From Maddow to Hannity: How the Division Pimps operate and win


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I define "Division Pimps" as media professionals who have a vested professional interest in keeping their fans angry, mal-informed, and isolated from the other tribe. An excellent example from each tribe would be Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity.

While each of them have their own style (Maddow very calm, articulate and professorial, Hannity very passionate, animated and aggressive), they both play the same game to keep their flocks angry.

What they do is start with FACTS -- verifiable, provable, inarguable FACTS that they can lean on. That gives them and their flocks full license to claim that they "Speak The Truth". But THEN, while standing on those FACTS, and among those FACTS, they insert wild hyperbole, ridiculous assumptions and extrapolations, and abject distortions of the words, positions and thoughts of the other tribe. They also fully ignore, avoid, downplay and dismiss all FACTS that don't fit their intellectually dishonest agenda.

THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. They know that their flocks will buy the whole burrito as DA TROOF, since they started off with FACTS, and because their flock is so comfy with what they're being told.

Because they START with actual FACTS, they and their flocks can defend it by asking: "Gee, what facts are they providing that are wrong?" IT'S NOT THE FOUNDATIONAL FACTS. IT'S THE BIG ONE-SIDED PICTURE THAT THEY'RE INSERTING BETWEEN THE FACTS TO SUPPORT THEIR AGENDA.

What I don't know, what I can't say for sure, is whether they realize they're doing it, or if they are just so lost in their partisan ideology that they don't realize it. I honestly don't know which would be worse. That type of behavior is why I find the psychology of partisan ideology so fascinating, and why I observe it so carefully. I want to at least understand things that are this destructive.

These people have a great deal of influence, and they have a significant responsibility in our increasing divisions. All I can hope is that one day they'll truly see what they've done, and they'll be honest enough and brave enough to admit it and push back in the opposite direction, against what they have done.
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They get paid big bucks to divide Americans. The billionaires who hire them and the government agencies who control them, want it this way.

I define "Division Pimps" as media professionals who have a vested professional interest in keeping their fans angry, mal-informed, and isolated from the other tribe. An excellent example from each tribe would be Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity.

While each of them have their own style (Maddow very calm, articulate and professorial, Hannity very passionate, animated and aggressive), they both play the same game to keep their flocks angry.

What they do is start with FACTS -- verifiable, provable, inarguable FACTS that they can lean on. That gives them and their flocks full license to claim that they "Speak The Truth". But THEN, while standing on those FACTS, and among those FACTS, they insert wild hyperbole, ridiculous assumptions and extrapolations, and abject distortions of the words, positions and thoughts of the other tribe. They also fully ignore, avoid, downplay and dismiss all FACTS that don't fit their intellectually dishonest agenda.

THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. They know that their flocks will buy the whole burrito as DA TROOF, since they started off with FACTS, and because their flock is so comfy with what they're being told.

But because they START with actual FACTS, they and their flocks can defend it by asking: "Gee, what facts are they providing that are wrong?" IT'S NOT THE FOUNDATIONAL FACTS. IT'S THE BIG ONE-SIDED PICTURE THAT THEY'RE INSERTING BETWEEN THE FACTS TO SUPPORT THEIR AGENDA.

What I don't know, what I can't say for sure, is whether they realize they're doing it, or if they are just so lost in their partisan ideology that they don't realize it. I honestly don't know which would be worse. That type of behavior is why I find the psychology of partisan ideology so fascinating, and why I observe it so carefully. I want to at least understand things that are this destructive.

These people have a great deal of influence, and they have a significant responsibility in our increasing divisions. All I can hope is that one day they'll truly see what they've done, and they'll be honest enough and brave enough to admit it and push back in the opposite direction, against what they have done.
The only reason Fox exists is to keep us at each other. Fox points out what the left is doing and the left attacks Fox.
Too many people are buying into what CNN and MSNBC are saying and acting it out. Violence against whites and Orthodox Jews is on the rise. Democrats are trying to take away our right to defend ourselves so that any time one of these nuts on the left wants to murder us in church they can get away with it and not worry about getting blown away. The violent rhetoric being pumped out by progressives is permeating our society. This guarantees that crazies will eventually become violent. The left censors and attacks the right and the right becomes more and more angry about leftist oppression.
They get paid big bucks to divide Americans. The billionaires who hire them and the government agencies who control them, want it this way.

Because as long as we the people remain divided and at each other's throats, they and the officials we "elect" need not fix anything. It's more important that they "stick it" to the other guys for us...
They get paid big bucks to divide Americans. The billionaires who hire them and the government agencies who control them, want it this way.

Because as long as we the people remain divided and at each other's throats, they and the officials we "elect" need not fix anything. It's more important that they "stick it" to the other guys for us...
Yes, while they continue to enrich and empower themselves.

