Full Court Press to Criminalize Free Speech by New Gestapo State


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
You might have noticed the uptick in articles on the 'angry speech has real consequences' meme. Notice central to it is any questioning of election results, now or ever. That's not an accident. Elections are how you keep the power of law enforcement and the government in your hands. Call them on it now before you can't. This is a march toward open fascism.

"Experts who study radicalization and online disinformation — such as Trump's aggressive false claims about a stolen election — note that the recent increase was sparked by a legal search of Trump's Florida home. What might happen in the event of arrests or indictments?

“When messaging reaches a certain pitch, things start to happen in the real world,” said former New Jersey Attorney General John Farmer, a onetime federal prosecutor who now directs the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University. “And when people in positions of power and public trust start to echo extremist rhetoric, it’s even more likely that we’re going to see real-world consequences.”"
Fear projection presented as sure to occur fact and in the worst manner possible
Lib 101
The fascist are the ones who deny the election results validated and certified by every sovereign state in the Union. How does the DOI put it?

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Sorry Neo-GOP, losing a tight election and having a near even split in Congress, is not you being reduced to living under absolute Depostism. Ya'll are whining over Benedict Donald, your cult leader's criminal behavior being exposed once again.
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Man, y'all have no bearing on what the fuck Gestapo actually was, then or now...

I would bet that the violence ratio between left wingers and the mainstream people is over 20 to 1.
The mainstream people are sitting at home watching the chaos, mayhem and violence being committed by left wing crackpot fanatics, on TV and then they are being called dangerous extremist domestic terrorists.
You might have noticed the uptick in articles on the 'angry speech has real consequences' meme. Notice central to it is any questioning of election results, now or ever. That's not an accident. Elections are how you keep the power of law enforcement and the government in your hands. Call them on it now before you can't. This is a march toward open fascism.

"Experts who study radicalization and online disinformation — such as Trump's aggressive false claims about a stolen election — note that the recent increase was sparked by a legal search of Trump's Florida home. What might happen in the event of arrests or indictments?

“When messaging reaches a certain pitch, things start to happen in the real world,” said former New Jersey Attorney General John Farmer, a onetime federal prosecutor who now directs the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University. “And when people in positions of power and public trust start to echo extremist rhetoric, it’s even more likely that we’re going to see real-world consequences.”"
The premise of your OP is a lie. No one has said that election results cannot be questioned. Did you even read your own link. It is all about inciting violence, That is not covered by your right to free speech. Claims such as yours just throw fuel on the fire. Stupid people believe it which just makes things worse. Stop it Fool!
You might have noticed the uptick in articles on the 'angry speech has real consequences' meme. Notice central to it is any questioning of election results, now or ever. That's not an accident. Elections are how you keep the power of law enforcement and the government in your hands. Call them on it now before you can't. This is a march toward open fascism.

"Experts who study radicalization and online disinformation — such as Trump's aggressive false claims about a stolen election — note that the recent increase was sparked by a legal search of Trump's Florida home. What might happen in the event of arrests or indictments?

“When messaging reaches a certain pitch, things start to happen in the real world,” said former New Jersey Attorney General John Farmer, a onetime federal prosecutor who now directs the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University. “And when people in positions of power and public trust start to echo extremist rhetoric, it’s even more likely that we’re going to see real-world consequences.”"
Americans against elections. Join the movement!
I would bet that the violence ratio between left wingers and the mainstream people is over 20 to 1.
The mainstream people are sitting at home watching the chaos, mayhem and violence being committed by left wing crackpot fanatics, on TV and then they are being called dangerous extremist domestic terrorists.
The only violence being caused is by right wing militias. The Left hasn't done anything violent since the Vietnam War.
I would bet that the violence ratio between left wingers and the mainstream people is over 20 to 1.
The mainstream people are sitting at home watching the chaos, mayhem and violence being committed by left wing crackpot fanatics, on TV and then they are being called dangerous extremist domestic terrorists.

And meantime, in these horrendous ultra-violent primary elections, Trump has a 95% endorsed candidate win rate!!

Scared Bidenista's create fake scare stories as they're so F'in scared.
“Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances, because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch, and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is,” Clinton said in an interview with her former communications director Jennifer Palmieri for Showtime's “The Circus,” which released a clip Tuesday.
The premise of your OP is a lie. No one has said that election results cannot be questioned. Did you even read your own link. It is all about inciting violence, That is not covered by your right to free speech. Claims such as yours just throw fuel on the fire. Stupid people believe it which just makes things worse. Stop it Fool!

