the last time we will need to take such action.

Now as for expense, it's an expense no matter what you do, so you might as well do it right in the first place. If we had a law that gave a minimum 5 year sentence for being here illegally, most of these illegals would leave on their own and not come back. How much cheaper can we do it than that?
invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....
you have yet prove I support illegal immigration.

If you vote for pretty much anyone but Trump you do.
then that would include every voting American, since Trump has never ran for public office to the voting stage.

WTF does that have to do with the subject?
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....
you have yet prove I support illegal immigration.

If you vote for pretty much anyone but Trump you do.
then that would include every voting American, since Trump has never ran for public office to the voting stage.

WTF does that have to do with the subject?
Trump have you painting rainbows on a cloudy day?
yes the liberals drive the jobs out and then whine about inequality; destroy the family and whine about inequality; destroy the schools and whine about inequality.

Cons start wars and then whine about debt. .

100% stupid as if we wouldn't be in debt without wars. nice try for a goof liberal

Would we be in as much debt?

And the Cons want to further increase military spending and war mongering while whining about the debt.

Listen to con talk radio someday ... it's incessant whining ever since Obama became President.
Hey Obaombya said increasing drone activity by 50% would be great for the economy. After all he claims to be really good at droning some folks

See what I mean? You cons whine about Obama not doing enough to fight terrorism ... and then you whine about the drones.

Whine if he does. Whine if he don't. Whine if he does. Whine if he don't. Whine. Whine. Whine. Whine. Whine.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Thread successfully hijacked. Operation complete. Commence Dalek withdrawal .
I don't whine about Obama using drones, but you would if Bush used them as much.
Conservatives have no problem hiring illegals at substandard wages while they scream about a wall
Yeah but you clowns continue to support illegal immigration.
Until you stop,your words of whining mean shit....
you have yet prove I support illegal immigration.

If you vote for pretty much anyone but Trump you do.
then that would include every voting American, since Trump has never ran for public office to the voting stage.

WTF does that have to do with the subject?
Trump have you painting rainbows on a cloudy day?
No, but he gives me hope in America. Since Obama has done everything he could to destroy America.
No need to do more. Let Bashar AL Assad and Iran deal with ISIS.).

100% stupid and liberal. They have tried to deal and so far ISIS is spreading and more evil than Hitler. Do you want to make friends with them the way liberals wanted to make friends with Stalin when he was killing 60 milion??

We did make friends with Shtalin, you moron.

I'm saying let Bashir do his thing without interference or sanctions. Who cares what those morons do over there? If we weren't airstriking them, they wouldn't even be sending lone wolves over here. They wouldn't even exist as a terrorist organization if not for your buddy Bush's meddling monking. Let the g-d Vikings take England, you fool!

Maybe you should look up some history. Bin Laden retaliated with 911 because of Clinton, not Bush.
that is a lie.
So bin Laden decided to plan 911 till after Bush became president?
invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

Now that liberals can't win on this issue they are trying to make it seem like republicans support amnesty.

I often wonder if wages would increase dramatically if illegals were removed from this country.

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