funny how liberals whine about job loss and then.......

invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

notice that Trump is in the GOP now where any support for a strong border always was.
no, , the illegals came during Boosh jr. in record numbers.More lip service is all you got.
invite 20 million illegals in to take their jobs. How stupid is that?? Thank God for The Donald!!
The GOP has no problem giving out amnesty for illegals...You noticed they have never deported them and stopped the flow.

notice that Trump is in the GOP now where any support for a strong border always was.
no, , the illegals came during Boosh jr. in record numbers.More lip service is all you got.

100% stupid liberal as always. They came always and now Trump GOP are far strongest on getting rid of them!
Anybody have any thoughts onthe markets crashing by more points inthe last 2 days than oin the 2008 crash?
Don't forget the whine of income inequality.

yes the liberals drive the jobs out and then whine about inequality; destroy the family and whine about inequality; destroy the schools and whine about inequality.

Cons start wars and then whine about debt. Try to descriminate against gays and then whine about freedom. Whine about too many Brown people and too many abortions by Brown people at the same time.

You've got us beat.

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