From the French


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
PE is sure to disagree with:

A Printemps Arabe?
A grudging nod to W from Le Monde's editorialists! (Hat Tip: Paris-based attorney Luis Roth).

Mais ce "printemps arabe", selon l'expression des médias américains, doit être encouragé et au besoin défendu par tous ceux qui voient dans le respect des droits de l'homme une valeur universelle.
Le mérite de George W. Bush est d'avoir tenu ce discours dès le lendemain des attentats du 11-Septembre - mis à part quelques écarts de langage sur "la nouvelle croisade". Il a développé l'idée que les peuples musulmans avaient le droit à la liberté, à la démocratie, à la prospérité. Il ne l'a pas fait seulement par altruisme mais parce qu'il est convaincu qu'une telle évolution correspond aux intérêts de sécurité des Etats-Unis.


But this "Arab Spring", per the expression of the American media, must be encouraged and if needed defended by all those who see respect for human rights as a universal value.

The merit of George Bush is to have held firm to his discourse from the day after 9/11--apart from some unfortunate language about "the new crusade." He developed the idea that the Muslim peoples have the right to freedom, to democracy, to prosperity. He didn't do this only out of altruism but because he is convinced that such evolution corresponds to the security interests of the United States.

As I said, grudging. But pas mal nevertheless, eh?

Posted by Gregory at March 8, 2005 11:37 PM
So the politics of freedom yielding fruit is slowly changing minds??? What next Bush's pic on the Eurodollar???
I won't hold my breath :mm:
Damn! Isn't printing such slander illegal in France? I'm surprised that Jacques hasn't sent in a SWAT team to shut down this pack of depraved demagogues.
Merlin1047 said:
Damn! Isn't printing such slander illegal in France? I'm surprised that Jacques hasn't sent in a SWAT team to shut down this pack of depraved demagogues.

He may have, we need to check. :smoke:
Yeah that's quiet surprising...I think Le Monde is a right wing newspaper, so it's more likely to come out with something like this than other newspapers...
Ps: As far as I know the "Le Monde" headquarter hasn't beenransacked by Chirac
"Le Monde" is rather a left wing newspaper and Chirac is for sure right wing and liberal.

Whatever your side, "Le Monde" has the reputation of being well informed, honest and very complete. On the other side it is very long to read and sometimes quite complex.

In fact, I think that whatever your political color, anyone in France know that the recent tendency has been to radicalize their position with the US foreign politics.

They know that both countries share the same point of view about how the world should be. Sometimes, they disagree of the way to get it.

In that matter, they are glad to show that they share the same point of view.

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