The oligarchy knows if the American people unite, they are toast.
They get paid big bucks to divide Americans. The billionaires who hire them and the government agencies who control them, want it this way.

Because as long as we the people remain divided and at each other's throats, they and the officials we "elect" need not fix anything. It's more important that they "stick it" to the other guys for us...

In comparing Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow, I completely agree they are both misinformation pimps. Of that there is no doubt.
I also agree they are both damaging to our country for that very fact.
Difference is Maddow has the entire media apparatus, as well as the entertainment industry, agreeing and parroting the same misinformation.
mudwhistle has a point. Is Fox News just simply all the rest in a mirror, or are they a necessary sound off against the avalanche of leftist misinformation?
Myself, I find the only way I can get any SEMBLANCE of unmolested information is youtube videos and other online sources. There simply doesn't exist a professional news organization that is unpolluted with political bias to the core. PERIOD.
I don't know how this is every going to be solved. I really don't.
I am sickened and disappointed in the path America is on. We are tearing the foundations of what is great about this country piece by piece.
And that is EXACTLY what the globalist/corporatist/elitist want.
They know exactly what they're doing.

Pandering to their base and sowing division for their own personal gain. Getting rich as hell, both of them.

The fourth estate indeed. It operates an awful lot like the other three, it would seem to me, and has long done so behind protections afforded it under the first amendment.

Trump is a damn dick on a lot of things, but he isn't wrong about 'fake news'. It isn't news, it is political propaganda writ large an awful lot of the time.
To clarify... I get what mud is saying, and this is a question as much as it is a statement...
Hannity's misinformation is reactionary. He reacts to what they left is doing, as well as left media propaganda.
Whereas Maddow is an originator of misinformation. She originates lies. Hannity reacts to lies with hos own lies.
I define "Division Pimps" as media professionals who have a vested professional interest in keeping their fans angry, mal-informed, and isolated from the other tribe. An excellent example from each tribe would be Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity.
Thats interesting

you are not a bigtime media pimp like hannity or maddow but in your own small way an armchair media pimp who loves to hate all things trump

I am reviewing the signature lines that you are so proud of and in this one I find that you are not and never have been interested in compromise with trump voters to achieve common goals

you throw out the baby and the bathwater because you just dont like trump

i have news for you Mac1958

you are a fake

left blind to
life in womb
criminals of color

right blind to
climate change
voting rights
police brutality

isaiah six ten
meant to be

make the mind dull
stop their ears
shut their eyes

until cities lie waste
houses without people
land desolate

old testament
wrath of god
new again
I define "Division Pimps" as media professionals who have a vested professional interest in keeping their fans angry, mal-informed, and isolated from the other tribe. An excellent example from each tribe would be Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity.

While each of them have their own style (Maddow very calm, articulate and professorial, Hannity very passionate, animated and aggressive), they both play the same game to keep their flocks angry.

What they do is start with FACTS -- verifiable, provable, inarguable FACTS that they can lean on. That gives them and their flocks full license to claim that they "Speak The Truth". But THEN, while standing on those FACTS, and among those FACTS, they insert wild hyperbole, ridiculous assumptions and extrapolations, and abject distortions of the words, positions and thoughts of the other tribe. They also fully ignore, avoid, downplay and dismiss all FACTS that don't fit their intellectually dishonest agenda.

THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. They know that their flocks will buy the whole burrito as DA TROOF, since they started off with FACTS, and because their flock is so comfy with what they're being told.

Because they START with actual FACTS, they and their flocks can defend it by asking: "Gee, what facts are they providing that are wrong?" IT'S NOT THE FOUNDATIONAL FACTS. IT'S THE BIG ONE-SIDED PICTURE THAT THEY'RE INSERTING BETWEEN THE FACTS TO SUPPORT THEIR AGENDA.

What I don't know, what I can't say for sure, is whether they realize they're doing it, or if they are just so lost in their partisan ideology that they don't realize it. I honestly don't know which would be worse. That type of behavior is why I find the psychology of partisan ideology so fascinating, and why I observe it so carefully. I want to at least understand things that are this destructive.

These people have a great deal of influence, and they have a significant responsibility in our increasing divisions. All I can hope is that one day they'll truly see what they've done, and they'll be honest enough and brave enough to admit it and push back in the opposite direction, against what they have done.

Fine. I'll bite.

I have been noticing in other threads how divisive you are toward Trump supporters. Almost condescending at times.

Do you want to eliminate division? Stop looking down your nose at people. Practice what you preach. Whether you know it or not, you are playing a role in the very same division you are criticizing.

For example:

Solid press conference.

Nothing special, but it wasn't the former guy's juvenile, flamboyant, bullshitting, damaged ego-fest.