This clearly equates any non-acceptance of official election results as in itself inciting violence. Wrong Think. Big Brother will visit.

"Experts who study radicalization and online disinformation — such as Trump's aggressive false claims about a stolen election.."
I would bet that the violence ratio between left wingers and the mainstream people is over 20 to 1.
The mainstream people are sitting at home watching the chaos, mayhem and violence being committed by left wing crackpot fanatics, on TV and then they are being called dangerous extremist domestic terrorists.
If you opposed burning, looting, murdering then you are singling out a type of people and are racist and sowing violent discord
'The Circus' could have been a cutting-edge political show, but instead fell into total mediocrity having one RINO, McKinnon and 3 Clintonista/Bidenista's.

Statist propaganda at it's best.
The fascist are the ones who deny the election results validated and certified by every sovereign state in the Union. How does the DOI put it?

That's right even certified by Michigan where two GOP certifying officials in Detroit wished to retract their votes to certify because they were under threats and duress. Someone sent them pictures of dead naked women and said 'this could be your daughter' if you don't certify. Nice people you are. But anytime that gets brought up here it gets shoved in the conspiracy section, even though the sources are all mainstream media. Yea real nice people.

From DetroitNews.com “GOP canvassers try to rescind votes to certify Wayne County election“:

“GOP canvassers try to rescind votes to certify Wayne County election Two Republican Wayne County canvassers have signed affidavits saying they regret their votes Tuesday to certify the Nov. 3 election, arguing that “intense bullying and coercion” plus bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election after they had voted no.”

ABC News 12Woman accused of threatening Wayne County Board of Canvassers chairwoman“:

“Palmer voted against certifying the county’s results, which showed Democrat Joe Biden with a decisive win over President Donald Trump in Wayne County.Schneider said Jones began sending text messages to Palmer’s phone early the following morning. Jones allegedly called Palmer a racist and a terrorist while using “graphic and profane language,” he said.The text messages also included images of a bloody, naked and mutilated woman’s body lying on the ground — immediately followed by a photo of Palmer’s young daughter and a message reading, “I’d just like you to imagine that’s…your beautiful daughter,” according to Schneider.Another message allegedly from Jones read, “You should be afraid, your daughter should be afraid, and so should” your husband, using his name.”
That's right even certified by Michigan where two GOP certifying officials in Detroit wished to retract their votes to certify because they were under threats and duress. Someone sent them pictures of dead naked women and said 'this could be your daughter' if you don't certify. Nice people you are. But anytime that gets brought up here it gets shoved in the conspiracy section, even though the sources are all mainstream media. Yea real nice people.

From DetroitNews.com “GOP canvassers try to rescind votes to certify Wayne County election“:

“GOP canvassers try to rescind votes to certify Wayne County election Two Republican Wayne County canvassers have signed affidavits saying they regret their votes Tuesday to certify the Nov. 3 election, arguing that “intense bullying and coercion” plus bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election after they had voted no.”

ABC News 12Woman accused of threatening Wayne County Board of Canvassers chairwoman“:

“Palmer voted against certifying the county’s results, which showed Democrat Joe Biden with a decisive win over President Donald Trump in Wayne County.Schneider said Jones began sending text messages to Palmer’s phone early the following morning. Jones allegedly called Palmer a racist and a terrorist while using “graphic and profane language,” he said.The text messages also included images of a bloody, naked and mutilated woman’s body lying on the ground — immediately followed by a photo of Palmer’s young daughter and a message reading, “I’d just like you to imagine that’s…your beautiful daughter,” according to Schneider.Another message allegedly from Jones read, “You should be afraid, your daughter should be afraid, and so should” your husband, using his name.”

First, people who do that should face the full punishment of the law.

Had they continued with their initial refusal the issue would have ended up in court where they would have to support their decision to not certify, with facts. So I suspect all they had were allegations, like all the rest.
The premise of your OP is a lie. No one has said that election results cannot be questioned.
I suppose.

But you Nazis throw people in the Gulag is the DO question them - so it's kind of a dissincentive.

Did you even read your own link. It is all about inciting violence, That is not covered by your right to free speech. Claims such as yours just throw fuel on the fire. Stupid people believe it which just makes things worse. Stop it Fool!

You Nazis incite violence constantly.

A few weeks ago you were inciting your Brown Shirts to murder SCOTUS justices.

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