From the river to the sea…

There was an un-provoked attack by Islam on Jewish citizens. The only question is “how? Did Israel allow the attack? Protection showed up late”? If so? Very messy. 100% iron clad proof of torture may not matter. Thousands murdered and 300 hostages taken (again unprovoked) is bad enough. A few more facts would help.

If the unprovoked attack happened as described, Israel now has the right demand all hostages returned in 8 hours or they will MOAB Mecca right away. Next goes HAMAS hiding in Tehran. Muslims must pay the price for the brutal attack. After that (if no progress) it is time to launch the end game. Whatever it takes, as they say in Silicon Valley.

50 years playing games is long enough. this is it.//
exactly what one considers provoked would seem the issue lefty

There was an un-provoked attack by Islam on Jewish citizens. The only question is “how? Did Israel allow the attack? Protection showed up late”? If so? Very messy. 100% iron clad proof of torture may not matter. Thousands murdered and 300 hostages taken (again unprovoked) is bad enough. A few more facts would help.

If the unprovoked attack happened as described, Israel now has the right demand all hostages returned in 8 hours or they will MOAB Mecca right away. Next goes HAMAS hiding in Tehran. Muslims must pay the price for the brutal attack. After that (if no progress) it is time to launch the end game. Whatever it takes, as they say in Silicon Valley.

50 years playing games is long enough. this is it.//

You want to nuke Mecca? You must be a very sick Zionist.

Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state.

Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.
You want to nuke Mecca? You must be a very sick Zionist.

Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state.

Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.

No one believes your CNN babble. Pound sand black-mouthed OX. This is now. 60 years after. Muslims deal with it as-is or pay the price. I would be very tired of Arab BS if I was Israel. I would go "all in" now if the unprovoked dawn attack happened as told. This is it. The time is up. You don't slaughter & torture children, rape and hold hostages.

If by small chance Israel set it all up? I doubt it. The killers filmed a lot of it and emailed to relatives. The party is over Ackmhed.
You want to nuke Mecca? You must be a very sick Zionist.

Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state.

Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.

Let’s hear a few messages from radio Hamas.
No one believes your CNN babble. Pound sand black-mouthed OX. This is now. 60 years after. Muslims deal with it as-is or pay the price. I would be very tired of Arab BS if I was Israel. I would go "all in" now if the unprovoked dawn attack happened as told. This is it. The time is up. You don't slaughter & torture children, rape and hold hostages.

If by small chance Israel set it all up? I doubt it. The killers filmed a lot of it and emailed to relatives. The party is over Ackmhed.

Why not? Have you forgotten the Lavon Affair or the bombing of the USS Liberty or the he Suez Crisis or the Sabra and Shatilla massacre? They have betrayed every US president since Truman.
Why not? Have you forgotten the Lavon Affair or the bombing of the USS Liberty or the he Suez Crisis or the Sabra and Shatilla massacre? They have betrayed every US president since Truman.
Wow, three antisemitic canards in a row, repeated a million times by Palestinian IslamoNazi supporters. So original.
Sorry, as an American, I do not combine church and state, you fucking traitor!
The traitor IslamoNazi lovers nowadays are people like you, that after celebrating the barbarism of Oct 7, you went out and and joined pro Palestinian pro Hamas demonstrations, a day or two after Oct 7, before Israel had even gone in to Gaza. To the horror of most Americans, they didn’t even know lunatics like you lived among them.

So not only are you a traitor, you’re also mentally sick.
The traitor IslamoNazi lovers nowadays are people like you, that after celebrating the barbarism of Oct 7, you went out and and joined pro Palestinian pro Hamas demonstrations, a day or two after Oct 7, before Israel had even gone in to Gaza. To the horror of most Americans, they didn’t even know lunatics like you lived among them.

So not only are you a traitor, you’re also mentally sick.

Israel has been at war with the neighbors for 80 years. Before that she was killing British peacekeepers . Just maybe they're the problem.
Israel has been at war with the neighbors for 80 years. Before that she was killing British peacekeepers . Just maybe they're the problem.