Let the Trumpsters emote. That's what they do.

That is all.
Internecine caterwauling is a lucrative business. Why discuss actual facts when the American public is fascinated by palaver...
Internecine caterwauling is a lucrative business. Why discuss actual facts when the American public is fascinated by palaver...
Sure. These people have a strong professional interest in making and keeping their fans as angry at the other tribe as possible.

I don't think the role they have played in our increasing division is a small one, by any means.
I define "Division Pimps" as media professionals who have a vested professional interest in keeping their fans angry, mal-informed, and isolated from the other tribe. An excellent example from each tribe would be Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity.

While each of them have their own style (Maddow very calm, articulate and professorial, Hannity very passionate, animated and aggressive), they both play the same game to keep their flocks angry.

What they do is start with FACTS -- verifiable, provable, inarguable FACTS that they can lean on. That gives them and their flocks full license to claim that they "Speak The Truth". But THEN, while standing on those FACTS, and among those FACTS, they insert wild hyperbole, ridiculous assumptions and extrapolations, and abject distortions of the words, positions and thoughts of the other tribe. They also fully ignore, avoid, downplay and dismiss all FACTS that don't fit their intellectually dishonest agenda.

THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. They know that their flocks will buy the whole burrito as DA TROOF, since they started off with FACTS, and because their flock is so comfy with what they're being told.

Because they START with actual FACTS, they and their flocks can defend it by asking: "Gee, what facts are they providing that are wrong?" IT'S NOT THE FOUNDATIONAL FACTS. IT'S THE BIG ONE-SIDED PICTURE THAT THEY'RE INSERTING BETWEEN THE FACTS TO SUPPORT THEIR AGENDA.

What I don't know, what I can't say for sure, is whether they realize they're doing it, or if they are just so lost in their partisan ideology that they don't realize it. I honestly don't know which would be worse. That type of behavior is why I find the psychology of partisan ideology so fascinating, and why I observe it so carefully. I want to at least understand things that are this destructive.

These people have a great deal of influence, and they have a significant responsibility in our increasing divisions. All I can hope is that one day they'll truly see what they've done, and they'll be honest enough and brave enough to admit it and push back in the opposite direction, against what they have done.
Rachel Maddow and sean handity are mutually exclusive shows. Maddow presents fact and has guest on that don’t parrot the host.

sean handity’s show is a propaganda arm of the QOP. The fact that he has appeared on QOP political rally stages is proof of it.

so, please trying give handity any credibility.
I define "Division Pimps" as media professionals who have a vested professional interest in keeping their fans angry, mal-informed, and isolated from the other tribe. An excellent example from each tribe would be Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity.

While each of them have their own style (Maddow very calm, articulate and professorial, Hannity very passionate, animated and aggressive), they both play the same game to keep their flocks angry.

What they do is start with FACTS -- verifiable, provable, inarguable FACTS that they can lean on. That gives them and their flocks full license to claim that they "Speak The Truth". But THEN, while standing on those FACTS, and among those FACTS, they insert wild hyperbole, ridiculous assumptions and extrapolations, and abject distortions of the words, positions and thoughts of the other tribe. They also fully ignore, avoid, downplay and dismiss all FACTS that don't fit their intellectually dishonest agenda.

THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. They know that their flocks will buy the whole burrito as DA TROOF, since they started off with FACTS, and because their flock is so comfy with what they're being told.

Because they START with actual FACTS, they and their flocks can defend it by asking: "Gee, what facts are they providing that are wrong?" IT'S NOT THE FOUNDATIONAL FACTS. IT'S THE BIG ONE-SIDED PICTURE THAT THEY'RE INSERTING BETWEEN THE FACTS TO SUPPORT THEIR AGENDA.

What I don't know, what I can't say for sure, is whether they realize they're doing it, or if they are just so lost in their partisan ideology that they don't realize it. I honestly don't know which would be worse. That type of behavior is why I find the psychology of partisan ideology so fascinating, and why I observe it so carefully. I want to at least understand things that are this destructive.

These people have a great deal of influence, and they have a significant responsibility in our increasing divisions. All I can hope is that one day they'll truly see what they've done, and they'll be honest enough and brave enough to admit it and push back in the opposite direction, against what they have done.
Rachel Maddow and sean handity are mutually exclusive shows. Maddow presents fact and has guest on that don’t parrot the host.

sean handity’s show is a propaganda arm of the QOP. The fact that he has appeared on QOP political rally stages is proof of it.

so, please trying give handity any credibility.
Sad. Very sad.

One would think after five years of breathlessly pushing the obvious phony story (Russiagate), she wouldn’t have anyone watching her show. Just goes to prove the establishment can fool some of the people all the time.

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