400000 butchered in a month inRwanda must really upset you, eh? why don’t you and all the queers in Hollywood go in and haul “innocent GAZA citizens to safety in another Country using Barbra Striesands and Chers private jet fleet. Talk is cheap. Do something. You’ve had 50 years. The country outlines were created. Tell the horde to deal with it or face nuclear wipeout.
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Israel has been at war with the neighbors for 80 years. Before that she was killing British peacekeepers . Just maybe they're the problem.
The opposite actually, Israel’s neighbors have been at war with Israel, because they refused to accept it As a legitimate Jewish. Some have come around and seen the light, but others are still holding out and want their assess kicked a few more times.

Arabs have always invaded, looted, and raped other people and lands since the beginning of Islam. Muslim intolerance and inability to coexist is the problem. What happened on Oct. 7 was simply an enactment of what Muhammad’s followers were promised, should they enlist in his Jihad invasions, caravan raids and barbarism. They got to loot, rape and murder and Moe told them they would still go to heaven and get the 72 virgins. And as we can see, they haven’t stopped.

Over 80% of Palestinians approved of Hamas’ barbarism on Oct. 7. What a G-d forsaken evil people.

I bet you and your buddies ate sweets on Oct 7.
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The opposite actually, Israel’s neighbors have been at war with Israel, because they refused to accept it As a legitimate Jewish. Some have come around and seen the light, but others are still holding out and want their assess kicked a few more times.

Arabs have always invaded, looted, and raped other people and lands since the beginning of Islam. Muslim intolerance and inability to coexist is the problem. What happened on Oct. 7 was simply an enactment of what Muhammad’s followers were promised, should they enlist in his Jihad invasions, caravan raids and barbarism. They got to loot, rape and murder and Moe told them they would still go to heaven and get the 72 virgins. And as we can see, they haven’t stopped.

Over 80% of Palestinians approved of Hamas’ barbarism on Oct. 7. What a G-d forsaken evil people.

I bet you and your buddies ate sweets in Oct 7.

400000 butchered in a month inRwanda must really upset you, eh? why don’t you and all the queers in Hollywood go in and haul “innocent GAZA citizens to safety in another Country using Barbra Striesands and Chers private jet fleet. Talk is cheap. Do something. You’ve had 50 years. The country outlines were created. Tell the horde to deal with it or face nuclear wipeout.

They are badly damaged people. Hitler's legacy.

Once again moron, Jews formed armed militias after many massacres such as Hebron Massacre of 1929, when Arab IslamoNazis committed genocide similar to that of Oct. 7. Not much has changed.

Here’s something that is bound to bring you holiday cheer.

Once again moron, Jews formed armed militias after many massacres such as Hebron Massacre of 1929, when Arab IslamoNazis committed genocide similar to that of Oct. 7. Not much has changed.

Here’s something that is bound to bring you holiday cheer.

View attachment 861047

They formed their terror gangs in 1920-1922.

The 2017 charter accepted for the first time the idea of a Palestinian state within the borders that existed before 1967 and rejected recognition of Israel, which it terms as the "Zionist enemy". It advocates such a state as transitional but also advocates the "liberation of all of Palestine".
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Hamas Charter - Wikipedia
They formed their terror gangs in 1920-1922.

The 2017 charter accepted for the first time the idea of a Palestinian state within the borders that existed before 1967 and rejected recognition of Israel, which it terms as the "Zionist enemy". It advocates such a state as transitional but also advocates the "liberation of all of Palestine".
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Hamas Charter - Wikipedia
They formed their gangs because the Nazi Mufti kept agitating the Arabs and spreading lies about the Jews, which led to many massacres. The gangs were essentially armed militias, created to defend the Jews from the Arab savages.

They formed their gangs because the Nazi Mufti kept agitating the Arabs and spreading lies about the Jews, which led to many massacres. The gangs were essentially armed militias, created to defend the Jews from the Arab savages.

View attachment 861091

Long before the mufti. The way forward starts with telling the truth.

The mufti is not to blame for expulsions and persecution in Europe or Hitler or the Holocaust.

He was trying to solve the problem Israel faces now.. and the abuses of the past 80 years.


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